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Tablet Technician of the Sacred 14 Mar 2018
Jerome Rothenberg's groundbreaking anthology "Technicians of the Sacred" challenged the traditional Western idea of poetry by showcasing ancient and contempo...
14 Mar 2018
Tablet Statue of Limitations 13 Mar 2018
The discussion revolves around the Talmudic prohibition against idol worship and the various nuances and challenges faced by Jews living in a society where i...
13 Mar 2018
Tablet Sex and the Religious Girl 12 Mar 2018
A woman from an Orthodox Jewish background reflects on her experiences with sexuality and intimacy, highlighting the challenges faced by religious girls in d...
12 Mar 2018
Tablet German Art Without Jews 9 Mar 2018
"Before the Fall: German and Austrian Art of the 1930s" at the Neue Galerie is curated by Olaf Peters and focuses on art reflecting the cultural and politica...
9 Mar 2018
Tablet Who’s Jane? 9 Mar 2018
Jane, a highly skilled bridal attendant in a Syrian Jewish community in Brooklyn, is known for her exceptional work ethic and ability to seamlessly navigate ...
9 Mar 2018
Tablet Who Believes in Russiagate? 8 Mar 2018
Amid the divisive landscape of American politics, the Russiagate collusion theory has faced increasing skepticism from reporters and thinkers across the poli...
8 Mar 2018
Tablet Introducing Tablet’s 100 Most Jewish Foods List 6 Mar 2018
Tablet Magazine has released a list of the 100 Most Jewish Foods, now available as a book, focusing on dishes with deep Jewish cultural significance rather t...
6 Mar 2018
Tablet Farewell to Russ Solomon, Founder of Tower Records 6 Mar 2018
Russ Solomon, the founder of Tower Records, passed away at 92 while watching the Oscars. The author reflects on the significance of record stores like Tower ...
6 Mar 2018
Tablet How a Jewish Youth Camp Birthed the 1968 East L.A. Chicano Student Walkouts 2 Mar 2018
A Jewish Rabbi, Alfred Wolf, played a crucial role in fostering leadership among Chicano students in East Los Angeles by organizing the Chicano Youth Leaders...
2 Mar 2018
Tablet Mordechai: Snoop, Loafer, Busybody, Savior 1 Mar 2018
This article explores the literary character of Mordechai in the Book of Esther, presenting him as far more complex than the typical rabbinic portrayal of a ...
1 Mar 2018
Tablet The Blot Against America 1 Mar 2018
Jonathan Freedland, writing as Sam Bourne, presents "To Kill the President," a political thriller critiquing a volatile, Trump-like president in a scenario w...
1 Mar 2018
Tablet The Political Genius of Ahasuerus 1 Mar 2018
The article discusses the character of Ahasuerus from the Book of Esther, highlighting his leadership traits and flaws. Ahasuerus is portrayed as a hedonisti...
1 Mar 2018
Tablet Meyer Habib 28 Feb 2018
Meyer Habib, a French politician of Tunisian descent, is a strong advocate for French Jews, especially in issues related to professional qualifications recog...
28 Feb 2018
Tablet A Yiddish Purim Shpil in Tel Aviv 28 Feb 2018
In a recounting of a visit to Tel Aviv, the author explores the vibrant Yiddish cultural scene in the city, particularly focusing on Yung Yidish, a bus stati...
28 Feb 2018
Tablet Pharaoh’s Wheel 27 Feb 2018
Italian Jews have a long history of creating traditional pasta dishes, with Tagliolini colla Crosta being a beloved favorite among them, especially popular o...
27 Feb 2018
Tablet The Bari Weiss Pile-On 27 Feb 2018
Bari Weiss faced criticism after tweeting a quote referencing immigrants that was misconstrued as targeting an American-born Olympian. The incident sparked a...
27 Feb 2018
Tablet Joan Nathan Wins Major Award for Her Latest Cookbook 26 Feb 2018
Joan Nathan recently received the Cookbook Award in the International category from the International Association of Culinary Professionals for her book "Kin...
