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Tablet Getting Married During a Pandemic 17 Apr 2020
The author recounts the challenges faced in getting married during a pandemic, from the initial dread of canceling or postponing the wedding to the eventual ...
17 Apr 2020
Tablet Canada’s Lost Jewish Voice 17 Apr 2020
The Canadian Jewish News, a long-standing national publication serving Canadian Jewry, has announced its closure due to economic struggles worsened by the CO...
17 Apr 2020
Tablet Fascist Lit and Hungary’s Future 17 Apr 2020
The text discusses the controversy surrounding the inclusion of the Hungarian writer Jzsef Nyr on the required reading list for Hungarian high school student...
17 Apr 2020
Tablet Among the Mourners 14 Apr 2020
The author recalls a poignant memory of practicing a Yom Kippur assembly presentation with their father, who had recently returned from a trip to Israel. The...
14 Apr 2020
Tablet The Question 8 Apr 2020
Jules Feiffer, renowned for his noir-themed graphic novels, has reached the conclusion of his acclaimed series with "The Ghost Script." Having ventured into ...
8 Apr 2020
Tablet The Refusenik Exodus From Slavery to Freedom United the Jewish World and Brought Down the Soviet Union 8 Apr 2020
The article discusses the significant historical event of the Soviet refusenik movement, where Soviet Jews were refused permission to emigrate, leading to th...
8 Apr 2020
Tablet Next Year in Halifax 7 Apr 2020
A Jewish family reflects on their decision to leave the United States due to racial discrimination and marginalization, settling in Canada for safety and a b...
7 Apr 2020
Tablet Zuni and Yosl’s Lost-and-Found Adventure 6 Apr 2020
Zuni Maud and Yosl Cutler were Yiddish cartoonists, puppeteers, and artists who made significant contributions to Yiddish cultural life in the early 20th cen...
6 Apr 2020
Tablet DIY Dayenu 6 Apr 2020
In light of the unique challenges of Passover 2020, a group of chefs has shared creative recipes to make the holiday delicious, whether celebrating alone, wi...
6 Apr 2020
Tablet Farewell to William Helmreich, Masterful Chronicler of the Yeshiva World 6 Apr 2020
Professor William Helmreich, a distinguished sociologist at City College who recently passed away due to COVID-19, was known for his insightful exploration o...
6 Apr 2020
Tablet My First DIY Passover 6 Apr 2020
In "My First DIY Passover," the author grapples with the difficult decision to not attend their usual large and elaborate family Passover Seder due to safety...
6 Apr 2020
Tablet Introducing Tablet’s Passover Playlist 6 Apr 2020
A music enthusiast who will miss the communal singing during Passover Seder has created a curated playlist to help individuals transition to solitary Seders ...
6 Apr 2020
Tablet What It Feels Like to Sit Shiva Alone 3 Apr 2020
The author shares their experience of sitting shiva alone for their father during the pandemic. With no physical presence of family and friends due to social...
3 Apr 2020
Tablet Missing My Dad’s Yahrzeit 3 Apr 2020
The author reflects on missing the opportunity to say Kaddish for their father's yahrzeit due to the closure of their synagogue during the COVID-19 pandemic....
3 Apr 2020
Tablet The Resilience of Rituals 3 Apr 2020
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the author reflects on their experience attending virtual mourning rituals after a friend's mother's passing, unable t...
3 Apr 2020
Tablet ‘The Betrothed,’ a Novel of the Plague in Milan 3 Apr 2020
In this article, the focus is on Alessandro Manzoni's novel "The Betrothed," set during the plague in Milan in 1630, and its impact on various Jewish Italian...
3 Apr 2020
Tablet A Friend in Prison 2 Apr 2020
A woman reconnects with a friend who is in prison for money laundering and becomes her pen pal, navigating the restrictions and rules of the prison system wh...
2 Apr 2020
Tablet Coronavirus Shmoronavirus 2 Apr 2020
The author reflects on his upbringing by a trio of Jewish women who doted on him, while his father believed he was being spoiled and turning into a "Kuni Lem...
2 Apr 2020
Tablet Poems From Buenos Aires 2 Apr 2020
Alejandra Pizarnik, a prominent Argentine poet born to Jewish immigrants from Poland, crafted deeply abstract and emotional poetry, exploring diasporic exper...
2 Apr 2020
Tablet Inside an Israeli Coronavirus Hospital 1 Apr 2020
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Galilee Medical Center in Israel has transformed to handle infected patients, with dedicated areas and strict safety protocol...
1 Apr 2020
Tablet A Sweet Treat for Passover 1 Apr 2020
For the past 30 years, Robyn and Jeffrey Shiovitz have held a festive Passover Seder in their basement adorned with a colorful tent, now attended by close fa...
1 Apr 2020
Tablet Breaking the Chain 31 Mar 2020
An IDF veteran reflects on the profound impact of Covid-19 on the world, recognizing the need for agility and innovation in the face of changing circumstance...
31 Mar 2020
Tablet Qatar’s State-of-the-Art Foreign Lobbying Campaign 30 Mar 2020
Qatar has executed a sophisticated and successful campaign to influence Western policymaking, particularly in the U.S., through significant financial investm...
30 Mar 2020
Tablet Jay-Z and Jay Electronica Lick Louis Farrakhan Up and Down 30 Mar 2020
Jay Electronica's album "A Written Testimony" features controversial content with the prominent inclusion of Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitic rhetoric. Despite...
30 Mar 2020
Tablet My Own Private Haggadah 27 Mar 2020
The author reflects on her family's unique Seder traditions and the challenges of passing down her parents' story of struggle and resilience to her children....
