Daily Podcasts Video search
Jewish Currents The Theologian of the Abyss - "He claimed that God did not exist, and if He did exist, must be an idiot." 18 Jul 2023
This text tells the story of a theologian who works as a shoemaker but has unconventional views on theology. He believes in simplicity and criticizes the ext...
18 Jul 2023
Jewish Currents Step by Step - Can Holocaust remembrance stones break Spain's "Pact of Silence" around its civil war? 18 Jul 2023
This article discusses the installation of Stolpersteine (Holocaust remembrance stones) in Spain as a way to bring attention to the memory of the Holocaust a...
18 Jul 2023
Jewish Currents Unpacking Israel’s Legal Fictions - Noura Erakat discusses the Jenin invasion and Israel’s efforts to unilaterally change the laws of war. 14 Jul 2023
Noura Erakat discusses the Israeli invasion of the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank and Israel's efforts to change the laws of war. The invasion resulted ...
14 Jul 2023
Jewish Currents The Heat of an Old Tale - In her new book, <em>Happily</em>, Sabrina Orah Mark uses fairy tale forms to open the hidden doors of family life. 13 Jul 2023
Sabrina Orah Mark's new book, "Happily," uses fairy tale forms to explore family life. The book draws from her Paris Review column of the same name, which de...
13 Jul 2023
Jewish Currents “We Are in a Daily Battle for Survival” - Abandoned by the Israeli government, the country’s Palestinian citizens live at the mercy of organized crime. 11 Jul 2023
Arab towns in Israel are facing a daily battle for survival due to the rise of organized crime, as highlighted by recent shootings and murders. Arab citizens...
11 Jul 2023
Jewish Currents Exile in the Interior - In his recently reissued Hebrew novel, Anton Shammas uses the arabesque’s infinity to contest the Zionist enclosures of Palestinian life. 10 Jul 2023
Anton Shammas' novel Arabeskot, originally published in Hebrew in 1986 and translated into English as Arabesques, explores the Palestinian experience in Isra...
10 Jul 2023
Jewish Currents Are You Sure You Want To Move <em>There</em>? - A car ride conversation on Jewish identity 7 Jul 2023
In this memoir titled "In the Hole," five incarcerated men share their firsthand experiences of being in solitary confinement. The book provides insights int...
7 Jul 2023
Jewish Currents Bad Memory - Germany is acclaimed for its efforts to atone for the Holocaust. But its method of repudiating the past has become a tool of exclusion. 5 Jul 2023
This article discusses Germany's efforts to confront its past and atone for the Holocaust. Initially, Germany engaged in denial and rehabilitation of Nazis, ...
5 Jul 2023
Jewish Currents Bad Memory - Die Welt rühmt Deutschland für seine Aufarbeitung des Holocaust. Aber aus Vergangenheitsbewältigung ist ein Instrument der Ausgrenzung geworden. 5 Jul 2023
This essay discusses Germany's pursuit of confronting and coming to terms with its history and the Holocaust. While initially there was denial and silence, G...
5 Jul 2023
Jewish Currents Recent Polls of US Jews Reflect Polarized Community - Trying to keep up with shifting opinion on Israel/Palestine, surveys of American Jews are beginning to ask new questions. 29 Jun 2023
Recent polls of American Jews reveal a polarized community with shifting opinions on Israel. While mainstream American Jewish organizations continue to suppo...
29 Jun 2023
Jewish Currents The Hindu Nationalists Using the Pro-Israel Playbook - Inspired by Jewish groups that cast criticism of Israel as antisemitism, Hindu American organizations are advancing a concept of “Hinduphobia” that puts India beyond reproach. 28 Jun 2023
Hindu American organizations are taking inspiration from Jewish groups to combat criticism of India. They are framing criticism as Hinduphobia and using tact...
28 Jun 2023
Jewish Currents Under a Settler Government, Violence Grows - Haaretz’s West Bank correspondent Hagar Shezaf discusses why settler attacks on Palestinians are becoming bolder. 27 Jun 2023
This article discusses the growing boldness of settler attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank. The recent attack in Turmus Ayya, where settlers set fire to...
27 Jun 2023
Jewish Currents The US Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Modi - In pursuing a strategic alliance with India’s Hindu nationalist prime minister, Biden has betrayed his promises to uphold human rights. 22 Jun 2023
US President Joe Biden's warm reception of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his recent state visit has drawn criticism from human rights advocates....
22 Jun 2023
Jewish Currents Fatima Mohammed Has No Regrets - The CUNY Law graduate, who delivered a commencement address criticizing Israel, gives her first interview since becoming the target of a national smear campaign. 21 Jun 2023
Fatima Mohammed, a Yemeni American law student and activist, delivered a commencement address at the City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law, where ...
21 Jun 2023
Jewish Currents a SONNET - "Without you, imagine, otherwise the paltry sum of speech I’d be." 16 Jun 2023
This poem reflects on a lost connection with someone significant. The speaker mentions a specific event on a Saturday, where they met this person and shared ...
16 Jun 2023
Jewish Currents Settlers’ Triumphant Return to Homesh - By granting Israeli citizens legal access to a disbanded settlement in the West Bank, the government has fulfilled one of the settler movement’s central demands. 13 Jun 2023
The Israeli government has granted Israeli citizens legal access to the disbanded settlement of Homesh, fulfilling a demand of the settler movement. Homesh w...