26 Feb 2018
Tablet The Wide World of Jewish Spices 23 Feb 2018
Jewish tradition and history have deep ties to the use of spices, with fragrant spices being central to rituals and culinary traditions. Lior Lev Sercarz, a ...
23 Feb 2018
Tablet The Kabbalah of Rothko 23 Feb 2018
The text discusses the unique blend of art and spirituality found at the Rothko Chapel in Houston, created by Mark Rothko and funded by the de Menil family. ...
23 Feb 2018
Tablet Chocolate Hummus? Have You No Shame? 21 Feb 2018
The author criticizes the trend of unconventional hummus flavors like chocolate hummus, expressing a mix of disbelief and intrigue at the concept. They refle...
21 Feb 2018
Tablet ‘The Tree of Life’ Is a Brilliant Work of Art About the Holocaust 21 Feb 2018
"The Tree of Life" by Chava Rosenfarb is a profound Yiddish-language trilogy set in the Lodz Ghetto during the Holocaust. The work introduces a diverse array...
21 Feb 2018
Tablet Wide Angle: An Excerpt From a Critically Acclaimed New Novel 20 Feb 2018
Simone Somekh's novel "Wide Angle" follows the story of Orthodox Jewish photographer Ezra Kramer as he embarks on a journey to pursue his dreams and beliefs ...
20 Feb 2018
Tablet ‘To Be Us, It’s Political’: Tel Aviv’s Drag Queens 20 Feb 2018
Refinery29 released a mini-documentary about the Tel Aviv drag scene, featuring a young soldier named German who transforms into a queen named Diamond with t...
20 Feb 2018
Tablet Call It Sleepless 20 Feb 2018
The text delves into a mother's journey with her sleepless daughter, Zelda, and the challenges they faced with sleep studies, parenting approaches, and strug...
20 Feb 2018
Tablet A Portrait of the Marriage of Fred and Marcia Weisman, by David Hockney 20 Feb 2018
David Hockney's portrait of Fred and Marcia Weisman in "American Collectors" depicts the couple standing apart and looking unhappy, surrounded by their sculp...
20 Feb 2018
Tablet New Exhibit Showcases Treasures of Islamic Medieval Art and Science 16 Feb 2018
An exhibit in New York, "Romance and Reason: Islamic Transformations of the Classical Past," showcases over 70 Islamic manuscripts from the National Library ...
16 Feb 2018
Tablet In France, Furor Over a Muslim Reality Show Star Reveals Deeper Tensions 16 Feb 2018
The article discusses the controversy surrounding Mennel Ibstissem, a Muslim contestant on the French version of The Voice, who faced backlash over her past ...
16 Feb 2018
Tablet Feeling the Love in Macedonia 15 Feb 2018
In September 2017, the author visited Bitola, Macedonia, where they were overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and respect for Jewish culture despite the abs...
15 Feb 2018
Tablet How Do You Say ‘Podcast’ in Hebrew? 15 Feb 2018
The Academy of the Hebrew Language faced the challenge of translating the word "podcast" into Hebrew. After public input, the chosen Hebrew term is "Hesket,"...
15 Feb 2018
Tablet An Ode to David Grossman 14 Feb 2018
David Grossman has been a pivotal figure in modern Hebrew literature, beginning with his influential work in radio, progressing to remarkable literary achiev...
14 Feb 2018
Tablet Welcome, the Bagel Emoji 13 Feb 2018
Later this year, a bagel emoji will be introduced, allowing people to use it in texts to emphasize their desire to go out for a bagel brunch with friends.
13 Feb 2018
Tablet Immoral, Weak, Abusive, Untrustworthy, and Murderous 13 Feb 2018
The Talmudic text explores the rabbis' views on interactions between Jews and non-Jews, painting a picture of suspicion and potential harm directed towards J...
13 Feb 2018
Tablet Qatar and American Jews 13 Feb 2018
Al Jazeera, a Qatar-based media outlet known for its pro-Islamist leanings, has sent letters to various U.S.-based Jewish and pro-Israel organizations and in...