27 Mar 2020
Tablet Points of Light 27 Mar 2020
"Points of Light" reflects on the challenging context of the COVID-19 pandemic, drawing parallels with historical pandemics to emphasize human humility. The ...
27 Mar 2020
Tablet Plagues 10, COVID-19 26 Mar 2020
The text discusses a personal experience with COVID-19 in New York City, highlighting the challenges of illness, lack of testing, and the strain on the healt...
26 Mar 2020
Tablet America Is Not—and Never Was—a Nation of Immigrants 26 Mar 2020
The text discusses the myth of America as a nation of immigrants and challenges this narrative by highlighting that America was founded by Anglo Protestant c...
26 Mar 2020
Tablet The Art of Silence 26 Mar 2020
Marcel Marceau, the renowned French mime artist, had a fascinating and complex life that intertwined with his Jewish identity and experiences during World Wa...
26 Mar 2020
Tablet Update: Chicken Soup Won’t Stop the Coronavirus 25 Mar 2020
The text provides an update on the current status of combating COVID-19, stating that there is no vaccine or specific medications available yet for the virus...
25 Mar 2020
Tablet Seder Academy 25 Mar 2020
Seder Academy offers daily Zoom tutorials to help those new to hosting a Passover Seder. The Academy provides guidance on various topics, including cooking f...
25 Mar 2020
Tablet Jews and Shoes 25 Mar 2020
The text delves into the intricate relationship between Jews and shoes, exploring the myriad rules and customs surrounding footwear, from religious practices...
25 Mar 2020
Tablet The Life of a Court Jew 24 Mar 2020
The text discusses the life and experiences of Glückel von Hameln, a Jewish merchant woman from Hamburg in the late 17th century, as documented in her Yiddis...
24 Mar 2020
Tablet Health Advice 23 Mar 2020
Jules Feiffer, renowned for his work in noir graphic novels, concludes his series with the final installment titled "The Ghost Script." Currently, Feiffer fo...
23 Mar 2020
Tablet What Happens When You’re Quarantined With Your Abuser? 17 Mar 2020
During the coronavirus outbreak when social isolation is critical, domestic violence victims may find themselves in increased danger while quarantined with t...
17 Mar 2020
Tablet Talking to Kids About the Refugee Crisis, Again 17 Mar 2020
National Refugee Shabbat is set for March 20-21, 2020, prompting discussions on the refugee crisis amidst rising xenophobia. Parents are encouraged to use Pa...
17 Mar 2020
Tablet We’re Not in Kansas Anymore 13 Mar 2020
The content with the title "Were Not in Kansas Anymore" appears incomplete and lacks context or information necessary to form a coherent summary for a Jewish...
13 Mar 2020
Tablet What Communal Responsibility Looks Like 12 Mar 2020
The Rabbinical Council of Bergen County, New Jersey, made the significant decision to shut down Jewish institutions in response to the coronavirus outbreak, ...
12 Mar 2020
Tablet The Jewish Beethoven 11 Mar 2020
Renowned musicians Emanuel Ax, Yo-Yo Ma, and Leonidas Kavakos performed at Carnegie Hall to celebrate Beethoven's 250th birth year and honor late violinist I...
11 Mar 2020
Tablet Burn It Down Bernie and Good Old Joe Meet at the O.K. Corral in Detroit 11 Mar 2020
Bernie Sanders held a massive rally at the University of Michigan aimed at energizing young voters, focusing on issues like climate change and healthcare. Sa...
11 Mar 2020
Tablet What Happened to the New York Times’ Man in Tehran? 10 Mar 2020
The New York Times correspondent in Tehran, Thomas Erdbrink, has been conspicuously absent from reporting since early 2019, with the Iranian regime reportedl...
10 Mar 2020
Tablet Prostitutes, Thieves—and Vampires 9 Mar 2020
"Prostitutes, Thieves and Vampires" discusses the Israeli series Juda, which introduces a Jewish take on the supernatural genre, blending horror and Gothic e...
9 Mar 2020
Tablet This Purim, Celebrate with Hojuelas, a Delicious Sephardic Treat 6 Mar 2020
Celebrate Purim and Yom Kippur with the Sephardic treat hojuelas, reminiscent of Esther's megillah scroll. Originating from Spanish Middle Ages, hojuelas are...
6 Mar 2020
Tablet Moderates and Progressives in the Democratic Party 4 Mar 2020
The essay discusses the misleading labels of "moderate" and "progressive" within the Democratic Party, particularly in relation to African American political...
4 Mar 2020
Tablet Doctor Moi 4 Mar 2020
Former Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi, who passed away in Feb. 2020, was a strong supporter of Israel, with his personal physician being an American Jew na...
4 Mar 2020
Tablet Don’t Like Any of the Candidates? Here’s What You Can Do. 3 Mar 2020
The text emphasizes that individuals feeling disillusioned by the current political landscape should not give up on democracy. It suggests practical actions ...
3 Mar 2020
Tablet Eating Our Way to Holiness 2 Mar 2020
The author reflects on their preconceived notions about food, holiness, and religious practices influenced by their Christian upbringing before converting to...
2 Mar 2020
Tablet Let’s Stop Lying About the Two-State ‘Solution’ 2 Mar 2020
Ian Lustick argues in his book "Paradigm Lost" that the two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is no longer feasible and has become obsolete...
2 Mar 2020
Tablet The Orthodox Jew and the Atheist 28 Feb 2020
The text explores a conversation between an Orthodox Jew and an atheist friend about morality without belief in God, highlighting the Orthodox perspective of...
28 Feb 2020
Tablet Israel’s Nastiest Political Rivalries 27 Feb 2020
The text explores significant historical rivalries in Israeli politics, highlighting the intense infighting among key figures such as David Ben-Gurion, Chaim...
27 Feb 2020