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Tablet Reasons to Forgive—or Not Forgive 4 Oct 2022
The article discusses the problematic nature of society's admiration for stories of forgiveness, particularly when the forgiver is a victim with less power f...
4 Oct 2022
Tablet Campus Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Excludes and Targets Jews 4 Oct 2022
A recent report by the advocacy group Stop Antisemitism found that out of 24 major college and university diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives,...
4 Oct 2022
Tablet The Divine Feminine 3 Oct 2022
This article discusses the celebration of Navaratri, a nine-night Hindu festival that honors the power of the divine feminine. The celebration takes place in...
3 Oct 2022
Tablet May I Be as Jewish Then as I Am Today 3 Oct 2022
Ruth Wisse's translation of Chaim Grade's "My Quarrel with Hersh Rasseyner" is a deeply intimate and philosophical exploration of Jewish identity and the mea...
3 Oct 2022
Tablet Glamping With God 3 Oct 2022
A personal reflection is shared about confronting mortality and undergoing medical tests, juxtaposed with the symbolism of Sukkot and its lessons of imperman...
3 Oct 2022
Tablet Russia’s Great Transformational Failure 29 Sep 2022
The article discusses Russia's failure to modernize and its transformation from Soviet communism to a Westernized, market-based economy and parliamentary sys...
29 Sep 2022
Tablet The Making of Nikole Hannah-Jones 28 Sep 2022
This text explores the background and influence of journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones, particularly in relation to her work on The 1619 Project. It discusses Han...
28 Sep 2022
Tablet A Hate Crime a Day Keeps the DOJ Away 23 Sep 2022
New York City has been experiencing a significant increase in anti-Jewish hate crimes, particularly targeting Orthodox Jews. Despite some politicians calling...
23 Sep 2022
Tablet Happy Rosh Hashanah From Israel 23 Sep 2022
Vintage Israeli-made Rosh Hashanah cards offer a unique perspective on Israeli history and the changing trends and events of the time. These cards reflect th...
23 Sep 2022
Tablet Ukraine Will Win 23 Sep 2022
This text describes the ongoing conflict in Ukraine between Russia and Ukraine. The author visits various locations affected by the war, including Kharkiv, w...
23 Sep 2022
Tablet From Trotsky to Torah 22 Sep 2022
The author reflects on their journey of exploring Jewish identity and spirituality. They describe their background as a member of a Trotskyist organization w...
22 Sep 2022
Tablet The Genizah of the Self 22 Sep 2022
The author reflects on the process of moving house and the emotional baggage attached to the boxes of his past. He contemplates the purpose of keeping docume...
22 Sep 2022
Tablet Spending Rosh Hashanah With a Very Hungry Caterpillar 21 Sep 2022
The author discusses their tradition of bringing books to synagogue during the High Holidays to distract themselves during the long services. As a mother, th...
21 Sep 2022
Tablet The Gender Apartheid State of Iran 21 Sep 2022
The article discusses the tragic death of Mahsa (Jeena) Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian girl who was beaten to death by regime thugs enforcing mandatory hijab. ...
21 Sep 2022
Tablet The Kveen 21 Sep 2022
The text reflects on the author's personal experience of witnessing Queen Elizabeth II's coronation in 1954 and explores the enduring fascination with royalt...
21 Sep 2022
Tablet The U.S. Government’s Vast New Privatized Censorship Regime 21 Sep 2022
This article discusses the alleged censorship and suppression of scientific opinions critical of COVID-19 lockdowns and government policies. It highlights th...
21 Sep 2022
Tablet Conversions and Conversations 20 Sep 2022
The author reflects on various moments of conversion in their life, ranging from religious conversions to conversions in beliefs and interests. They recount ...
20 Sep 2022
Tablet Dartmouth and the Jews Who Loved It 20 Sep 2022
Despite its seemingly unappealing aspects, such as a rural campus and a history of antisemitism, Dartmouth College in the 1940s and 1950s was loved by Jewish...
20 Sep 2022
Tablet Hezbollah Is Now on Israel’s Border 20 Sep 2022
Hezbollah is increasingly active and visible along the Israeli-Lebanese border, with its operatives regularly patrolling the area and monitoring Israeli move...
20 Sep 2022
Tablet Academic Administrators Are Strangling Our Universities 19 Sep 2022
The text highlights concerns about the growing influence of administrators in universities, replacing faculty and prioritizing administrative functions over ...
19 Sep 2022
Tablet Beyond Abstinence 19 Sep 2022
The article discusses the role of sex education in public schools and the usual focus on abstinence-only curricula. However, it also highlights the holistic ...
19 Sep 2022
Tablet Elites Gather in Kyiv to Cheer Russian Defeat 16 Sep 2022
The Yalta European Strategy (YES) conference was held in Kyiv, attracting Ukrainian leaders, international elites, and journalists. Ukrainian businessman Vic...
16 Sep 2022
Tablet My Grandparents’ Impossible Situation 16 Sep 2022
The author recounts their realization as a child that their grandparents' situation was odd, with their "step-grandmother" not fitting in with their biologic...
16 Sep 2022
Tablet ‘We Chose the Chosen People’ 15 Sep 2022
Non-Jewish spouses in interfaith marriages have varying levels of connection to Judaism and the Jewish community. Many are interested in Judaism, study the r...
15 Sep 2022
Tablet The For-Profit D.C. Firm Staging America’s ‘Grassroots’ Movements 14 Sep 2022
Arabella Advisors, a philanthropic consultancy in Washington, D.C., is a powerful lobbying force and a major player in dark money politics. It oversees a net...
