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Tablet To Be a German Jew in 1938 Was to Live in Disbelief 9 Nov 2018
The article reflects on the experiences of German and Austrian Jews in 1938 leading up to Kristallnacht, as depicted in the 1938Projekt online exhibit by the...
9 Nov 2018
Tablet Was Qatar Behind the Hack of Shmuley Boteach? 6 Nov 2018
Qatar's attempts to influence the American Jewish community and U.S. policymakers through lobbying and hacking activities, as detailed in a lawsuit by Elliot...
6 Nov 2018
Tablet Oil Change 6 Nov 2018
The Talmudic text Tractate Menachot raises questions about the details of meal offerings, particularly regarding the use of oil in their preparation. The Tal...
6 Nov 2018
Tablet Good Fortune 6 Nov 2018
The author reflects on receiving a significant sum of money from his deceased father and his internal struggle with wealth, debt, and Jewish values surroundi...
6 Nov 2018
Tablet I Chose to Spend Shabbat With Steve Bannon 6 Nov 2018
In the aftermath of the Pittsburgh massacre, the author chose to spend Shabbat attending a debate between David Frum and Steve Bannon instead of going to syn...
6 Nov 2018
Tablet Out of Ghetto Streets 2 Nov 2018
During the early 20th century, Canada saw a significant increase in its Jewish population due to the arrival of Russian and Eastern European immigrants, who ...
2 Nov 2018
Tablet A Psalm for Pittsburgh 2 Nov 2018
In the wake of the tragic shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, the power of Psalms (Tehillim) to provide solace and words in times of despai...
2 Nov 2018
Tablet Dressing for Paradise 1 Nov 2018
Frida Kahlo's unique wardrobe, filled with sumptuous fabrics and intricate accessories, served as a powerful form of self-expression and a way to confront he...
1 Nov 2018
Tablet How Should We Read the American Press? In Arabic. 1 Nov 2018
Jamal Khashoggi, in his final column, highlighted the impact of state-controlled media in the Arab world and likened the situation to the current state of th...
1 Nov 2018
Tablet Anti-Semitism Is a Conspiracy Theory 1 Nov 2018
The article discusses the rise of anti-Semitism as a racist conspiracy theory, distinct from other forms of bigotry, leading to the violent events such as th...
1 Nov 2018
Tablet Correcting the ADL’s False Anti-Semitism Statistic 30 Oct 2018
In response to claims linking a rise in anti-Semitism to President Trump, an article criticizes the Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) statistic allegedly showin...
30 Oct 2018
Tablet American Yahrzeit 29 Oct 2018
The text discusses the concept of aninut in Jewish mourning practices and how it relates to the recent tragedy at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, w...
29 Oct 2018
Tablet Can an Orthodox Woman Win Votes in an Ultra-Orthodox Town? 26 Oct 2018
Aliza Bloch, a religious Zionist woman, is running for mayor in Beit Shemesh, aiming to unite the fractured community. Beit Shemesh has faced internal strife...
26 Oct 2018
Tablet The French Left’s Fascist Creep 25 Oct 2018
This article critiques Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of France's extreme-left party, La France Insoumise, highlighting his drift towards extremist political beh...
25 Oct 2018
Tablet A Problem With the Sun 24 Oct 2018
Fowler, facing a flood and having refused evacuation, contemplates a distant light in the hills, indicating potential danger to his hideout. He fears spies a...
24 Oct 2018
Tablet Not Jewish: Hunting 22 Oct 2018
The author discusses the avocation of hunting, claiming it to be a non-Jewish activity, and reflects on the Jewish perspective on hunting. They mention that ...
22 Oct 2018
Tablet No, Rabbi, Orthodox Women Are Not Safer 22 Oct 2018
The response challenges Rabbi Avi Shafran's article claiming that Orthodox women are safer due to gender halachot, highlighting the prevalence of sexual abus...
