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Moment Introducing the 2024 Jewish Political Voices Project 17 Apr
The 2024 Jewish Political Voices Project aims to explore the diverse political views within the American Jewish community beyond traditional election coverag...
17 Apr
Moment Jaclyn Best: Walking on Eggshells Over Palestine 17 Apr
Jaclyn Best, a 32-year-old synagogue administrator from Boulder, CO, and a Renewal Jew, shares her struggles navigating discussions around Israel and Palesti...
17 Apr
Moment Chesky Blau: Leaning Away From a Democratic Vote 17 Apr
Chesky Blau, an Orthodox Hasidic Rabbi from Brooklyn, NY, is leaning towards the Republican party despite being a registered Democrat. He notes significant s...
17 Apr
Moment The U.S. Constitution: Pragmatism versus Textualism on the Supreme Court with Justice Stephen Breyer and Robert Siegel 17 Apr
Justice Stephen Breyer, who recently retired from the Supreme Court after 28 years, contrasts the judicial philosophies of pragmatism and textualism in his b...
17 Apr
Moment Susan Rupright: May Not Vote for President 16 Apr
Susan Rupright, a 78-year-old retired foundation director from Valdosta, GA, expresses uncertainty about voting in the 2024 presidential election due to her ...
16 Apr
Moment Jeff Solomon: October 7 Increased his Support of Biden 16 Apr
Jeff Solomon, a 78-year-old retired foundation director from Miami, FL, shares his increased support for Joe Biden following the October 7 terror attacks, em...
16 Apr
Moment Josh Mandelbaum: Continued Support for Biden 16 Apr
Josh Mandelbaum, an environmental attorney and city councilmember from Des Moines, IA, is a Democratic Party member, Reform Jewish denomination, and self-ide...
16 Apr
Moment Leah Kiser: Concerned About Women’s Rights 16 Apr
Leah Kiser, a 55-year-old bookkeeper from Lexington, KY, expresses disillusionment with the progressive left following the October 7 terror attacks, particul...
16 Apr
Moment Ushi Teitelbaum: Longing for Economic Stability 16 Apr
Ushi Teitelbaum, an Orthodox Jewish Republican residing in Brooklyn, expresses concern over rising antisemitism, emphasizing the importance of economic stabi...
16 Apr
Moment Diana Leygerman: Against Censorship in Schools 16 Apr
Diana Leygerman, a 41-year-old Democratic Jewish activist from Warwick Township, PA, is concerned about censorship in schools, particularly after a Republica...
16 Apr
Moment Abby Schachter: Wanting More College Involvement in Society 16 Apr
In an interview with Abby Schachter, an Orthodox Jew and Republican academic program manager, she expresses concerns about the Democratic Party moving away f...
16 Apr
Moment Meirav Solomon: Biden is the Only Moral Answer 16 Apr
Meirav Solomon, a 20-year-old Conservative Jewish student at Tufts University, expresses her support for Joe Biden as the only moral choice in the 2024 presi...
16 Apr
Moment Aaron Weissman: Fighting for Democracy 16 Apr
Aaron Weissman, a 52-year-old Reform Jew from Great Falls, MT, switched from being a Republican to an Independent voter. He strongly believes claims of elect...
16 Apr
Moment David Guttenberg: Becoming a Zionist 16 Apr
In an interview with David Guttenberg, a retired construction worker and state legislator from Montana, he discusses how recent events, such as the October 7...
16 Apr
Moment Deborah Pardes: Becoming a One-Issue Jewish Voter 16 Apr
Deborah Pardes, a 58-year-old unaffiliated Jewish voter from Los Angeles, shares her journey of becoming a one-issue voter following the October 7 terror att...
16 Apr
Moment Don Cohen: More Security is Needed for Jews 16 Apr
Don Cohen, a retired Jewish community relations professional from West Bloomfield, MI, expresses concern about the need for increased security for the Jewish...