14 Sep 2022
Tablet Neoliberal Twee 14 Sep 2022
Cass Sunstein, a prominent legal scholar and public intellectual, gained popularity with his book Nudge, co-authored with Richard Thaler, which advocated for...
14 Sep 2022
Tablet Columbia and Its Forgotten Jewish Campus 13 Sep 2022
The podcast episode discusses the history of Seth Low Junior College, a separate campus in Brooklyn that existed from 1928 to 1938 and was created by Columbi...
13 Sep 2022
Tablet Princeton and the Dirty Bicker of 1958 13 Sep 2022
The podcast episode "Princeton and the Dirty Bicker of 1958" explores a scandal that occurred at Princeton University in the 1950s regarding the eating clubs...
13 Sep 2022
Tablet The Arbiter of Jewish Law 13 Sep 2022
This text explores the author's father's relationship with Jewish law and observance. The author's father had extensive knowledge of Jewish texts and traditi...
13 Sep 2022
Tablet The Painful Mediocrity of White Boy Rap 13 Sep 2022
This article criticizes the popularity of white rappers in the rap genre, arguing that they often receive acclaim and success despite their mediocrity compar...
13 Sep 2022
Tablet Gatecrashers 13 Sep 2022
"Gatecrashers" is a podcast that explores the history of Jewish students at Ivy League universities in the United States. Each episode focuses on a different...
13 Sep 2022
Tablet Comic Books and Naked Lady Tattoos 13 Sep 2022
Two graphic novels by young Israeli women, Tohar Sherman-Friedman and Aya Talshir, have gained attention in France but only recently received interest from I...
13 Sep 2022
Tablet Beyond Poetry 12 Sep 2022
Laura Riding, a lesser-known American modernist poet, renounced poetry in her 40s and turned to citrus farming and the philosophy of language. She believed t...
12 Sep 2022
Tablet Culinary Contradictions 12 Sep 2022
The author reflects on her complex Jewish identity and the culinary contradictions within her family. Growing up in a Calvinist Geneva, she was the only Jew ...
12 Sep 2022
Tablet Ron Biton Runs the Game 12 Sep 2022
Ron Biton, a highly successful Israeli pop songwriter and producer, has a knack for creating hits that resonate with the Israeli audience. He has a diverse r...
12 Sep 2022
Tablet I Escape From Ukraine, to a Caucasian Mountain Film Festival 9 Sep 2022
The author recounts their experience of attending the Mestia International Short and Mountain Film Festival in Georgia after covering the war in Ukraine. The...
9 Sep 2022
Tablet The Plot Against Jewish Education 8 Sep 2022
This article discusses the impending publication of an exposé in The New York Times about the state of Hasidic education in New York. The author expresses co...
8 Sep 2022
Tablet The Perfect Quince Jam 8 Sep 2022
The author reminisces about his grandmothers quince jam and his unsuccessful attempts to find a similar one. He explores the historical and cultural signific...
8 Sep 2022
Tablet America’s Regional Integration Scheme Benefits Iran 8 Sep 2022
The Biden administration's regional integration scheme for the Middle East is seen as beneficial to Iran. The strategy aims to create a more secure and integ...
8 Sep 2022
Tablet Addressing Mental Health on Campus 7 Sep 2022
Hillel professionals at the University of Southern California recognized the need to prioritize mental health on campus, as students began requesting support...
7 Sep 2022
Tablet Limits to Growth at 50 6 Sep 2022
"The Limits to Growth" was a book published in 1972 by researchers from MIT, commissioned by the Club of Rome, which explored the long-term destiny of civili...
6 Sep 2022
Tablet Rachel Aviv’s Journey to the Ends of Psychiatry 6 Sep 2022
In "Journey to the Ends of Psychiatry," Rachel Aviv recounts her own experience with anorexia as a child, as well as profiles of individuals who have also na...
6 Sep 2022
Tablet Why Did the FBI Raid Mar-a-Lago? 2 Sep 2022
The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago is being seen as part of the ongoing Russiagate conspiracy theory, with accusations of government corruption and a cover-up of cri...
2 Sep 2022
Tablet The Curse of Joseph Roth 2 Sep 2022
Joseph Roth, a Jewish author, wrote The Radetzky March, a novel about World War I and the downfall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Roth was a skilled writer ...
2 Sep 2022
Tablet So Long, Summer 2 Sep 2022
The article announces the upcoming third season of the podcast "Hebrew School," a game show for kids, as summer comes to an end and school begins. The new se...
2 Sep 2022
Tablet Proust in Buenos Aires 1 Sep 2022
The article discusses an Argentine film called "Le Temps Perdu," which is a documentary-like performance and staged reading of Marcel Proust's "In Search of ...
1 Sep 2022
Tablet The Greatest Short Jewish Tennis Player in the World 1 Sep 2022
Diego Schwartzman, a Jewish tennis player from Argentina, recently celebrated his 30th birthday and reflected on his career and future plans. He expressed a ...
1 Sep 2022
Tablet Ukraine Strikes Back 1 Sep 2022
The Ukrainian military has launched a counteroffensive to recapture territories in the south of the country occupied by Russia. President Volodymyr Zelensky ...
1 Sep 2022
Tablet China Circles French Polynesia 30 Aug 2022
The presence of China in French Polynesia, located in the South Pacific Ocean, has caught the attention of the author. Chinese signs, a Chinese Polynesian co...
30 Aug 2022
Tablet The Brief and Wondrous Life of Jewberg 29 Aug 2022
The article recounts the life and various roles of a man named Dan Rapoport, a charismatic and enigmatic individual who was involved in finance, politics, an...
29 Aug 2022