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Mishpacha Channel It   30 Jul
The author reflects on a frustrating experience trying to obtain a prescription for their child from a medical clinic, highlighting the challenges within soc...
30 Jul
Mishpacha Thank You, Hashem 30 Jul
Modim, an essential section of Shemoneh Esreh, provides a deep and timeless expression of gratitude to Hashem, predating modern trends of superficial gratitu...
30 Jul
Mishpacha The Moment: Issue 1022 30 Jul
Rav Binyamin Finkel, the mashgiach of Yeshivas Mir, expressed guilt for not being at full strength to provide proper support to people seeking his guidance, ...
30 Jul
Mishpacha Parshas Mattos-Masei: Out of the Box 30 Jul
The discussion delves into the significance of Shabbos, likening it to living in Eretz Yisrael while in exile, emphasizing its pivotal role in the redemption...
30 Jul
Mishpacha Summer Semester  30 Jul
After finishing a 12-year career as an eighth-grade rebbi and serving as the rav of Ahavas Israel in Passaic for four years, the author felt the strain of ma...
30 Jul
Mishpacha Pelosi Makes a Risky Bet     30 Jul
The article discusses Nancy Pelosi's endorsement of Dean Preston, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America running for reelection in San Francisco ag...
30 Jul
Mishpacha Lie of the Land: Chapter 8     30 Jul
In Chapter 8 of "Lie of the Land," Rivi is preoccupied with a range of concerns, from a potential crisis at home with the uncooked cholent for Shabbos, to fa...
30 Jul
Mishpacha Not Behind Closed Doors 30 Jul
The article discusses a growing tension in Israel between secular and religious Jews, exemplified by the reaction to a news anchor's public display of religi...
30 Jul
Mishpacha On Call — Chapter 17: The Men in Blue 30 Jul
In Chapter 17 of "On Call," the author reflects on the presence of police officers in the ER, emphasizing the importance of their role in ensuring safety in ...
30 Jul
Mishpacha Awaiting the Next Surprise 29 Jul
Amidst escalating tensions in the north following a deadly Hezbollah missile attack on the Druze community of Majdal Shams, uncertainty looms over possible n...
29 Jul
Mishpacha Rav Chaim, the Shadchan   29 Jul
Rabbi Yanky Kuperwasser shared a remarkable story about a man named Rafael who, while playing basketball in Bnei Brak, sought a blessing from Rav Chaim Kanie...
29 Jul
Mishpacha The Lives Lashon Hara Destroyed    29 Jul
The text highlights a personal story depicting the devastating impact of lashon hara, focusing on a woman struggling in her search for a partner and battling...
29 Jul
Mishpacha Political Whiplash: Kamala Harris’s Unexpected Ascent  29 Jul
In a surprising turn of events, Kamala Harris's campaign gained momentum that was unexpected by the Republican Party, prompting reflections on how Trump's po...
29 Jul
Mishpacha Blacklist     29 Jul
The text depicts a mother returning home from a wedding to find her babysitter on the phone and her child in distress. Despite feeling frustrated by the situ...
29 Jul
Mishpacha Show of Faith 29 Jul
Yinon Magal, a right-wing media figure in Israel, is known for his calls for victory over Hamas, challenging left-wing dominance in power, and preserving Isr...
29 Jul
Mishpacha Is Israel at Risk under Harris? 29 Jul
The text discusses the potential impact of Kamala Harris on Israel if she were to win the November election. It highlights that Harris, by not attending Neta...
29 Jul
Mishpacha Streetlights and Shadows       29 Jul
The article discusses the history of Jewish life in Vienna, emphasizing its ups and downs over the years. After a period of flourishing in the early 20th cen...
29 Jul
Mishpacha Second Chances: Career 2.0  29 Jul
"Second Chances: Career 2.0" discusses the possibilities of changing careers later in life, emphasizing that it's never too late to seek a more fulfilling pa...
29 Jul
Mishpacha Double Mourning 29 Jul
The Jewish people, especially those in Israel's north, are experiencing a double mourning during this time of year due to the ongoing conflict and loss of no...
29 Jul
Mishpacha Roasted Garlic- Jalapeño Dip 24 Jul
Chef Suzie Gornish shares her recipe for Roasted Garlic-Jalapeño Dip, perfect for serving on Shabbat with sourdough bread. The dip combines smooth hummus, co...
24 Jul
Mishpacha Techinah with Veggies 24 Jul
In this recipe by Brynie Greisman, Techinah with Veggies is highlighted as a popular dip in Israel, commonly enjoyed with challah, pita, falafel, salads, and...
24 Jul
Mishpacha Inbox: Issue 1021 23 Jul
The text features a debate regarding the workload comparison between yeshivah bochurim and frum Jewish mothers, particularly in relation to the issue of vapi...
23 Jul
Mishpacha Caught in the Crossfire 23 Jul
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sees his upcoming visit to the United States as crucial for securing American support, which he views as vital for ...
23 Jul
Mishpacha Parshas Pinchas: Gift of the Year 23 Jul
In Parshas Pinchas, the Torah emphasizes the significance of counting Bnei Yisrael, highlighting two types of counting: a mere tally and a deeper, meaningful...
23 Jul
Mishpacha IDA — The “I Don’t Argue” Rule 23 Jul
The article discusses the concept of arguments in relationships and introduces the "I Don't Argue" (IDA) rule as a way to foster peace and healthier interact...
