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Jewish Review of Books Letters, Winter 2020 17 Dec 2019
The discussion in the Winter 2020 Letters involves different perspectives on the current state and potential future of American Judaism. There are views on t...
17 Dec 2019
Jewish Review of Books Remembering Harold Bloom 17 Dec 2019
Harold Bloom, a renowned literary critic, had a profound impact on his students with his intense engagement with poetry and prose, urging them to be transpor...
17 Dec 2019
Jewish Review of Books Exit, Loyalty … Crowdsource? 17 Dec 2019
"God Is in the Crowd" by Tal Keinan delves into the complex issues facing Jewish communities today, touching on topics like the decline of American Jewry due...
17 Dec 2019
Jewish Review of Books Tradition and Invention 17 Dec 2019
"The text 'Tradition and Invention' explores how Jews, for much of their history, were perceived as lacking a political life due to their exile and subordina...
17 Dec 2019
Jewish Review of Books “He Called Me Jim” 17 Dec 2019
The text discusses the life and work of James Atlas, a literary biographer who delves into his experiences writing biographies of famous figures like Saul Be...
17 Dec 2019
Jewish Review of Books History of Mel Brooks: Both Parts 12 Dec 2019
In "Funny Man" by Patrick McGilligan, the biography of Mel Brooks unfolds, shedding light on the comedy icon's journey from his early days as the exuberant C...
12 Dec 2019
Jewish Review of Books The Warning Song and the Medlars: Two Stories 12 Dec 2019
The text discusses the life and writing of Glikl bas Judah Leib, a 17th-century Yiddish writer known for her unique memoirs. Glikl refrained from giving her ...
12 Dec 2019
Jewish Review of Books Punctuality, Mendelssohn, and Nihilism: Remembering Alexander Altmann 20 Nov 2019
The reminiscence of the Mendelssohn scholar Alexander Altmann reflects on his punctuality and devotion to studying Moses Mendelssohn's works, notably "Jerusa...
20 Nov 2019
Jewish Review of Books Hasidic Renewal on the Brink of Destruction 1 Nov 2019
Kalonymus Kalman Shapira and Hillel Zeitlin, two prominent figures in interwar Warsaw's Hasidic world, had significant impacts on the Hasidic community befor...
1 Nov 2019
Jewish Review of Books A Different Kind of Hero 1 Nov 2019
The story of Herschel Grynszpan, a 17-year-old Jewish boy who assassinated a German diplomat in 1938, not only sparked Kristallnacht but also outlined the de...
1 Nov 2019
Jewish Review of Books The Ubiquitous Gabirol 2 Oct 2019
Shmuel Yosef Agnon's work "The Ubiquitous Gabirol" delves into the story of a mystical encounter with the medieval poet Solomon ibn Gabirol, where Agnon weav...
2 Oct 2019
Jewish Review of Books Scholem!: From Berlin to Jerusalem to My House 25 Sep 2019
The text recounts a personal interaction with Gershom Scholem, a prominent Jewish scholar of mysticism, at an event in Jerusalem. Scholem's interest in surna...
25 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books The Symbol Catcher 16 Sep 2019
The text discusses the symbolic dimension of baseball cards and idolatry, drawing parallels between the reverence for baseball cards and religious idol worsh...
16 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books Happy Is the People Who Knows the Blast 16 Sep 2019
Rabbi Moshe Hayim Efrayim of Sudilkov, a prominent figure in early Hasidism, authored "Sefer Degel Machaneh Efrayim," a collection of sermons linking Torah t...
16 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books State or Substate? 15 Sep 2019
In "State or Substate?", Dmitry Shumsky explores the idea of nonstatist Zionism, focusing on major Jewish figures like Judah Magnes and Martin Buber who envi...
15 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books A Stolen Seat 15 Sep 2019
Doba-Mera Medvedeva's memoir details life in a shtetl in late 19th and early 20th-century Belarus, marked by poverty, revolution, and war. Despite being bare...
15 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books Sitting with Shylock on Yom Kippur 15 Sep 2019
The article reflects on the complex character of Shylock from Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" through a Jewish lens, particularly focusing on the symb...
15 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books Orpheus on the Lower East Side 15 Sep 2019
Samuel Greenberg, a Jewish poet and artist born in Vienna in 1893, moved to New York with his family and settled on the Lower East Side. Despite dropping out...
15 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books Romania! 15 Sep 2019
"I Do Not Care if We Go Down in History as Barbarians" is a film by Radu Jude that delves into the uncomfortable history of Romania during World War II. The ...
15 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books Setting the Table 15 Sep 2019
Sally Berkovic's memoir "Under My Hat" delves into her experiences as an Orthodox Jewish woman, navigating the complexities of religious commitment and engag...
15 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books Rocketmen 15 Sep 2019
Rocketmen, curated by Adolfo Roitman, Hagit Maoz, and Michael Maggen at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, focuses on Israel's first astronaut, Ilan Ramon, who ...
15 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Fall 2019 15 Sep 2019
The text discusses different perspectives on Jewish identity and the relationship between Israel and the diaspora. There are critiques of a book analyzing Eu...
15 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books In and Out of Time 15 Sep 2019
Abraham Joshua Heschel, a prominent Jewish thinker and refugee scholar, faced uncertain times during Nazi rule in the 1930s. In a new collection of his writi...
15 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books The Gray Lady and the Jewish State 15 Sep 2019
The book "The Gray Lady and the Jewish State" discusses the New York Times' controversial editorial decisions regarding Israel and Zionism, particularly high...
