Daily Podcasts Video search
Haaretz Weekly headphones Israel's Arab voters can decide its election. Do they want to? 22 Sep 2022
As the Israeli election campaign begins, attention is focused on Arab voters and their potential influence. The disintegration of the Joint List has left thr...
22 Sep 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Is anything still left of the Israeli Left? Listen to Nir Baram 19 Sep 2022
In this episode of the Haaretz Weekly podcast, author Nir Baram discusses the state of the Israeli left, the one-state reality between Israel and Palestine, ...
19 Sep 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones With party lists submitted, the action begins: LISTEN to Election Overdose 15 Sep 2022
The latest episode of Election Overdose focuses on the Israeli election and the parties' submission of their candidate lists to the Central Election Commissi...
15 Sep 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Why British Jews loved the queen, and how the U.S. failed Anne Frank 13 Sep 2022
The article discusses two separate topics: the American response to the Holocaust and British Jews' admiration for Queen Elizabeth II. The filmmakers of the ...
13 Sep 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones A week of big decisions for Israeli politicians: LISTEN to Election Overdose 8 Sep 2022
In the lead-up to the upcoming Israeli election, parties have until September 15th to finalize their lists of candidates. This has led to questions about pot...
8 Sep 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Bad, worse or terrible? Inside Israel's dangerous dilemma on Iran 6 Sep 2022
As negotiations between Iran and world powers continue regarding Iran's nuclear program, Israel is faced with a difficult decision. It must choose between ac...
6 Sep 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Who represents Israel's 'real' right-wing? Listen to Election Overdose 1 Sep 2022
In this podcast, Member of Knesset Yossi Shain discusses how his party, Yisrael Beitenu, is preparing for the November 1 election in Israel. Shain argues tha...
1 Sep 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones 'A sign of weakness': Why Israel and Turkey are suddenly friends again 22 Aug 2022
Turkey's recent outreach to Israel and the restoration of diplomatic ties can be seen as a sign of weakness for Turkish President Erdogan. Dr. Gallia Lindens...
22 Aug 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Election Overdose | In America, "it's the economy, stupid". And in Israel? 19 Aug 2022
In this episode of Election Overdose, the discussion revolves around the non-political economics of Israel and why Israelis often complain about economic pro...
19 Aug 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Why the U.S. Supreme Court is bad for the Jews: LISTEN to Dahlia Lithwick 14 Aug 2022
Dahlia Lithwick, a senior journalist at Slate and legal commentator for MSNBC, argues that the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decisions have weakened the separa...
14 Aug 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Days of war: What's behind new Israel-Gaza flare-up 7 Aug 2022
In this podcast episode, national security analyst Amos Harel discusses the recent flare-up of violence between Israel and Gaza. Harel explains why Israel ta...
7 Aug 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Israeli director Rama Burshtein opens up on romance and religion 1 Aug 2022
In an interview on Haaretz Weekly, Israeli director Rama Burshtein discusses her work in depicting the lives and relationships within the ultra-Orthodox Jewi...
1 Aug 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones 'And then I heard the gun click': What happens when a terrorist enters a synagogue 26 Jul 2022
Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker shares his harrowing experience when a stranger entered Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, and held him and several ...
26 Jul 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Haaretz goes to Saudi Arabia: LISTEN to Ben Samuels and David Makovsky 19 Jul 2022
In a first-of-its-kind historic flight, Haaretz reporter Ben Samuels joined the White House press delegation from Tel Aviv to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This visi...
19 Jul 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones What will MBS give Biden in Saudi Arabia? LISTEN to Gregg Carlstrom 11 Jul 2022
In this podcast episode, The Economist's Middle East correspondent Gregg Carlstrom discusses U.S. policy in the Middle East as President Joe Biden visits Isr...
11 Jul 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones 'This president loves Israel:' U.S. ambassador talks Biden visit, Saudi ties 3 Jul 2022
US President Joe Biden's upcoming visit to Israel will proceed as planned, despite recent political developments in the country. According to US Ambassador T...
3 Jul 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones ‘Abortion bans hurt our religious freedom': LISTEN to Sheila Katz 29 Jun 2022
In an interview with Haaretz Weekly, Sheila Katz, CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women, expresses her deep concern over the recent overturning of Roe ...
