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Tablet Saul Steinberg’s Beach House 10 May
Saul Steinberg, a Romanian architecture student and cartoonist, found himself interned in Villa Tonelli, Italy during the early 1940s under fascist rule, fac...
10 May
Tablet Why We Worry 9 May
This text delves into the theme of worry among Jewish mothers, exploring the roots and reasons behind this common characteristic. It highlights personal stor...
9 May
Tablet Haunted by Weimar 9 May
During the Weimar Republic, Hitler raised concerns about the limits on amending the constitution, especially regarding President Hindenburg's term extension ...
9 May
Tablet After Gaza 9 May
As Israel was engaged in a military operation in Gaza following violence from Hamas, the Biden administration began discussing plans for the future once the ...
9 May
Tablet The Gantz Megillah 8 May
The text discusses the complex relationship between the U.S., Israel, and key political figures like Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz. It highlights tensio...
8 May
Tablet Two Jews Walk Into a Bar 7 May
Two Jews, Adam Shor and Eyal Wartelsky, confront the complexities of their Jewish identity through comedy amidst a global resurgence of antisemitism. Despite...
7 May
Tablet Israel’s Love Affair With India 7 May
India and Israel have developed a robust defense partnership in recent years, exemplified by the production of the Drishti-10 Starliner UAV, a collaboration ...
7 May
Tablet The People Setting America on Fire 6 May
The recent protests on elite college campuses across America have seen a mix of far-left ideologies intertwining with anti-Israel sentiments, with incidents ...
6 May
Tablet American Clemency for Nazi War Criminals 6 May
In the 1950 clemency petitions for Nazi war criminals, arguments contested the tribunals' findings by questioning witness credibility, claiming invalidity of...
6 May
Tablet Those Who Escaped, and Those Who Remained 6 May
During the tumultuous period of World War II, many Hasidic rebbes and their followers faced difficult choices between staying in their communities or fleeing...
6 May
Tablet The Lost Encyclopedia of Jewish Artists 6 May
Jzef Sandel and Hersh Fenster were Jewish art enthusiasts who published encyclopedias in the 1950s, documenting the lives and works of Eastern European Jewis...
6 May
Tablet Genocide Enablers 6 May
The text discusses the United Nations' failures in preventing genocides, highlighting its inaction during the Rwandan genocide and its ongoing mistreatment o...
6 May
Tablet Irving Penn: Anxious American Photographer 3 May
Irving Penn, a renowned American fashion photographer, captured the essence of the Summer of Love in San Francisco in 1967, photographing iconic figures like...
3 May
Tablet Not in Our Name 3 May
The text discusses the importance of free speech in American society, emphasizing that while some speech may be offensive or disturbing, it is protected unde...
3 May
Tablet A Survivor’s Class Photo 3 May
The article discusses the significance of a class photo belonging to the author's grandfather, who survived the Holocaust, and his classmates who were mostly...
3 May
Tablet My Friends Wish I Was Dead 3 May
The author recounts the challenges faced by Zionist students on college campuses, including fear of wearing Jewish symbols and being targeted with anti-Semit...
3 May
Tablet Saving Hamas 2 May
The text discusses the Biden administration's controversial stance towards Hamas, emphasizing their protection and support for the terror group despite its a...
2 May
Tablet And the Prize for Photography Goes to ... Hamas? 2 May
The Reynolds Journalism Institute awarded the Associated Press the Team Picture Story of the Year for a collection of photos including ones by Gazan-based fr...
2 May
Tablet Israel’s Citizen-Soldiers 2 May
Ari Kalker, a citizen-soldier who served in the IDF in Gaza, reflects on the challenges of transitioning between military duty and family life as a reservist...
2 May
Tablet Normal Kids Get F*cked 2 May
A recent incident at UNC Chapel Hill involving fraternity brothers harassed by anti-Israel protesters as they hoisted the American flag has sparked online su...
2 May
Tablet Women in Chains 1 May
"Three Yiddish Plays by Women: Female Jewish Perspectives, 1880-1920," curated by historian Alyssa Quint, introduces three plays highlighting themes of repro...
1 May
Tablet Those Fine Young Communists 1 May
The text explores the author's personal journey into and out of communism, reflecting on the allure of communism for young individuals seeking a sense of pur...
1 May
Tablet Yizkor After the Black Sabbaths 26 Apr
Yizkor is a communal memorial service held four times a year in Jewish synagogues, including Passover, reflecting on the memory of loved ones. Rooted in hist...
26 Apr
Tablet The Unaloner 26 Apr
Jessica Jacobs' poetry collection "Unalone" delves into the Torah portions in Genesis, presenting poetic responses to each, blending interpretive, personal, ...
26 Apr
Tablet The Rise of the ‘Survivors’ 26 Apr
Following the Holocaust, the survivors of the Shoah were initially referred to by various names before "survivor" became the predominant term, embodying a co...
26 Apr
Tablet Israeli Artists Respond to the Oct. 7 Attacks 26 Apr
Benzi Brofman, an Israeli artist, has been painting portraits of Israelis who lost their lives to attacks by Hamas on Oct. 7, including soldiers, festival at...
