Daily Podcasts Video search
Tablet The Jews You’ve Never Heard Of 29 Sep 2016
The Karaite Jews, a group often unfamiliar to mainstream Jewish communities, uphold a form of Judaism that prioritizes biblical authority over rabbinic inter...
29 Sep 2016
Tablet Keeping the Honey in the Land of Milk and Honey 28 Sep 2016
The Israeli Honey Board's annual honey festival, timed for the High Holidays, showcases the country's honey industry with activities such as tours, tastings,...
28 Sep 2016
Tablet How to Have a Sweet New Year—Moroccan Style 28 Sep 2016
Carrots have long been a symbolic food for Rosh Hashanah, representing plenty and prosperity. In Moroccan Jewish tradition, a salad made from carrots cut int...
28 Sep 2016
Tablet Stay in Your Lane, Elf 27 Sep 2016
"Shmelf the Hanukkah Elf" by Greg Wolfe and Howard McWilliam is a new picture book that has raised controversy for its portrayal of a Jewish family and the b...
27 Sep 2016
Tablet The Occupation Is on Trial 27 Sep 2016
The trial of Israeli Defense Forces sergeant Elor Azaria, charged with manslaughter for killing a wounded Palestinian terrorist in Hebron, has sparked divisi...
27 Sep 2016
Tablet Not Quite My Great-Grandmother’s Apple Cake 26 Sep 2016
The author reflects on family history and connects with her ancestral roots while harvesting fruit on her farm, imagining the stories behind the fruit trees ...
26 Sep 2016
Tablet From the Ground Up 26 Sep 2016
In Israel, the coffee culture has evolved over the years, shifting from instant coffee to a wide variety of options in trendy cafs where people socialize, wo...
26 Sep 2016
Tablet The Season of Prayer, Repentance, and Psychotherapy 23 Sep 2016
During the High Holidays between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the theme of God often emerges in psychotherapy sessions as individuals grapple with questions...
23 Sep 2016
Tablet Missing From Israel’s Baseball Team: Israelis 20 Sep 2016
The Israeli baseball team competing in the World Baseball Classic qualifiers consists mostly of American players who qualify under the heritage rule due to I...
20 Sep 2016
Tablet Memories of a ‘Treyf’ Life 19 Sep 2016
Elissa Altman's memoir, "Treyf: My Life as an Orthodox Outlaw," delves into her complex relationship with her Jewish identity, family history, and food. She ...
19 Sep 2016
Tablet A Palestinian State Free of Jews? 15 Sep 2016
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu highlighted that the Palestinian Authority seeks a state free of Jews, prompting criticism from various quarters in...
15 Sep 2016
Tablet How to Be a Better Person, Month by Jewish Month 13 Sep 2016
During the month of Elul, the Jewish tradition emphasizes reflection, repentance, and drawing closer to God in preparation for the High Holidays. Rabbi Schne...
13 Sep 2016
Tablet Lil Miss Hot Mess Makes a Great Children’s Storyteller 9 Sep 2016
Lil Miss Hot Mess, a drag queen, is a beloved storyteller for children through Drag Queen Story Hour, an event that celebrates play, fierceness, and feminini...
9 Sep 2016
Tablet Master of the True Line 8 Sep 2016
Mark Podwal is a multifaceted artist and physician known for his unique ability to merge metaphysical concepts with real-world symbolism through art. His wor...
8 Sep 2016
Tablet Drake Is Playing Brooklyn’s Barclays Center on Kol Nidre 8 Sep 2016
Drake, the Jewish Canadian rapper known for being invited to Shabbat dinners, is scheduled to perform at Brooklyn's Barclays Center during Yom Kippur. The fi...
8 Sep 2016
Tablet The Collegiate Sock Fairy Who Warms the Feet of New York’s Homeless 8 Sep 2016
Adina Lichtman, a student at New York University, began a campus initiative called Knock Knock Give a Sock after realizing the importance of socks to the hom...
8 Sep 2016
Tablet The Kotel Compromise: An Opportunity Not to Be Missed 6 Sep 2016
The text discusses the significance of the Kotel compromise, a historic agreement reached after intense negotiations between Orthodox, Reform, and Conservati...