29 Jun 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Israel heads to elections, with its democracy on the line 20 Jun 2022
Israel is heading to its fifth election since 2019 as the country's political crisis worsens. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's shocking decision to dissolve ...
20 Jun 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones A Frightening View of Steve Bannon’s World: Listen to Jennifer Senior 14 Jun 2022
In a recent interview, journalist Jennifer Senior reveals her unsettling experience profiling Steve Bannon, former Trump adviser and alt-right figure. Bannon...
14 Jun 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Israel's political crisis is far from over – and getting worse 9 Jun 2022
In this article, Haaretz discusses the ongoing political crisis in Israel. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's governing coalition failed to pass a controversia...
9 Jun 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones AIPAC Wants to Defeat this Jewish Democrat. He's fighting back 2 Jun 2022
Rep. Andy Levin, a progressive Democrat from Michigan, is facing a tough primary race against Haley Stevens, with AIPAC supporting Stevens and J Street endor...
2 Jun 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Biden wanted to isolate the Saudis. Now he has to kiss the ring 25 May 2022
President Joe Biden recently visited Asia and pledged to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack. However, back at home, his administration is facing ...
25 May 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones 'Putin's own paranoia will bring NATO to his doorstep' 18 May 2022
Sweden and Finland have decided to join NATO in response to Vladimir Putin's failed invasion of Ukraine, breaking their longstanding policy of neutrality. Th...
18 May 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones LISTEN: Joshua Cohen On Winning a Pulitzer for ‘The Netanyahus’ 15 May 2022
Novelist Joshua Cohen discusses his surprise at winning the Pulitzer Prize for his book, "The Netanyahus," while visiting Israel for the Jerusalem Internatio...
15 May 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Why an Islamist Party Just Saved Israel’s Government 12 May 2022
In this discussion, political expert Dahlia Scheindlin joins host Allison Kaplan Sommer to talk about Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's chances of survival an...
12 May 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones What I wanted to tell the Palestinian sniper who killed my son 3 May 2022
This article discusses an interview with Robi Damelin, a peace activist who lost her son when he was killed by a Palestinian sniper while serving in the Isra...
3 May 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Who really calls the shots in Tehran? Listen to Israel's top Iran expert 2 May 2022
In this podcast, Dr. Raz Zimmt, an Israeli expert on Iran, discusses the ambitions, fears, and concerns of Iran's current leadership. He explores whether Teh...
2 May 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones ‘Israel is Failing a Moral Test in Ukraine. I’m Ashamed’ 27 Apr 2022
Zehava Galon, former head of the left-wing Meretz Party, expresses her personal pain and disappointment with the Israeli government's refusal to condemn Vlad...
27 Apr 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Fire on Temple Mount: What's behind the violence in Jerusalem ? 25 Apr 2022
In Jerusalem, violent clashes have erupted between Palestinians and Israeli police on the Temple Mount/Al-Aqsa compound, overshadowing the shared holiday cel...
25 Apr 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones 'The French were always grumpy. Now they're angry': Will Macron survive? 14 Apr 2022
This podcast discusses the upcoming second round of the French presidential election and explores why voters expressed "great anger" in the first round. The ...
14 Apr 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones 'Putin heard my question. His entire demeanor changed:' Listen to Susan Glasser 6 Apr 2022
Journalist Susan Glasser, known for her coverage of Washington politics, discusses Russian President Vladimir Putin's rise to power and his impact on global ...
6 Apr 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones What Iran Learned From Ukraine War: Listen to Former Israel Intel Chief 4 Apr 2022
Retired Israeli general Amos Yadlin, former head of Israel's military intelligence, discusses the ongoing Ukraine war and its implications. He believes that ...
4 Apr 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Israel's 'embarrassing' Ukraine policy: Listen to General H.R. McMaster 31 Mar 2022
Former U.S. National Security Adviser, General H.R. McMaster, criticized Israel for not fully supporting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in his fight...
