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Tablet An Enemy of the People 5 Apr 2019
The French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut was recently harassed by a group of Yellow Vest protesters in Paris with anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist slurs, despi...
5 Apr 2019
Tablet A Reader in the Ghetto 3 Apr 2019
This poignant narrative reflects on the harrowing experiences of Jewish children in the Lodz ghetto during World War II. Recounting memories of teaching a br...
3 Apr 2019
Tablet Why We Need to Do More to Fight Islamophobia 1 Apr 2019
The author reflects on the need to combat Islamophobia within the Jewish community, underscored by the tragedies like the Tree of Life shooting and the Chris...
1 Apr 2019
Tablet A Conversation With Marjorie Perloff 1 Apr 2019
In a conversation with Marjorie Perloff, a noted poetry critic, various topics are discussed, including the state of poetry and the struggles of Jewish write...
1 Apr 2019
Tablet Want to Fight BDS on Campus? Don’t Count on University Presidents 25 Mar 2019
University presidents like Melvin Oliver of Pitzer College, Martha Pollack of Cornell, and Mark Schlissel of the University of Michigan have recently pushed ...
25 Mar 2019
Tablet The Secret Political History of Queen Esther 21 Mar 2019
The discussion revolves around the political history related to the biblical figure Queen Esther and her influence on Western politics during moments of grea...
21 Mar 2019
Tablet Crocs 20 Mar 2019
Jules Feiffer, renowned for his contributions to graphic novels, has completed his noir series with the finale titled "The Ghost Script." In a shift from his...
20 Mar 2019
Tablet Inside China’s Plan for Global Supremacy 19 Mar 2019
The text discusses China's strategy for global economic dominance, focusing on its use of technology in various sectors. The author shares his experiences wi...
19 Mar 2019
Tablet Lincoln Kirstein at MoMA 14 Mar 2019
Lincoln Kirstein, a pivotal figure in American arts and modernism, is celebrated in an exhibition at MoMA, highlighting his contributions to the art world an...
14 Mar 2019
Tablet The Rabbi and His Church 12 Mar 2019
Rabbi Michael Lezak serves as a staff rabbi at Glide Memorial United Methodist Church in San Francisco's impoverished Tenderloin neighborhood, working on soc...
12 Mar 2019
Tablet Anti-Semitism and Orthodoxy in the Age of Trump 12 Mar 2019
In the wake of the tragic Pittsburgh massacre in 2018, major Orthodox organizations unequivocally condemned the attack but hesitated to denounce white nation...
12 Mar 2019
Tablet Make It Work 11 Mar 2019
This article, penned by a lifelong Democrat, addresses the concerning rise of antisemitism in America and within some progressive circles, urging the Democra...
11 Mar 2019
Tablet The Soul of a Machine 7 Mar 2019
The article discusses the history and significance of the theremin, the first electronic instrument mass-produced and played without physical contact. Invent...
7 Mar 2019
Tablet Multiculturalism and the Anti-Enlightenment 6 Mar 2019
In the 1830s, France faced a crisis about Enlightenment ideals following the conquest of Algeria. The country was torn between its revolutionary past and a d...
6 Mar 2019
Tablet The Pilgrimage to Aruba 1 Mar 2019
Every year, a significant portion of the Syrian Jewish community from Brooklyn, around 6,000 people, embarks on a 10-day pilgrimage to Aruba, transforming th...
1 Mar 2019
Tablet No More Mr. Nice Jew 27 Feb 2019
The text emphasizes the need for a strong response from the Jewish community towards anti-Semitic individuals like Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, advoca...
27 Feb 2019
Tablet Jules Feiffer on Howard Schultz’s New Cup of Coffee 26 Feb 2019
In a satirical take, noted cartoonist and humorist Jules Feiffer reflects on former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz's latest coffee venture. Feiffer's commentar...