23 Jul
Mishpacha Mood Mix with Rabbi Moshe Blaustein 23 Jul
Rabbi Moshe Blaustein, known for his work in Jewish music and as a rebbi and camp director at Camp Agudah Toronto, shares insights into the power of songs an...
23 Jul
Mishpacha Blue Screen 23 Jul
CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company, inadvertently caused global chaos when a faulty software update crashed systems worldwide, affecting millions of Window...
23 Jul
Mishpacha Chapter 16: Flying High  23 Jul
The text discusses a scenario on a plane where a woman exhibits symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis, a serious bacterial infection. The protagonist, a doctor, ...
23 Jul
Mishpacha Lie of the Land: Chapter 7     23 Jul
When Gabe arrives in the bustling city after a period of mourning, he reconnects with an old colleague, Connor, in Midtown who invites him to join a magazine...
23 Jul
Mishpacha For Granted: Chapter 51    23 Jul
Ayala returns home after three weeks away to find her family managing fine without her, which leaves her feeling unsettled. She reflects on the challenges of...
23 Jul
Mishpacha Working Miracles in His Sleep   23 Jul
The article tells the story of Yehuda Leib Greenwald, a healthy and happy man who suddenly passed away, leaving his family in shock. Amidst their grief, they...
23 Jul
Mishpacha A Raised Fist and a Lower Tone 22 Jul
At the Republican National Convention, Binyamin Rose analyzes Donald Trump's acceptance speech for a potential third presidential term, noting a mix of toned...
22 Jul
Mishpacha Incoming    22 Jul
Kamala Harris, the current Vice President and possible future Democratic candidate for president, has a unique background as the daughter of immigrant parent...
22 Jul
Mishpacha Our Woman at the Hostage Headquarters   22 Jul
Riki Siton, a chareidi woman from Bnei Brak and program director at Ayelet Hashachar, is actively involved in providing support to families of hostages throu...
22 Jul
Mishpacha Occupational Hazard     22 Jul
Mohammed Massad, a former PLO cell commander turned Israeli citizen, recounts a moment during the First Intifada where he abandoned a planned kidnapping of I...
22 Jul
Mishpacha War Effort     22 Jul
An event in Milwaukee marked the 30th yahrtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, highlighting the growing interest in Jewish connection. Rabbi Yisroel Shmotkin's pi...
22 Jul
Mishpacha Left Out     22 Jul
Despite the whirlwind of events in the presidential election, including Donald Trump's decision not to run for reelection, Joe Biden's self-removal from the ...
22 Jul
Mishpacha The Quest     22 Jul
In a town called Lost in the 1980s, a heroic man with a vibrant personality, dedicated to building a strong community, faces the challenge of fulfilling his ...
22 Jul
Mishpacha Time of Need     22 Jul
Sari, dealing with grief and emotional turmoil, seeks solace in her therapy sessions with Aliza, finding the safe space calming and beneficial despite occasi...
22 Jul
Mishpacha With Friendship, with Love     22 Jul
Rav Avraham Shmulevitz, a respected maggid shiur at Yeshivas Mir, passed away, leaving behind a legacy of love and devotion towards his students. Known for h...
22 Jul
Mishpacha Can Israel Fight on Three Fronts?   22 Jul
The Israeli Air Force carried out an operation in Yemen's port of Al Hudaydah as retaliation for a Houthi drone attack on Tel Aviv, sending a message to Iran...
22 Jul
Mishpacha Let’s Talk Mesivta (Feat. Rabbi Yaakov Bogart) 22 Jul
Rabbi Garfield and Rabbi Schonfeld discuss the significant decision parents face when choosing a mesivta for their sons, focusing on preparing children for s...
22 Jul
Mishpacha Who’s Counting: Chapter 7 21 Jul
In Chapter 7 of "Who's Counting," the protagonist grapples with the intimidating prospect of attending high school orientation, feeling unprepared and overwh...
21 Jul
Mishpacha Who’s Counting: Chapter 6 21 Jul
In Chapter 6 of "Who's Counting," the narrator recounts a scene at an airport with their friend Avrumi, where they struggle to locate their suitcases on the ...
21 Jul
Mishpacha Who’s Counting: Chapter 5 21 Jul
In Chapter 5 of "Who's Counting," the narrator reflects on a visit to Kever Rochel with friends before leaving Eretz Yisrael. Tili engages in light-hearted b...
21 Jul
Mishpacha Who’s Counting: Chapter 4 21 Jul
Chapter 4 of "Who's Counting" reflects on the protagonist's impending return from Eretz Yisrael to high school, expressing reluctance towards the social chal...
21 Jul
Mishpacha Who’s Counting: Chapter 3 21 Jul
In Chapter 3 of "Who's Counting," the protagonist, Dahlia, faces social pressures and insecurities while shopping for souvenirs in Geula with her friend Tili...
21 Jul
Mishpacha Who’s Counting: Chapter 2 21 Jul
In the text "Whos Counting: Chapter 2," Dahlia seeks fashion advice from her sisters regarding a two-piece brown outfit she likes, but they all agree it is n...
21 Jul
Mishpacha Who’s Counting: Chapter 1 21 Jul
In "Whos Counting: Chapter 1," the protagonist finds herself stuck in a taxi in Israel with her brother Avrumi, facing a frustrated Hebrew-speaking driver. D...
21 Jul
Mishpacha Live at the RNC: Convention Wrap 19 Jul
The text briefly mentions coverage of the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Mishpacha Magazine. It suggests that Mishpacha Magazine may have provided l...
19 Jul