31 Mar 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones With two shocking attacks, ISIS rears its head in Israel 28 Mar 2022
Two shocking attacks have brought ISIS back into the spotlight in Israel. In the city of Hadera, two Arab citizens of Israel opened fire in a busy street, pl...
28 Mar 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Former AIPAC leader slams lobby's 'bullshit' political endorsements 24 Mar 2022
Former AIPAC leader Tom Dine criticizes the organization's decision to endorse and fund congressional candidates who refused to certify the 2020 election. He...
24 Mar 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones "Biden and China have one common interest when it comes to Russia" 21 Mar 2022
In this article, the author discusses the ongoing war in Ukraine and the effectiveness of Vladimir Putin's army. The author, Anshel Pfeffer, shares his obser...
21 Mar 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Democracy or Putin: 'Israel must choose a side in Ukraine' 15 Mar 2022
In this discussion, former Israeli diplomat Eran Etzion suggests that Israel's mediation efforts between Russia and Ukraine signify a shift in the country's ...
15 Mar 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Inside Putin's Mind: A conversation with Julia Ioffe 9 Mar 2022
In this conversation with journalist Julia Ioffe on Haaretz Weekend, she discusses Russian President Vladimir Putin's surprise at the tough sanctions imposed...
9 Mar 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Ukraine War: What our reporters saw on the ground 8 Mar 2022
In this article, Haaretz correspondents Yarden Michaeli and Judy Maltz share their experiences covering the Ukraine war and the people escaping the Russian a...
8 Mar 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Ukraine war opens up a fight over Holocaust denial 2 Mar 2022
Dani Dayan, chairman of Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Center, expresses concern over the war in Ukraine and its impact on the memory of the Holocaust. He cri...
2 Mar 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones 'Syria was Putin's laboratory. Now he's taking his methods to Ukraine.' 28 Feb 2022
In a podcast discussion, Israeli strategic planning expert Udi Evental analyzes the war in Ukraine and its connection to Putin's actions in Syria. The detail...
28 Feb 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Visit Israel? you're canceled. The new threat to Democrats in D.C. 23 Feb 2022
The podcast discusses the pressure being put on left-wing Democratic lawmakers who have participated in delegations to Israel and met with Palestinian leader...
23 Feb 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Not just Ukraine: "Putin uses Iran to make America look weaker" 22 Feb 2022
This podcast episode discusses two main topics: the ongoing discussions in Vienna regarding a new nuclear agreement with Iran and how Putin is using Iran aga...
22 Feb 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones If Putin invades Ukraine, will the country's Jews turn to Israel? 16 Feb 2022
In this podcast episode, Haaretz senior writer Judy Maltz discusses the situation of Ukrainian Jews in light of a potential Russian invasion. She explores th...
16 Feb 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Israel's Pegasus scandal: how you can protect your phone 15 Feb 2022
The Pegasus spyware scandal has been making headlines in Israel, with allegations that the Israeli police used the spyware against journalists, government of...
15 Feb 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Why 'Suspicion' and other remakes of Israeli tv shows lost the plot 10 Feb 2022
In this article from Haaretz, television critic Adrian Hennigan reviews the English-language remakes of two Israeli hit shows, Suspicion and As We See It. He...
10 Feb 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones "Netanyahu bet everything on Trump": Inside Israel's Iran bind 7 Feb 2022
In this episode, Yossi Shain, a top political science expert and member of the Knesset, discusses Israel's foreign policy. He highlights how former Prime Min...
7 Feb 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones What an attack on Ukraine will mean for Biden – and Israel 1 Feb 2022
As tensions rise with the Russian massing of troops on the Ukrainian border, Haaretz provides insight into the potential impact on both the Biden administrat...
1 Feb 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones How a plea bargain for Netanyahu could rock Israeli politics 24 Jan 2022
In this podcast episode, Anshel Pfeffer and Dahlia Scheindlin analyze the potential consequences of a plea bargain for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netany...
24 Jan 2022
Haaretz Weekly headphones Iran’s bizarre but worrying espionage campaign against Israel 18 Jan 2022
In this article, the author discusses a recent espionage campaign carried out by Iran against Israel. The campaign involved recruiting four middle-aged women...
18 Jan 2022