22 Oct 2018
Tablet The Emperor’s Woke Clothes 19 Oct 2018
A recent survey of 8,000 Americans reveals that the majority, including people of all ages, races, and educational levels, oppose political correctness, view...
19 Oct 2018
Tablet Anti-Semitism and the Birth of Jewish Studies 18 Oct 2018
During the 1960s, a Jewish graduate student at the University of Michigan encountered ambivalence towards Jewish identity among his peers and faculty members...
18 Oct 2018
Tablet A Safer Space for Women in Orthodox Judaism’s Rules for Sex 17 Oct 2018
The text discusses the #MeToo movement's impact on societal attitudes towards the treatment of women, highlighting the prevalence of sexual abuse and objecti...
17 Oct 2018
Tablet There’s No Business Like Showbread Business 16 Oct 2018
In the early chapters of Tractate Menachot in the Talmud, the focus is on the procedures for offering meal offerings in the Temple, including details on baki...
16 Oct 2018
Tablet The Vanishing Ivy League Jew 16 Oct 2018
There has been a noticeable decline in the number of Jewish students at Ivy League universities in recent years, with significant drops in Jewish representat...
16 Oct 2018
Tablet My Jerusalem Love Affair 15 Oct 2018
The narrator reflects on their time in Jerusalem in the 1990s, remembering their relationship with Tavit, an Armenian Christian, against the backdrop of the ...
15 Oct 2018
Tablet Seven Strings Over Iowa 12 Oct 2018
The article discusses the decline and disappearance of the seven-string guitar, a pivotal instrument in Russian culture for over two centuries, now preserved...
12 Oct 2018
Tablet Early Mourning 11 Oct 2018
After the sudden death of the author's father, traditional Jewish rituals of mourning, such as aninut and sitting shiva, did not offer much comfort. The obli...
11 Oct 2018
Tablet The Banality of the Eichmann Trial 9 Oct 2018
The text discusses the banality of the Eichmann trial, highlighting Adolf Eichmann's role as an ordinary German bureaucrat who orchestrated the Holocaust, fo...
9 Oct 2018
Tablet The Yiddish Madame Bovary’s Abortion 8 Oct 2018
Dovid Bergelson, a prominent Yiddish novelist loyal to the Soviet government, was executed by Stalin in 1952. His novel "The End of Everything" is considered...
8 Oct 2018
Tablet No Way to Treat Children 28 Sep 2018
Doctors Without Borders is conducting an inquiry after a nurse employed by them, Hani al-Majdalawi, attacked IDF soldiers despite not being in medical attire...
28 Sep 2018
Tablet Welcoming Zionist Ideas Into the Sukkah, Day 5: Occupy Zionism 28 Sep 2018
In a discussion of modern Zionism during the holiday of Sukkot, the tension between the temporary nature of life and the everlasting tradition of the Jewish ...
28 Sep 2018
Tablet Tiny Torahs 28 Sep 2018
Simchat Torah flags, once a popular Jewish tradition in Eastern Europe, have evolved into miniaturized Torah scrolls that children now carry proudly during S...
28 Sep 2018
Tablet The Rabbi’s Feminist Zionism 27 Sep 2018
The Rabbis Feminist Zionism discusses the intersection of feminism, Zionism, and postmodernism, highlighting Einat Ramon's perspective as a feminist Zionist ...
27 Sep 2018
Tablet No Israelis Allowed Onboard 26 Sep 2018
A German court rejected an appeal by an Israeli passenger, Adar M, who was denied boarding a Kuwait Airways flight due to the airline's policy barring Israel...
26 Sep 2018
Tablet Welcoming Zionist Ideas Into the Sukkah, Day 3 26 Sep 2018
The text discusses the intertwining of Jewish tradition and Zionist ideas within the context of Sukkot, emphasizing the construction of Sukkah as a symbol of...
26 Sep 2018
Tablet Welcoming Jacob Siegel 26 Sep 2018
Jacob Siegel, a noted writer and editor, has joined Tablet as the editor of The Scroll. Siegel is known for his work in national security, protest politics, ...