13 Feb 2018
Tablet Celebrating Judy Blumesday 9 Feb 2018
Symphony Space in New York City celebrated Judy Blume with a star-studded event on Super Bowl Sunday, featuring readings and tributes from various celebritie...
9 Feb 2018
Tablet Poland’s Judas Holocaust 8 Feb 2018
The Polish Parliament passed a law that criminalizes mentioning Polish collaboration with the Germans during World War II, particularly the term "Polish deat...
8 Feb 2018
Tablet A Sea of Blood at the Met 8 Feb 2018
The Metropolitan Opera presents Wagner's "Parsifal" in a controversial production featuring a sea of blood on stage during the second act. This interpretatio...
8 Feb 2018
Tablet The Porn Shelter 7 Feb 2018
The text describes the author's experiences at the Givat Gonen School, which focused on integrating students from different backgrounds in Jerusalem. The aut...
7 Feb 2018
Tablet How Jews Should Deal With Gentiles 6 Feb 2018
The discussion in Tractate Avoda Zara of the Talmud delves into the regulation of Jewish relationships with non-Jews, with a focus on how Jews should navigat...
6 Feb 2018
Tablet Unsealed Yasser Arafat Diaries Reveal Extent Of PLO-Italy Relationship 6 Feb 2018
Excerpts from Yasser Arafat's diaries unveil a previously unknown non-aggression pact between the PLO and Italy, shedding light on his relationships with fig...
6 Feb 2018
Tablet Getting Back to Basics in the Kitchen 5 Feb 2018
In this reflective essay, the author explores the nostalgic journey of cooking traditional Jewish foods using old cookbooks like "How to Cook Like a Jewish M...
5 Feb 2018
Tablet Tell Us What You Really Think 5 Feb 2018
This text is a call for readers to participate in a survey to provide feedback on a magazine with the aim of tailoring its content to better reflect readers'...
5 Feb 2018
Tablet Alt-Right Publication Accuses Jews of Attempting to Indoctrinate America’s Young Via Subversive Children’s Books 2 Feb 2018
An alt-right publication, The Unz Review, accused Jews of trying to indoctrinate American children through subversive children's books, referencing the dispr...
2 Feb 2018
Tablet What Happened to Israel’s ‘New Haredim’? 1 Feb 2018
The ultra-Orthodox community in Israel was once seen as integrating more into modern Israeli society, but this trend has stalled recently, with a plateau in ...
1 Feb 2018
Tablet Is Feminist Lemonade Kosher? 1 Feb 2018
The text explores the implications and complexities of feminism in contemporary society, addressing issues such as gender equality, feminist empowerment, and...
1 Feb 2018
Tablet Thou Shalt Sell No White Rooster and Bow to No Idols 30 Jan 2018
In the Talmudic period (200-500 CE), Jews had ceased being tempted by idol worship, focusing instead on co-existing with pagan societies. The text emphasizes...
30 Jan 2018
Tablet The Modern-day Appeal of Tu B’Shevat 30 Jan 2018
Tu B'Shevat, the Jewish New Year of the Trees, is experiencing a modern-day appeal due to its focus on regeneration and its minimal requirements for celebrat...
30 Jan 2018
Tablet P is for Palestine, But B is for Bund 30 Jan 2018
The controversy surrounding the children's alphabet book "P is for Palestine" at Book Culture on the Upper West Side highlights the clash between Jewish pare...
30 Jan 2018
Tablet Chava and Zenia 26 Jan 2018
The text explores the correspondence between two lesser-known female writers, Zenia Larsson and Chava Rosenfarb, both survivors of the Holocaust who were bor...
26 Jan 2018
Tablet A Conversation With Selfhelp, a Non-Profit Dedicated to Helping Holocaust Survivors 25 Jan 2018
Selfhelp, a non-profit organization, focuses on aiding Holocaust survivors by providing various services. Apart from those who were in concentration camps, s...
25 Jan 2018
Tablet Shabbat Dinner, Libyan Style 24 Jan 2018
During a visit to Israel, the writer had the opportunity to dine at Uri Buri, a renowned seafood restaurant in Akko with creations like mackerel with eggplan...
24 Jan 2018