Daily Podcasts Video search
Tablet The Jewish N-Word 16 Jan
This article discusses the overuse and degradation of the word "Nazi" in contemporary discourse. The author argues that the word has lost its power and signi...
16 Jan
Tablet The Return of the Swastika 16 Jan
The article discusses the resurgence of swastikas and the increase in anti-Jewish hatred, particularly in the form of Israel-hatred. The author draws paralle...
16 Jan
Tablet Why Did the IDF Fail on October 7? 16 Jan
In a recent investigative piece in Yedioth Ahronoth, the failure of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on October 7th is examined. The article highlights how H...
16 Jan
Tablet Israel’s Thin-Skinned Supreme Court Messes Up Twice 16 Jan
Israel's Supreme Court has made two controversial decisions that go against the spirit of national unity in the country. The court struck down a constitution...
16 Jan
Tablet Radar Boys 12 Jan
This text tells the story of Murray Oratz, a young Jewish boy who enlisted in the Navy during World War II. He joined the Navy's exclusive science training p...
12 Jan
Tablet Old Shul 12 Jan
Pinny Bulman's newest poetry book, "Old Shul," explores his boyhood growing up in the once-thriving Jewish neighborhood of Washington Heights in northern Man...
12 Jan
Tablet How Did It Happen, and Who Is Responsible? 11 Jan
The author, Mike Doran, recounts his visit to Israel and describes the strong unity and common fate among Israelis, particularly those in active military ser...
11 Jan
Tablet Israel Update: Episode 5 11 Jan
In Episode 5 of the Israel Update, Mike visits Israel and highlights a strong sense of unity and common fate among Israelis, particularly among those in acti...
11 Jan
Tablet Remote Remembrance 11 Jan
The Santa Fe Jewish Cemetery has come up with a creative solution for Jews who are unable to visit the gravesites of their loved ones due to distance or mobi...
11 Jan
Tablet Hot Potatoes 10 Jan
The potato was little known to Jews until the 18th century when it was introduced to Europe. Initially seen as poisonous and unfit for human consumption, it ...
10 Jan
Tablet Israel’s Man in Black 10 Jan
Armin Rosen is a staff writer for Tablet Magazine.
10 Jan
Tablet Grieving and Living 9 Jan
"The High Holy Days are a reminder of the preciousness and fragility of life. They begin with Rosh Hashanah and end with Yom Kippur, prompting us to reflect ...
9 Jan
Tablet Unrestricted Immigration Is a Real Problem 9 Jan
The article discusses the issue of unrestricted immigration in the United States under the Biden administration. It highlights the historic rates of immigrat...
9 Jan
Tablet More ‘Anti-Zionist’ Insanity Your Kid Will Learn at NYU 9 Jan
The article criticizes NYU professor Sonali Thakkar and her book "The Reeducation of Race: Jewishness and the Politics of Antiracism in Postcolonial Thought"...
9 Jan
Tablet Israeli Judicial Surrealism 8 Jan
In a special episode, law professor Moshe Cohen-Eliya discusses the surreal world of Israeli jurisprudence. Israel's Supreme Court recently made two unusual ...
8 Jan
Tablet Israel Update: Episode 4 8 Jan
In this episode of the Israel Update, law professor Moshe Cohen-Eliya discusses two recent unusual decisions by the Israeli Supreme Court. The first decision...
8 Jan
Tablet Kosher Omakase Restaurants Take Off 8 Jan
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the emergence of new dining trends, including the hiring of private chefs to create unique dining experiences at home. In th...
8 Jan
Tablet Nova Massacre Survivors Retreat to Cyprus for Healing 5 Jan
A group of survivors of the Nova massacre, in which over 1,200 people were killed and 240 kidnapped by Hamas, gathered for a retreat in Cyprus. The retreat, ...
5 Jan
Tablet Life During Wartime 4 Jan
This article provides glimpses into life in Israel during wartime, particularly focusing on the emotional attachment and attention given to specific hostages...
4 Jan
Tablet Israel Update: Episode 3 4 Jan
In Israel Update: Episode 3, Michael Doran and Gadi Taub discuss recent events in Israeli jurisprudence. The Supreme Court struck down a constitutional amend...
4 Jan
Tablet Do You Have Any Other Place to Live? 4 Jan
The article discusses the divide between Israel's patriotic citizenry and its progressive elites in the wake of the recent conflict. The reporter, Ilana Daya...
4 Jan
Tablet Is Israel’s Supreme Court Going to Tear the Country Apart? 4 Jan
Israel's Supreme Court made two controversial decisions this week, striking down a constitutional amendment and asserting its authority to remove a sitting p...
4 Jan
Tablet White People Are Going to Colonize Mars, and Other Fears From Today’s Campuses 3 Jan
A recent poll found that 73% of Jewish students in American universities have experienced or witnessed antisemitic incidents, a significant increase from pre...
3 Jan
Tablet Recipe for Remembrance 3 Jan
Gavin Beinart-Smollan, during his masters degree research, discovered the rich history contained within his mom's collection of South African Jewish cookbook...
3 Jan
Tablet Israel Update: Episode 2 2 Jan
In recent Israeli politics, there is a growing campaign by the Israeli left, with support from certain elements in the military, to portray settler violence ...
2 Jan
Tablet No-Fly Zone 2 Jan
The author recounts a skiing accident that he and his family experienced during a vacation in the Dolomites. As they discuss the accident and their injuries,...