15 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books Mastering the Return 15 Sep 2019
In Tova Reich's novel "Mother India," a Jewish mother from Brooklyn decides to spend her final days in Varanasi, India, instead of risking reincarnation. The...
15 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books Jews Not without Money 14 Sep 2019
The exhibit "Jews, Money, Myth" at the London Jewish Museum curated by Joanne Rosenthal, Dominik Czechowski, and Morgan Wadsworth-Boyle until October 17, exa...
14 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books The Zionavar Tapestry 13 Sep 2019
Guy Gavriel Kay, a Canadian fantasy writer and son of a Jewish immigrant from Poland, has made significant contributions to the fantasy genre through works l...
13 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books A Failure of Reimagination? 10 Sep 2019
Simon Rawidowicz's essay "Israel: The Ever-Dying People" reflects on the Jewish historical tendency to fear disappearing while paradoxically surviving. The c...
10 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books A Pinch of Levity 7 Aug 2019
Alter Druyanov, a Russian Jew and Zionist, compiled a three-volume book of Jewish jokes in Hebrew, showcasing the humor of Jewish folklore with some jokes re...
7 Aug 2019
Jewish Review of Books For the Many, Not for the Jew 29 Jul 2019
The British Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership has been plagued by accusations of anti-Semitism, merging pro-Palestinian activism with old Europea...
29 Jul 2019
Jewish Review of Books The Hebrew Teacher 9 Jul 2019
The text delves into the author's reflections on his Jewish heritage and experiences at Harvard University, juxtaposing his family's history as Hebrew teache...
9 Jul 2019
Jewish Review of Books Leviticus on the Fourth of July 3 Jul 2019
"Leviticus on the Fourth of July" is an anthology that explores the influence of the Hebrew Bible on American national consciousness and institutions. It hig...
3 Jul 2019
Jewish Review of Books The Jewsraeli Century 24 Jun 2019
In the book "#IsraeliJudaism: A Portrait of a Cultural Revolution," authors Shmuel Rosner and Camil Fuchs discuss the evolution of Jewish identity in Israel,...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books The Anti-Imperialism of Idiots 24 Jun 2019
In "The Anti-Imperialism of Idiots," Susie Linfield explores the estrangement between Zionism and the Left, questioning why many left-wingers oppose Jewish n...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books Spiritual Survival 24 Jun 2019
Vasily Grossman, a Soviet Jewish author known for his commitment to truth and humanistic ideals, engaged in acts of defiance against the repressive Soviet re...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books Open-Door Policy 24 Jun 2019
In "The Open-Door Policy" by Robert H. Mnookin, the author addresses the contentious topic of intermarriage and its implications for Jewish communal life in ...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books The Sounds of Silence 24 Jun 2019
In "The Sounds of Silence," John Gray, a retired philosophy professor, critiques atheist thinking for resembling monotheism in seeking an intelligible order ...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books In My Country There Is Problem 24 Jun 2019
"Anti-Zionism on Campus" edited by Andrew Pessin and Doron S. Ben-Atar discusses the rise of anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism on American campuses, fo...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books The Witness 24 Jun 2019
H. G. Adler, a survivor of Theresienstadt and Auschwitz, was a prominent yet underrecognized figure in Holocaust literature. Born in Prague, Adler's associat...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books On a Story by Delmore Schwartz 24 Jun 2019
"In Dreams Begin Responsibilities" is a significant literary work by Delmore Schwartz that captures the process of its creation and its impact on a new intel...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books Visiting Yemen in the 1980s: A Photo Essay 24 Jun 2019
The text discusses the author's experiences visiting Yemen in the 1980s, particularly focusing on documenting the lives of the Jewish communities there throu...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books “Jacob Gazed into the Distant Future” 24 Jun 2019
In "Jacob & Esau: Jewish European History Between Nation and Empire," Malachi Haim Hacohen explores the enduring rivalry between Jacob and Esau as a lens for...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books Poisoned Gefilte Fish, Broken Heart 24 Jun 2019
"The Birobidzhan Affair: A Yiddish Writer in Siberia" explores the tragic story of Israel Emiot, a Yiddish poet who believed in the Soviet project to create ...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books Red Light, Green Light 24 Jun 2019
"Shadow Strike" by Yaakov Katz recounts the 2007 discovery of a Syrian nuclear reactor by Israeli intelligence and the subsequent diplomatic and military act...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Summer 2019 24 Jun 2019
The text discusses various perspectives and viewpoints on different literary works and their influences. It starts with a letter pointing out the omission of...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books Learning Yiddish After 60 24 Jun 2019
At the age of 68, the author reflects on their journey of learning Yiddish later in life, despite not growing up with the language spoken fluently at home. T...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books “Love Between Writers”: Saul Bellow and Bette Howland 24 Jun 2019
The relationship between Jewish writers Saul Bellow and Bette Howland is explored in this text that delves into their deep emotional connection, marked by th...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books In Pursuit of Wholeness: The Book of Ruth in Modern Literature 5 Jun 2019
The book of Ruth, despite its quiet nature, continues to resonate in Western literature. Writers like Marilynne Robinson and Meir Shalev draw upon the Ruth s...
5 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books Revisiting Herman Wouk’s City Boy 4 Jun 2019
Herman Wouk, a celebrated but often overlooked Jewish American author, injected Jewish themes into postwar American literature in an innovative yet understat...
4 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books Watching Game of Thrones, Waiting for Shavuot 24 May 2019
This article discusses the author's unexpected fascination with the television series, Game of Thrones, and the parallels he sees between the show and Jewish...
24 May 2019