13 Jun 2023
Jewish Currents The Israeli Far Right’s Man in Princeton - How did Im Tirtzu founder Ronen Shoval end up promoting Israel’s judicial overhaul at one of the US’s most prestigious universities? 8 Jun 2023
Ronen Shoval, founder of the ultra-nationalist group Im Tirtzu, has sparked controversy at Princeton University where he held a year-long appointment as a le...
8 Jun 2023
Jewish Currents Netanyahu’s Salami Method - Using a classic authoritarian strategy, the Israeli right has quashed dissent and entrenched the occupation slice by slice. 6 Jun 2023
The article discusses how the Israeli right, led by Prime Minister Netanyahu, has employed a strategy known as the "salami method" to silence dissent and ent...
6 Jun 2023
Jewish Currents National Plan Reflects the Debate Over Antisemitism - While generally promising more of the same, the Biden plan signaled in multiple ways that progressive groups have succeeded in making Jewish politics a contested space. 1 Jun 2023
The Biden administration recently released a federal plan to combat antisemitism, which has led to varying responses from Jewish organizations. Progressive g...
1 Jun 2023
Jewish Currents Why Are Progressive Legislators Opposing New York’s First Anti-Settlement Bill? - The “Not on our dime” act would ban tax-deductible donations to Israeli settlements, but centrists and progressives alike say the proposed law is “a ploy to demonize” Jewish nonprofits. 31 May 2023
New York State Democratic Assemblymember Zohran Mamdani recently introduced a bill that would prevent US charities registered in the state from sending funds...
31 May 2023
Jewish Currents Reform Judaism Needs an Identity Beyond Israel - A major conference proposes to “re-charge” the movement by strengthening ties to the Jewish state, neglecting an opportunity to develop its unique religious vision. 30 May 2023
The Reform movement of Judaism in North America is facing a crisis, with decreasing funding and enrollment. However, a conference called Re-Charging Reform J...
30 May 2023
Jewish Currents Iron Dome Is Not a Defensive System - The Iron Dome cannot meaningfully be considered “life-saving” in any value system that recognizes Palestinian humanity. 25 May 2023
The article argues that the Iron Dome, an air defense system used by Israel, is not a truly defensive system and actually contributes to the asymmetry of pow...
25 May 2023
Jewish Currents The Palestinian Village in Smotrich’s Sights - Destroying the hamlet of Khan al-Ahmar has become a priority for Israel’s settler right, which aims to “cut the West Bank into two." 23 May 2023
The article discusses the ongoing battle over the demolition of the Palestinian village of Khan al-Ahmar in the West Bank. The Israeli government, led by Pri...
23 May 2023
Jewish Currents covering - "in the broadest conception / of black music, which is the / truest conception of black / music, black music can’t be / conceived." 19 May 2023
In this text, the author explores the concept of black music and its relationship to covering. They argue that black music cannot be fully understood or conc...
19 May 2023
Jewish Currents Even the Survivors Are Poisoned - A diary of wartime in Gaza 18 May 2023
This article is a diary written by a Gazan essayist about her experience during the recent round of bombings in the Gaza Strip. The bombings lasted five days...
18 May 2023
Jewish Currents The Intentional Cruelty of “Conflict Management” in Gaza - Successive Israeli governments have embraced a paradigm that all but guarantees perpetual war. 16 May 2023
The author discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian militant groups in Gaza and criticizes the Israeli government's approach to managing...
16 May 2023
Jewish Currents Our Catastrophe - A photo essay to mark the 75th anniversary of the Nakba. 15 May 2023
This photo essay commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, focusing on the story of Nadira, a refugee who was forced to leave her home in Palestine in ...
15 May 2023
Jewish Currents Must We Have Children? - 15 May 2023
The article discusses the use of the pro-Israel playbook by Hindu American organizations to combat criticism of India. These organizations draw inspiration f...
15 May 2023
Jewish Currents A Shabbat for All Creation - Selections from Perek Shirah set to music testify to the holiness in all beings. 12 May 2023
During the pandemic, the author found solace and connection with nature in the mystical Jewish text, Perek Shirah. The text features 84 natural elements and ...
12 May 2023
Jewish Currents How Would You Feel, Senator Rosen? - Jewish responses to a recent event commemorating the Nakba reveal a communal narcissism, which sees Palestinians' very identity as being first and foremost about Jews. 11 May 2023
This article discusses Jewish responses to the commemoration of the Nakba, the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes by Zionist forces. The author point...
11 May 2023
Jewish Currents Palestinian Hunger Striker Khader Adnan’s Death: An Explainer - Responses to common questions about Adnan’s death while on hunger strike against Israeli detention, the increasingly violent aftermath, and what Adnan meant to Palestinians. 9 May 2023
Khader Adnan, a member of the political wing of Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad, recently died in an Israeli prison while on a hunger strike to prot...
9 May 2023
Jewish Currents Yentl Meltdown - A trans writer wrestles with the classic Barbra Streisand movie <em>Yentl</em>. 4 May 2023
In this article, the author discusses their personal experience as a trans writer wrestling with the classic movie "Yentl" starring Barbra Streisand. They ex...
4 May 2023