2 Jan
Tablet The Sweet Taste of Childhood—With Coconut on Top 2 Jan
The author recounts his grandfather's fond memories of buying coconut sweet rolls, or schnecks, from a Jewish bakery in 1940s Milwaukee. He describes the pop...
2 Jan
Tablet Israeli Politics Return with a Vengeance 2 Jan
Gadi Taub and Mike Doran discuss the current state of Israeli politics, highlighting the aggressive return of political tensions. They note that the Israeli ...
2 Jan
Tablet Joseph Sings the Blues 29 Dec 2023
Albert Murray, a Black author and influential figure in the music industry, wrote extensively about the connection between jazz, the blues, and the biblical ...
29 Dec 2023
Tablet Northern Lights 28 Dec 2023
In this episode of the "Across the Jew.S.A" series, the focus is on exploring the Jewish community in Montreal. The host goes on a tour of Plateau-Mont-Royal...
28 Dec 2023
Tablet A Trip to Yiddishland 28 Dec 2023
The Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, Massachusetts has unveiled a new core exhibition called "Yiddish: A Global Culture," which takes a relational approach to...
28 Dec 2023
Tablet Israel Update 28 Dec 2023
Gadi Taub, an author and historian, has written a bestseller called The Rise of Antidemocratic Liberalism: Israel, the United States, and the West, which is ...
28 Dec 2023
Tablet Israel Update: Episode 1 28 Dec 2023
Israel Update is a video podcast hosted by Gadi Taub and Michael Doran, providing news from Israel and offering an insider perspective on the war. Taub is an...
28 Dec 2023
Tablet Spokane School Takes the Name of a Holocaust Survivor 27 Dec 2023
Carla Olman Peperzak, a 100-year-old Holocaust survivor, had a middle school named after her in Spokane, Washington. Peperzak was born in Amsterdam in 1923 a...
27 Dec 2023
Tablet A Scholar and a Mensch 26 Dec 2023
Rabbi Dr. David Ellenson, who recently passed away, had a profound impact on the Jewish community. Known for his kindness and compassion, he cared deeply for...
26 Dec 2023
Tablet What the Pope Knew 22 Dec 2023
The article discusses the actions and decisions of Pope Pius XII during the Holocaust. While the pope expressed sympathy for those suffering, he failed to sp...
22 Dec 2023
Tablet When a Broader Religious Pluralism Began to Flower 22 Dec 2023
Reinhold Niebuhr and Abraham Joshua Heschel were influential American religious figures of the last century and unlikely friends. Niebuhr's emphasis on human...
22 Dec 2023
Tablet Taking Judaism Personally 22 Dec 2023
A 2021 Pew study highlighted the decline of religiosity within American Jewry, particularly among young adults who view their Judaism as purely ethnic or cul...
22 Dec 2023
Tablet The Dessert Connection 21 Dec 2023
This article explores the author's experience of celebrating Christmas with her Italian friend's family and the connection between two traditional desserts, ...
21 Dec 2023
Tablet Unorthodox in Israel: Behind the Scenes 21 Dec 2023
This article discusses the publication of daily dispatches from Israel by Unorthodox, which shares stories of mourning, healing, and unexpected togetherness....
21 Dec 2023
Tablet A Jewish Christmas in Manchester 21 Dec 2023
The author reflects on growing up in a Jewish family in Manchester during the 1950s and the complexities of celebrating Christmas as Jews. They discuss their...
21 Dec 2023
Tablet Holiday Spirit 20 Dec 2023
This discussion explores the complex relationship between American Jews and Christmas. In the 1950s and 60s, as Christmas became more secular, American Jews ...
20 Dec 2023
Tablet The Global Empire of Palestine 20 Dec 2023
This text discusses the global support for the Palestinian cause, particularly in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre in southern Israel. It highlights t...
20 Dec 2023
Tablet John Steinbeck’s Promised Land 20 Dec 2023
As a journalist for Newsday, John Steinbeck visited Israel in the 1960s and was inspired by the country's energy, patriotism, and military prowess, in contra...
20 Dec 2023
Tablet An Ancient Fast Day’s Modern Resonance 19 Dec 2023
The article discusses the ancient siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonian forces, which is commemorated on the fast day of the 10th of Tevet. It draws parallels...
19 Dec 2023
Tablet To Live and Die for Artsakh 19 Dec 2023
The Armenian diaspora in Los Angeles, particularly in Glendale, is grappling with the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, known as Artsakh to Armenians. Many young...
19 Dec 2023
Tablet If I Must Die … 19 Dec 2023
Refaat Alareer, a Gazan poet and professor, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City. He has been widely mourned and his final poem, "If I Must Die," ...
19 Dec 2023
Tablet Our False Partners 19 Dec 2023
The author argues that left-wing antisemitism, fueled by a powerful ideology found in social media and academia, poses the greatest threat to the Jewish peop...
19 Dec 2023
Tablet Jewish Voices for Hate 18 Dec 2023
The author recounts their personal experience of witnessing Jewish speakers promoting the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel fr...
18 Dec 2023
Tablet Arise and Rebuild 18 Dec 2023
The Bachar family's home on Kibbutz Beeri was attacked by Hamas terrorists, resulting in the death of Dana and Carmel Bachar. Despite the devastation, the yo...
18 Dec 2023