16 Apr
Moment Nina Stanley: “This could be our last election” 16 Apr
Nina Stanley, a 72-year-old retired nurse from Ohio, expresses concern about the state of democracy and the impact of figures like Benjamin Netanyahu on Isra...
16 Apr
Moment Deb Kolodny: Recognizing a Climate Catastrophe 16 Apr
Deb Kolodny, a consultant and freelance rabbi, emphasizes the urgent need to address not only climate change but also the concept of climate refugees in West...
16 Apr
Moment Adam Witkov: Saddened by the Lack of Jewish Support 16 Apr
Adam Witkov, a 39-year-old Reform Jew from Milwaukee, expresses his concern over the lack of Jewish support from progressive causes in the face of antisemiti...
16 Apr
Moment Eva R. Cohen: There is a Lack of Empathy for Israel 16 Apr
Eva R. Cohen, a rabbinical student and leader of a Humanistic Jewish congregation in Minneapolis, discusses the lack of empathy for Israel in the aftermath o...
16 Apr
Moment Iran Tests the U.S.-Israel Alliance 15 Apr
The article discusses Iran's recent attack on Israel and the subsequent response from the U.S.-Israel alliance. The attack, largely intercepted by Israel wit...
15 Apr
Moment Talk of the Table | The Versatile, Vengeful, Volatile Onion 15 Apr
Onions have a rich history and significance in Jewish culture and cuisine. They have been cultivated for thousands of years, with various health benefits and...
15 Apr
Moment Book Review | An Ancient Book Illuminates Our Troubled Times 15 Apr
Debra Band's illustrated volume "Qohelet: Searching for a Life Worth Living" with commentary by Menachem Fisch delves into the existential ponderings of the ...
15 Apr
Moment Book Review | Ukraine’s Zelensky, Warts and All 15 Apr
The rise of Volodymyr Zelensky from an entertainer to the president of Ukraine is explored in two biographies "The Showman" by Simon Shuster and "Zelensky: U...
15 Apr
Moment David Wolkinson: Prioritizing National Security 12 Apr
David Wolkinson, an Orthodox Jewish real estate investor and Republican-leaning voter, emphasizes national security as his top priority in politics, expressi...
12 Apr
Moment Connecting Jewish Identity with Jewish Values with Donniel Hartman and Sarah Breger 11 Apr
Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman, president of the Shalom Hartman Institute, discusses in his book "Who Are the Jews And Who Can We Become" the two strands of Jewis...
11 Apr
Moment Letter From Dearborn | Scenes From the Heart of Arab America 11 Apr
In this piece titled "Letter From Dearborn | Scenes From the Heart of Arab America," the author describes visiting Dearborn, Michigan, a predominantly Arab-A...
11 Apr
Moment Opinion | At Israeli Seders, Pick Your Pharaoh 11 Apr
The author reflects on the current state of Israel, likening the leadership to different Pharaohs and emphasizing the need for democratic action to bring abo...
11 Apr
Moment Jewish Word | Doikayt: The Jewish Left Is Here 11 Apr
Doikayt, a concept originating from the Jewish socialist movement, the Bund, emphasizes the importance of being rooted and at home where one currently reside...
11 Apr
Moment Opinion Interview with Daniel Klaidman | Are Threats Eroding Our Politics? 11 Apr
Investigative journalists Daniel Klaidman and Michael Isikoff detail the unsettling story of attempts to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia, focusing on t...
11 Apr
Moment Visual Moment | Depicting Devastation 11 Apr
Israeli artist Zoya Cherkassky's exhibition, The 7 October 2023 Series at the Jewish Museum in New York, presents dark and intense drawings reflecting the tr...
11 Apr
Moment B’Ivrit | Israeli Media Covers Anniversary of a Half-Year at War 9 Apr
Israeli media coverage of the ongoing Gaza war focused on the somber six-month anniversary of the conflict, featuring stories of loss, grief, and criticism o...
9 Apr
Moment Moment Debate | Should UNRWA be shut down? 5 Apr
Larry Garber, a former USAID official, argues against shutting down the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian refugees, emphasizing ...