26 Feb 2019
Tablet Will the Supreme Court Finally Protect the Right Not to Work on the Sabbath? 26 Feb 2019
The Supreme Court is considering a case involving a Seventh-day Adventist employee whose religious beliefs prevent him from working on Saturdays. The issue o...
26 Feb 2019
Tablet Ethical Eating 25 Feb 2019
Leora Mallach, co-founder of Beantown Jewish Gardens, emphasizes the importance of integrating Jewish tradition with contemporary issues like food justice, h...
25 Feb 2019
Tablet The New Jerusalem Is Crumbling 21 Feb 2019
The text discusses the American concept of creating a new Jerusalem on earth, departing from traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs by seeking to establish a mo...
21 Feb 2019
Tablet Hitler at the Garden 20 Feb 2019
"A Night at the Garden" is a concise documentary capturing the chilling 1939 Nazi-themed rally by the German American Bund at Madison Square Garden, filled w...
20 Feb 2019
Tablet The Only Path to a U.S. Victory in the Middle East Is to Leave Now 20 Feb 2019
The text argues that the United States' best course of action in the Middle East is to leave now, as continued military presence has not brought about the de...
20 Feb 2019
Tablet Cooking Up a Diverse Community 19 Feb 2019
Simone Weichselbaum, a half Jamaican, half German-Jewish woman, founded Kugel in response to feeling out of place in her fianc's homogeneous Jewish community...
19 Feb 2019
Tablet The ‘DAU’ of Stalin Opens in Paris 19 Feb 2019
DAU, a long-gestating film project by Ilya Khrzhanovsky, initially a biopic of physicist Lev Landau, morphed into a massive anthropological experiment. The f...
19 Feb 2019
Tablet The Value of Remembering Dead Workers 13 Feb 2019
The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission recently approved a design for a permanent memorial to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, a tragic eve...
13 Feb 2019
Tablet Class Struggle and the Dreamlife of Trump National 13 Feb 2019
The text discusses the author's experiences as a golf caddy at Trump National Golf Club Westchester, reflecting on class struggle, social hierarchies, and di...
13 Feb 2019
Tablet The General Who Wasn’t There 12 Feb 2019
The text revolves around a journalist's meeting with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak for an interview discussing his autobiography. The journalist, ...
12 Feb 2019
Tablet A Lesser Wife 11 Feb 2019
This text narrates the story of the author's grandmother, Savta, who was born in Yemen and immigrated to Israel, where she was given a Hebraized name. The au...
11 Feb 2019
Tablet Better Treyf Than Sorry 8 Feb 2019
In "Better Treyf Than Sorry," Adam Kirsch explores the Talmudic discussions in Chapter Three of Tractate Chullin regarding what renders an animal tereifa, or...
8 Feb 2019
Tablet Henryk Broder in the Lion’s Den 7 Feb 2019
German-Jewish writer Henryk Broder addressed Germany's Bundestag in January, challenging the right-wing Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party for its natio...
7 Feb 2019
Tablet After Long Delay Trump Administration Appoints Envoy to Fight Anti-Semitism 6 Feb 2019
Elan Carr has been appointed as the new anti-Semitism envoy by the Trump administration after a prolonged vacancy in the role. Coming from an Iraqi Jewish ba...
6 Feb 2019
Tablet The Man Who Remade Death 5 Feb 2019
Yechezkel Nakar, an Orthodox Jewish man, was declared dead based on brain death criteria despite his heart continuing to beat for three weeks after his death...
5 Feb 2019
Tablet Battling Israel’s Marriage Monopoly 5 Feb 2019
In Israel, the Chief Rabbinate holds a monopoly on Jewish marriages, leading to limitations such as Orthodox control, prohibiting Reform or Conservative cere...
5 Feb 2019
Tablet How a Twitter Mob Derailed an Immigrant Female Author’s Budding Career 31 Jan 2019
Amélie Wen Zhao, an immigrant female author with a successful publishing deal for her debut young adult fiction trilogy, faced backlash from YA Twitter befor...