26 Sep 2018
Tablet Welcoming Zionist Ideas Into the Sukkah, Day 2 25 Sep 2018
On the second day of Sukkot, a discussion on Zionist ideas explores the tension between the temporary nature of life and the desire for lasting traditions. T...
25 Sep 2018
Tablet Welcoming Zionist Ideas Into the Sukkah, Day 1 24 Sep 2018
In an exploration of Zionist ideas during Sukkot, the tension between tradition and change is discussed through an excerpt from Berl Katzenelson's Revolution...
24 Sep 2018
Tablet Haim Be’er’s Language of the ‘Jewish Bookshelf’ 21 Sep 2018
Haim Beer, an Israeli author whose work emphasizes Jewish sources and themes, has a newly translated vignette published in Tablet, showcasing his unique lite...
21 Sep 2018
Tablet The Egyptian ‘Angel’ Who Spied for Israel 21 Sep 2018
Ashraf Marwan, son-in-law to Egyptian President Nasser and close to Sadat, spied for Israel before the Yom Kippur War, providing critical warnings of the Ara...
21 Sep 2018
Tablet My Second Bat Mitzvah 20 Sep 2018
Reflecting on her life journey, Roseanne Benjamin recounts her bat mitzvah experience and her subsequent reconnection with Judaism through her son's bar mitz...
20 Sep 2018
Tablet The Trouble With Tsimmes—and How to Fix It 20 Sep 2018
Tsimmes, a traditional Ashkenazi Jewish dish made with root vegetables and dried fruit, has faced criticism for being overly sweet and time-consuming to prep...
20 Sep 2018
Tablet Bagels Are Tacky 20 Sep 2018
The article discusses the significance of bagels in Jewish culture and American society, highlighting the debate around traditional bagel practices and new v...
20 Sep 2018
Tablet Not Our Kind 17 Sep 2018
"Not Our Kind" by Kitty Zeldis, reminiscent of Proust's work, is set in postwar America and follows a recent Jewish graduate who becomes a tutor for a wealth...
17 Sep 2018
Tablet The Amazing Return of the Yabloner Rebbe 17 Sep 2018
In 1975, an elderly Jewish man named George T. Nagel attends a graduation at Cal-State Northridge, not fitting in with the young graduates as he silently cel...
17 Sep 2018
Tablet Oslo’s Betrayal 13 Sep 2018
After 25 years since the Oslo Accords, discussions arise on its failure to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with blame placed on Palestinian leaders...
13 Sep 2018
Tablet Tupac’s Corset 12 Sep 2018
The artist Zo Buckman explores the intersection of hip-hop, feminism, and her Jewish identity through embroidered vintage lingerie featuring lyrics from Bigg...
12 Sep 2018
Tablet Up Your Couscous Game 7 Sep 2018
The article discusses the popularity of spicy Tunisian fish balls in stew served over couscous, particularly among Tunisian Jews. The dish, known as couscous...
7 Sep 2018
Tablet Making Mufleta, History’s Oldest Jewish Pastry, for the Holidays 7 Sep 2018
The author delves into medieval Arabic cookbooks to uncover the oldest known recipe for mufleta, a pastry enjoyed by Moroccan Jews during Mimouna at the end ...
7 Sep 2018
Tablet Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Opportunities in the New Year 7 Sep 2018
The author reflects on the concept of opportunity cost introduced during an economics class in college and how it applies to various life choices, such as ac...
7 Sep 2018
Tablet The Voices of Women 6 Sep 2018
The text discusses the author's experiences at an Orthodox Jewish summer camp where she learned about concepts like kol isha and shomer negiah, which restric...
6 Sep 2018
Tablet Cardi B Got Me Through My Son’s Circumcision 6 Sep 2018
The author reflects on their experience surrounding their son's circumcision, drawing parallels to the success and identity representation of Cardi B. They d...
6 Sep 2018