5 Apr
Moment From the Newsletter | Israel Is Not the Same: Notes From a Recent Trip 5 Apr
A recent trip to Israel in February revealed the lasting impact of a tragic event by Hamas on October 7. Israelis expressed vulnerability, fear, anger, and d...
5 Apr
Moment Interview | Non-Orthodox Conversion in Israel 5 Apr
In Israel, the Reform movement faces challenges due to Orthodox control over religious and civil matters. Despite this, a 2010 Supreme Court decision recogni...
5 Apr
Moment Explainer | Will Israel Draft ‘Those Who Toil in Torah’? 4 Apr
The debate in Israel regarding the military draft of Haredi yeshiva students has intensified as exemptions have expired, leading to court orders barring subs...
4 Apr
Moment From the Editor | How Nuance Can Save Us 4 Apr
The article discusses the current state of the American Jewish conversation, highlighting the rise of antisemitism as a symptom of broader issues like politi...
4 Apr
Moment Opinion | Carrying Navalny’s Torch 4 Apr
Vladimir Kara-Murza, a renowned Russian journalist and democracy activist, has emerged as a significant figure in the fight against Vladimir Putin's regime f...
4 Apr
Moment Opinion | Israel’s Elusive ‘Day After’ 4 Apr
The article discusses the uncertainty surrounding the "day after" the war in Gaza for Israel, with debates between the U.S. administration and the Israeli go...
4 Apr
Moment Esther Coopersmith 2 Apr
Esther Coopersmith, a prominent figure in Washington, DC, and a recipient of Moments Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018, passed away, leaving a significant i...
2 Apr
Moment For the Love of Judaism with Shai Held and Amy E. Schwartz 2 Apr
Rabbi Shai Held, president of the Hadar Institute and author of "Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life," challenges the misconception th...
2 Apr
Moment Wisdom Project | Joseph Werk, 97 1 Apr
Joseph Werk, a 97-year-old Holocaust survivor from New Jersey, has led a remarkable life of service and resilience. Fleeing Poland to Russia during World War...
1 Apr
Moment Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste 1 Apr
Tensions between the U.S. and Israel peaked recently when the U.S. allowed a UN Security Council resolution on a cease-fire to pass without veto, leading to ...
1 Apr
Moment Beyond Greening: Jewish Responses to Climate Emergency 1 Apr
American Jews are increasingly alarmed by climate change, with many viewing it as a top issue requiring urgent action. Jewish responses to the climate crisis...
1 Apr
Moment Is a Two-State Solution for Israelis and Palestinians Still Possible? with Aaron David Miller, Ghaith al-Omari and Robert Siegel 28 Mar
Middle East analysts Aaron David Miller, Ghaith al-Omari, and journalist Robert Siegel discuss the feasibility of a two-state solution for Israelis and Pales...
28 Mar
Moment Israel’s Internal War 28 Mar
The article discusses the ongoing internal conflict in Israel regarding the issue of drafting Haredi yeshiva students into the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). ...
28 Mar
Moment Female, Funny and Fabulous with Felicia Madison, Ellen Sugarman and Jennifer Bardi 26 Mar
Felicia Madison and Ellen Sugarman, both comedians, discuss their experiences entering the world of comedy after 50, incorporating their Jewish identity into...
26 Mar
Moment What Do Students Want? Plus: UK Antisemitism and America’s Golden Age 25 Mar
The Antisemitism Project newsletter discusses the rise of antisemitism in the UK, particularly in London, following events like the Hamas attack on Israel an...
25 Mar
Moment Interview | Franklin Foer on the Golden Age of American Jews 21 Mar
Franklin Foer, a writer for The Atlantic, discusses rising antisemitism affecting American Jews from both the left and the right in his article "The Golden A...
21 Mar
Moment The Israeli Diaspora Finds A Voice 21 Mar
The text discusses the critique of the marginalization of Israeli women writers in contemporary Hebrew fiction, attributing some of the bias to Jewish religi...
21 Mar