31 Jan 2019
Tablet When Jews Ruled the Fencing World 29 Jan 2019
Jewish athletes, particularly in fencing, have a rich history that dates back to before WWII. At the 1936 Berlin Olympics, three women with Jewish background...
29 Jan 2019
Tablet Short Ribs Are Back 28 Jan 2019
Short ribs, also known as flanken in the old country, have made a comeback in the culinary world, becoming a trendy dish among the next generation of cooks. ...
28 Jan 2019
Tablet Jules Feiffer’s American Follies 25 Jan 2019
"Jules Feiffer's American Follies" is a satirical exploration of American society, delving into themes of political disillusionment and cultural absurdities....
25 Jan 2019
Tablet Reinhold Niebuhr’s Zionism 23 Jan 2019
Reinhold Niebuhr, a prominent Christian theologian, initially supported missionary efforts to convert Jews to Christianity in the 1920s but later abandoned t...
23 Jan 2019
Tablet My Great-Grandfather, the Jewish Cowboy 23 Jan 2019
This article explores the remarkable and lesser-known story of the writer’s great-grandfather, David Feinstein, a Jewish immigrant who embraced a cowboy's li...
23 Jan 2019
Tablet Tikkun Olam, Y’all 18 Jan 2019
Rabbi Ira Sanders, a significant yet relatively uncelebrated figure in Southern Jewish history, is highlighted in James L. Moses' biography "Just and Righteo...
18 Jan 2019
Tablet A Centuries-Old Green Delicacy for Tu B’Shevat 18 Jan 2019
Swiss chard, a versatile and flavorful green, has a long history dating back to ancient times, with references by Aristotle and the Talmud emphasizing its he...
18 Jan 2019
Tablet Arafat and the Ayatollahs 17 Jan 2019
Yasser Arafat's complex relationships with various factions in the Middle East, particularly with the Iranian revolutionary forces in Lebanon during the 1970...
17 Jan 2019
Tablet Under the Chuppah in Havana 14 Jan 2019
In Havana, a group wedding marked the resurgence of Cuba's Jewish community after facing challenges post-revolution. The community, once thriving with synago...
14 Jan 2019
Tablet Jules Feiffer’s American Follies 14 Jan 2019
"Jules Feiffer's American Follies" is a work by the renowned cartoonist and writer that explores the absurdities and intricacies of American life through sat...
14 Jan 2019
Tablet Message From a Yiddish Werewolf 8 Jan 2019
After the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, a reflection on H. Leyvik's Yiddish poem "The Wolf," written in 1920, becomes hauntingly relevant. The poem depicts ...
8 Jan 2019
Tablet The End of the World That 1948 Made 2 Jan 2019
The text discusses the pivotal events of 1948, including the creation of Israel, the promulgation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Genoci...
2 Jan 2019
Tablet Why New Year’s Eve Is the Worst 31 Dec 2018
New Year's Eve is criticized for its expectations and disappointments, with pressure to be fancy and have the "Best! Time! Ever!" Rosh Hashanah offers a cont...
31 Dec 2018
Tablet A Soviet Jewish Front in the War on Christmas 25 Dec 2018
During the Cold War, Soviet Jews and dissidents used Christmas trees as a form of resistance against Communist oppression, which included a ban on religious ...
25 Dec 2018
Tablet Sholem Asch’s Jewish Gospels 24 Dec 2018
Sholem Asch, a prominent Yiddish writer, stirred controversy with his Christian-themed novels, namely "The Nazarene" and "The Apostle," followed by "Mary." D...
24 Dec 2018
Tablet A Polish-Israeli Christmas Tradition Among the Children of Survivors 24 Dec 2018
Howard Kaplan, an observant Jew in Israel, continues a Christmas tradition started by his mother Toby, who was saved during the Holocaust by Aleksandra Taras...
24 Dec 2018