6 Sep 2016
Tablet How ‘Jewish Eggs’ Regained Their Place in Hungary’s Kitchens 6 Sep 2016
After the communist regime in Hungary restricted the use of rich and fancy ingredients, traditional Jewish recipes like Jewish eggs lost their original flavo...
6 Sep 2016
Tablet Newly Declassified CIA Briefings Show the U.S. Didn’t Really See the Yom Kippur War Coming 30 Aug 2016
The newly declassified CIA briefings reveal that the U.S. failed to anticipate the Yom Kippur War in 1973, with the attack by Syria and Egypt taking Israel a...
30 Aug 2016
Tablet Rapper Kosha Dillz’s Judaism Remains an Inspiration on Third Album 29 Aug 2016
Kosha Dillz, an American rapper, incorporates his Jewish identity prominently in his music, addressing topics like anti-Semitism and addiction. In his latest...
29 Aug 2016
Tablet Gene Wilder Dead at 83; The Comedic Icon Once Said, ‘Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You’ 29 Aug 2016
In a chapter from Abigail Pogrebin's "Stars of David" book, the late comedic icon Gene Wilder reflected on his life and Jewish identity. Wilder shared person...
29 Aug 2016
Tablet Going to Vancouver 18 Aug 2016
The author reflects on growing up in New York City's Lower East Side, recalling the immigrant neighborhood's synagogues, kosher delis, and colorful character...
18 Aug 2016
Tablet What a Nigerian Novel About the Rise of Jihadism Can Teach Us About the Roots of Religious Extremism 15 Aug 2016
Elnathan John's novel "Born on a Tuesday" delves into the complexities of religious extremism through the story of Dantala, a young Muslim man in northern Ni...
15 Aug 2016
Tablet Israeli Sci-Fi Is a Reality 15 Aug 2016
The development of Israeli science fiction and fantasy has seen significant growth over the past decades, driven by the Israeli Society for Science Fiction a...
15 Aug 2016
Tablet How Jewish Camps Welcome LGBTQ Kids—and How They Don’t 12 Aug 2016
Jewish summer camps are actively working to create inclusive environments for LGBTQ children and others from marginalized groups. These camps, such as Camp J...
12 Aug 2016
Tablet Nan Goldin’s Ballad of Sexual Dependency, from CBGB to MoMA 10 Aug 2016
Nan Goldin's "The Ballad of Sexual Dependency" is both a photographic diary and a profound exploration of personal and cultural loss. Combining images from t...
10 Aug 2016
Tablet Meet Nate Ebner, New England Patriot and Member of the U.S. Olympic Rugby Team 19 Jul 2016
Nate Ebner, a prominent New England Patriots player, has a remarkable journey from being raised in a Jewish household to excelling in rugby and transitioning...
19 Jul 2016
Tablet A Holy Fool 15 Jul 2016
A father, Yosef Steinberg, grapples with his daughter's shift towards ultra-Orthodox values and away from secular literature, reflecting on his own backgroun...
15 Jul 2016
Tablet Why Critics of Israel’s New NGO ‘Transparency Law’ Are Wrong 13 Jul 2016
Israel recently passed a law mandating domestic organizations primarily funded by foreign governments to disclose this in communications with the government,...
13 Jul 2016
Tablet A Memoir of Jewish Camp From Somebody Who Never Attended 13 Jul 2016
The article, penned by someone married to a Jewish woman, humorously explores the intricacies of Jewish summer camps from an outsider's perspective. As the w...
13 Jul 2016
Tablet Help, I’m a Prisoner in a Brain Lab 8 Jul 2016
"Help, I'm a Prisoner in a Brain Lab" explores the clash between traditional Jewish concepts and modern scientific determinism, as discussed by author Alan M...
8 Jul 2016
Tablet ‘To the End of the Land’ Is Israel’s Hottest Ticket 6 Jul 2016
Israel, currently facing no immediate strategic threats, features a play adapted from David Grossman's novel "To the End of the Land," a pessimistic take on ...
6 Jul 2016
Tablet Amy Poehler and Natasha Lyonne Adapting Hit Israeli Film ‘Zero Motivation’ for American Television 5 Jul 2016
Comedians Amy Poehler and Natasha Lyonne are adapting the hit Israeli film "Zero Motivation," which satirizes life in the IDF, for American television on BBC...
