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Tablet My Less Equal Israel 29 Jun 2012
The author reflects on his father's experiences in Israel post-World War II, highlighting issues of inequality and favoritism towards certain groups in Israe...
29 Jun 2012
Tablet L.A.’s Jewish Top Foodie 27 Jun 2012
Jonathan Gold, a Pulitzer Prize-winning food critic, is known as L.A.'s top foodie for his unique approach to reviewing restaurants, especially focusing on o...
27 Jun 2012
Tablet Jennifer Weiner’s Shiksa Lit 25 Jun 2012
Jennifer Weiner, a prominent author in the chick lit genre, challenges the criticism and lack of recognition faced by female authors compared to their male c...
25 Jun 2012
Tablet Europe Unified, by Soccer 22 Jun 2012
The article "Europe Unified, by Soccer" reflects on the Euro soccer tournament as a representation of a diverse and multiethnic Europe, contrasting it with t...
22 Jun 2012
Tablet Prepping for Shabbat at the Kotel 15 Jun 2012
Akiva Gottlieb is preparing for Shabbat services at the Kotel, with childhood dreams inspired by Mordechai Ben David's music. The scene takes place in Jerusa...
15 Jun 2012
Tablet The Mifgash Begins 15 Jun 2012
The text is a call to support truthful and open Jewish journalism by contributing to "The Mifgash." It emphasizes the importance of supporting journalism tha...
15 Jun 2012
Tablet Hump Day, at Last 14 Jun 2012
Participants on a Birthright Israel trip experienced a memorable night at a Bedouin tent in Kfar Hanokdim, owned by Israeli Jews but operated by Bedouins. Th...
14 Jun 2012
Tablet Hooking Up Gets Green-Lit 13 Jun 2012
During a group trip near David Ben-Gurion's grave, participants were asked to disclose their relationship status using colored M&M candies: red for unavailab...
13 Jun 2012
Tablet A Philosopher of Small Things 11 Jun 2012
Boris Groys, in his book "Introduction to Antiphilosophy," discusses a modern trend in philosophy called antiphilosophy, which focuses on the everyday concer...
11 Jun 2012
Tablet Can I Get an Amen? 1 Jun 2012
Vanessa Davis's latest book, Make Me a Woman, features comic strips that were originally published in Tablet Magazine, while her first collection of diary co...
1 Jun 2012
Tablet Diagnosis Is Not Death 1 Jun 2012
Susan Gubar, a feminist literary scholar battling ovarian cancer, challenges the idea that a diagnosis is a death sentence, emphasizing the importance of ada...
1 Jun 2012
Tablet In My Father’s Footsteps 30 May 2012
The protagonist, grappling with his father's recent death, struggles with the decision to embark on a book tour instead of attending his father's headstone u...
30 May 2012
Tablet Mideast Antiques Roadshow 29 May 2012
The article explores the complexities of the Middle Eastern antiquities trade, highlighting the illicit flow of artifacts into Israel, like the Egyptian coff...
29 May 2012
Tablet The Unofficial Mourner 25 May 2012
The text recounts the author's journey of grieving the unexpected death of their fiancé's brother, Rafi, and the challenges of mourning as a non-traditional ...
25 May 2012
Tablet A Convert’s Bible Stories: How a Christian Book Introduced Me to Ruth and David 23 May 2012
Before converting to Judaism, the author found resonance with Jewish texts through a Christian children's Bible. Despite a Lutheran upbringing, the Old Testa...
23 May 2012
Tablet Romney Would Have Bush-Like Foreign Policy 9 May 2012
The article discusses how Mitt Romney, as a potential Republican presidential candidate, may adopt a foreign policy similar to that of the Bush administratio...
9 May 2012
Tablet 1967 All Over Again? 9 May 2012
The sudden expansion of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition government to include Shaul Mofaz and Kadima members has evoked parallels to th...
9 May 2012
Tablet Mourning My Mother, Finally 8 May 2012
The author recalls the tragic suicide of their mother on Mother's Day in 1972, and the subsequent emotional journey of avoidance and self-reliance that follo...
8 May 2012
Tablet Montreal’s Kosher Bootleggers 30 Apr 2012
In Montreal's Hasidic community, obtaining kosher wine beyond the limited selection at government-owned stores led to an underground network of obtaining and...
30 Apr 2012
Tablet New Kibbutz Doc, ‘Inventing Our Life,’ Opens 25 Apr 2012
The documentary "Inventing Our Life" explores the history and evolution of the kibbutz movement, shedding light on the communal lifestyle and its significanc...
25 Apr 2012
Tablet The Most Jewish Election 24 Apr 2012
The 2012 election cycle, featuring Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, was outlined as one of the most Jewish elections in American history due to Jewish involveme...
24 Apr 2012
Tablet Philip Levine, Fierce About Poetry 16 Apr 2012
Philip Levine, a celebrated poet known for portraying the blue-collar experience, reflects on his Jewish identity, ferocity in pursuing poetry, and influence...
16 Apr 2012
Tablet Counting the Days of the Omer, Up or Down 9 Apr 2012
The article discusses the significance of counting the Omer, a Jewish practice of counting the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot, particularly in the cont...
9 Apr 2012
Tablet Fighting Pharaohs in Beijing 5 Apr 2012
Hosted in Beijing, the writer reflects on the complexities of celebrating Passover in a place like China where themes of freedom, oppression, and social just...