26 Apr
Tablet ‘We Have Our Own History, Our Own Trauma, and Our Own Experience’ 25 Apr
In the late 19th century, the Russian Empire was home to the largest Jewish population, but violent pogroms led to massive emigration to escape persecution. ...
25 Apr
Tablet A Rock Star Ideas Festival in Brooklyn 25 Apr
Winston Marshall, co-founder of Mumford & Sons, transitioned from music to organizing a thought symposium, Dissident Dialogues, aiming to foster a community ...
25 Apr
Tablet The Last Lebanon War 25 Apr
The text discusses the author's experience during reserve duty on the Lebanese border, reflecting on missed opportunities for strategic foresight and decisiv...
25 Apr
Tablet Paying Tribute to Paul Celan in Chernivtsi 19 Apr
The text pays homage to the poet Paul Celan and reflects on the impact of the Holocaust. It describes a journalist's encounter with young Germans who had lim...
19 Apr
Tablet Harry Truman’s Seder Message 19 Apr
Vice President Harry S. Truman delivered a Passover address in 1945, praising Jewish contributions to ethics and expressing gratitude for their resilience an...
19 Apr
Tablet Israel Must Respond Forcefully to Iran’s Attack 19 Apr
The text emphasizes the escalating threat from Iran to Israel through various proxy wars and its nuclear program. It questions Iran's motives for openly atta...
19 Apr
Tablet King Khat 19 Apr
"King Khat" explores the story of an Israeli scientist named Gabi who, fascinated by the psychoactive effects of the khat plant, synthesizes its active subst...
19 Apr
Tablet To Be on Everyone’s Side Is to Be on No One’s 19 Apr
The text discusses a panel where a participant grapples with feeling sympathy for both Israelis and Palestinians affected by conflict. The author argues that...
19 Apr
Tablet Empathy Is Part of Our Jewish DNA 19 Apr
The Passover Seder, a night of questions and reflections, takes place against the backdrop of current events, such as Israel's conflict with Hamas, making in...
19 Apr
Tablet My First Yizkor 19 Apr
The author reflects on her experience attending her first Yizkor service in 1982 as a child and her more recent attendance following her mother's death in 20...
19 Apr
Tablet This Isn’t Working 18 Apr
Alex Garland's new film "Civil War" depicts a dystopian future where a third-term U.S. president dissolves the FBI, leading to an authoritarian state and a v...
18 Apr
Tablet The Rise of the Cyber City 17 Apr
The text discusses the concept of the "Cyber City" as the next stage of urban evolution, contrasting it with the current "Car City" paradigm. It highlights h...
17 Apr
Tablet The Silencing of the Jewish Poet 17 Apr
In February 2024, a study was conducted with 90 Jewish poets and translators, focusing on the definition of Jewish poetry in contemporary America and the rec...
17 Apr
Tablet The Golden Age of Jewish Hockey 17 Apr
The text discusses the impressive achievements of Jewish hockey player Zach Hyman, who joined the Edmonton Oilers in 2021 and has become a top scorer in the ...
17 Apr
Tablet RFK Jr. Isn’t a Spoiler 16 Apr
Robert Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign and his association with civil rights and labor leader Cesar Chavez have sparked both support and resistance. Kenn...
16 Apr
Tablet Blue Morning 16 Apr
In "Where Have All the Democrats Gone?" by John Judis and Ruy Texeira, the authors critique the Democratic Party's approach of potentially ignoring working-c...
16 Apr
Tablet Why Edmund Wilson Saw Judaism as the Key to America’s Cultural Survival 15 Apr
Edmund Wilson, a prominent literary critic, delved into the study of Hebrew in the 1950s, merging his familial connections to Presbyterian and scholarly trad...
15 Apr
Tablet Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner 15 Apr
The University of California, Berkeley Law professor Catherine Fisk and her husband, Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, faced controversy when student Malak Afaneh clai...
15 Apr
Tablet Going for the Gold 15 Apr
Mara Bernstein, a vintage jewelry enthusiast, transitioned from publishing to launching Pennyweight Prizefighter, a vintage jewelry business specializing in ...
15 Apr
Tablet Poem of the Week 12 Apr
The poem delves into the world of religious Judaism, touching on themes like the Torah, Talmud, observance, commentary, and prayer before abruptly stripping ...
12 Apr
Tablet Everyone Has the Right to Rest on Their Sabbath 12 Apr
In 1984, a legal case involving the Sabbath rights of employees in Connecticut brought attention to the religious implications of labor laws. A Sunday-observ...
12 Apr
Tablet ‘Now You Are in Heaven, and the Only Thing Left Is Pain’ 12 Apr
Ron Shemer, a nature lover and devoted family member from Lod, Israel, was tragically killed at the Nova music festival by terrorists from Gaza. Despite esca...
12 Apr
Tablet Juan Gelman: Four Ladino Poems 12 Apr
Juan Gelman, a renowned Latin American poet, was a Yiddish speaker known for his leftist views that opposed Argentina's military dictatorship. Forced into ex...
12 Apr
Tablet The Arsonist 11 Apr
Tucker Carlson, known for his America First stance, criticized Israel for mistreating Christians, interviewing Pastor Munther Isaac who lives under the Pales...
11 Apr