5 Jul 2016
Tablet Elie Wiesel Dead at 87 2 Jul 2016
Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate known for his activism and writings, passed away at the age of 87. Remembered by his friend Menachem Ros...
2 Jul 2016
Tablet A Fourth of July Story 30 Jun 2016
Anatoly Shcharansky, a Soviet mathematician, married Natalia Stieglitz (later Avital) on July 4, 1974, before she left for Israel. Shcharansky's efforts to l...
30 Jun 2016
Tablet How One of the BDS Movement’s Alleged ‘Victories’ Became One of Its Worst Defeats 30 Jun 2016
The BDS movement's celebrated victory over the security giant G4S turned out to be a significant defeat due to new anti-boycott laws in several U.S. states. ...
30 Jun 2016
Tablet Hot Dogs, the Jewish American Fast Food 29 Jun 2016
Lloyd Handwerker's book "Famous Nathan" chronicles how his grandfather Nathan Handwerker founded the iconic Nathan's Famous hot dog stand in Coney Island in ...
29 Jun 2016
Tablet Elie Wiesel Visits Disneyland 27 Jun 2016
Elie Wiesel, a struggling journalist in 1957, embarked on a healing six-week road trip across America with his editor and wife, discovering the country's nat...
27 Jun 2016
Tablet Washington Got You Down? Time To Find the Leader Within. 24 Jun 2016
In this insightful interpretation of the Torah portion, the narrative of the Israelites demanding meat in the desert and Moses appointing elders to assist hi...
24 Jun 2016
Tablet God of the Poconos 22 Jun 2016
In this nostalgic piece, the author reflects on the spiritual nourishment and sense of peace she found during Shabbat services at summer camp in the Poconos ...
22 Jun 2016
Tablet Anti-Racism Erases Anti-Semitism 22 Jun 2016
The rise of anti-Semitism amidst discussions of racism and privilege is a growing concern, particularly evident in political and social spheres like the UK's...
22 Jun 2016
Tablet A New Movie About Bob Kaufman, a Jewish African-American Street Poet Shrouded in Myth 21 Jun 2016
"And When I Die, I Won't Stay Dead" is a new documentary that sheds light on the life and work of Bob Kaufman, a Jewish African-American street poet who rema...
21 Jun 2016
Tablet My Father, the Adept 17 Jun 2016
"My Father, the Adept" is a reflective account of the author's complex relationship with her father, who was both brilliant and eccentric. He lived an extrao...
17 Jun 2016
Tablet When ‘Never Forget’ Becomes ‘I Don’t Remember’ 17 Jun 2016
Leonard Felson reflects on his father's journey as a Holocaust survivor facing the challenges of progressive dementia. While his father once vividly recounte...
17 Jun 2016
Tablet What Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Have Taught Me About Fatherhood 17 Jun 2016
The author reflects on fatherhood as he prepares for his third Fathers Day. Drawing from Biblical figures Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, he examines the complexi...
17 Jun 2016
Tablet Moshe Ya’alon Says He’ll Challenge Netanyahu in Next Election 16 Jun 2016
Moshe Yaalon, former Defense Minister of Israel, has declared his intention to challenge Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the country's top position in ...
16 Jun 2016
Tablet Tom Bird Bears Witness to Two Wars and the Holocaust 16 Jun 2016
Actor and playwright Tom Bird presented a unique and powerful staged reading titled "Bearing Witness" on Holocaust Memorial Day in April, intertwining narrat...
16 Jun 2016
Tablet Remembering My Father, Who Sang at My Brother’s Big Gay Jewish Wedding 16 Jun 2016
The text reflects on a video from 2002 showing the night before the writer's brother's gay marriage ceremony, where their father enthusiastically performed. ...
16 Jun 2016
Tablet Rothschild’s Luck; or, A Tale of Two Patrons 10 Jun 2016
The tale "Rothschild's Luck; or, A Tale of Two Patrons" recounts a story about the wealthy Rothschild going on a journey and encountering a town where a loca...
10 Jun 2016
Tablet Shavuot Without the Cheese 9 Jun 2016
The author, who is allergic to dairy and wheat, reflects on the challenges of participating in Jewish communal events and holidays due to food restrictions. ...
9 Jun 2016