5 Apr 2012
Tablet Who Leaked Israeli Iran Plan? 4 Apr 2012
Experts are debating whether the United States leaked information to dissuade Israel from attacking Iranian nuclear facilities, with claims that the White Ho...
4 Apr 2012
Tablet Passover’s Perennial No-Show 3 Apr 2012
The text reflects a young woman's experience during Passover, where expectations of the Messiah's arrival were heightened due to world events and family disc...
3 Apr 2012
Tablet On Iran, Obama’s Leaky Ship Prompts Response 2 Apr 2012
Analysis of recent reports on Irans nuclear program and potential military actions by Israel and the United States reveals a complex web of perspectives and ...
2 Apr 2012
Tablet How Azerbaijan Can Help Israel Can Attack Iran 29 Mar 2012
Israel and Azerbaijan share a strategic relationship based on oil trade and animosity towards Iran, culminating in a recent $1.6 billion defense agreement. S...
29 Mar 2012
Tablet J Street Dispatch: Tuesday 25 Mar 2012
Former New Republic editor Peter Beinart spoke at J Street's annual conference, advocating for a Zionist boycott of products from beyond the Green Line and t...
25 Mar 2012
Tablet Melting Pot 19 Mar 2012
The text explores the culinary tradition of kubbeh, focusing on the experience at Mordoch in Machaneh Yehuda, Jerusalem. The Agai family, known for their han...
19 Mar 2012
Tablet Tights Squeeze 14 Mar 2012
The text explores the complexities of Orthodox Jewish culture, particularly focusing on the pressures and expectations surrounding modesty. It delves into th...
14 Mar 2012
Tablet Memory Palaces 8 Mar 2012
This article discusses three Jewish women who are finalists for the National Book Critic Circle's best autobiography award. Mira Bartók's book "The Memory Pa...
8 Mar 2012
Tablet Davening for Doughnuts 27 Feb 2012
U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Jake Kohlman shares his journey of unexpectedly finding a connection to his Jewish heritage through attending Jewish services during Basic ...
27 Feb 2012
Tablet No, Not That Baijan, Azerbaijan! 27 Feb 2012
Israel recently signed a $1.6 billion arms deal with Azerbaijan, a former Soviet republic strategically located near Iran and known for its ties to Israel am...
27 Feb 2012
Tablet Herself Included 16 Feb 2012
The article reflects on Judy Blume's book "Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself," which tells the story of a young Jewish girl in Miami Beach who fantasizes...
16 Feb 2012
Tablet Green Day 6 Feb 2012
Tu B'Shevat, the Jewish New Year for Trees, is a holiday that marks the beginning of spring in Israel. Ways to celebrate include trying new fruits, testing n...
6 Feb 2012
Tablet Mourning Glory 27 Jan 2012
The text is a deeply personal reflection on the author's experience of losing their mother to brain cancer. The author describes their strong bond with their...
27 Jan 2012
Tablet Layman’s Terms 13 Jan 2012
The author reflects on his journey of exploring Judaism through relationships with Jewish partners, experiencing Jewish customs, and attending religious serv...
13 Jan 2012
Tablet Smell Test 10 Jan 2012
The writer reflects on their journey from being an atheist with a lingering belief in God to facing the paradox after reading Christopher Hitchens' book. The...
10 Jan 2012
Tablet Happy (?) 10th of Tevet 5 Jan 2012
The 10th of Tevet commemorates the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar, leading to the eventual destruction of the First Temple and th...
5 Jan 2012
Tablet Christmas FAQ 25 Dec 2011
For Jewish individuals, Christmas is often not celebrated as a religious holiday but rather as a time to partake in activities like going to the movies and e...
25 Dec 2011
Tablet Caucus 23 Dec 2011
Two Israeli businessmen, Rony Fuchs and Zeev Frenkiel, got involved in a $100 million financial dispute in Georgia dating back 15 years, involving an energy ...
23 Dec 2011
Tablet Solidarity 22 Dec 2011
During the 1970s, American Jewish activists successfully pressured Congress to pass the Jackson-Vanik amendment, linking trade with the Soviet Union to the e...
22 Dec 2011
Tablet Ground Up 22 Dec 2011
The text conveys a poignant and personal story about the author's father facing terminal cancer and the decision-making process for treatment options. Despit...
22 Dec 2011
Tablet Covered 21 Dec 2011
The text highlights nine books published in 2011 recommended for various individuals on your gift list: from Philip Schultz's memoir for parents of kids with...
21 Dec 2011
Tablet Disunion 16 Dec 2011
Hebrew Union College (HUC), the largest religious denomination in American Judaism, has been facing financial challenges in recent years. Some students and o...
16 Dec 2011
Tablet In the Rough 16 Dec 2011
Vanessa Davis' latest book, "Make Me a Woman," features comic strips originally seen in Tablet Magazine, while her first collection of diary comics, "Spaniel...
16 Dec 2011
Tablet Children’s Books 2011 15 Dec 2011
The text provides a list of recommended children's books for different age groups, ranging from picture books for very young readers introducing Yiddish word...
15 Dec 2011
Tablet Convivencia 12 Dec 2011
The song "Naci en Alamo" is a lament for the displacement and homelessness experienced by Gypsies in Europe. The song has been sung in many languages and its...
12 Dec 2011
Tablet Giving Thanks 23 Nov 2011
Academic oncologists in Israel who trained in the U.S. cherish the Thanksgiving celebrations they experienced there, prompting a new tradition of "seudat-hod...
23 Nov 2011