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Moment Book Review | Hollywood Gets the Mamet Treatment 21 Nov 2023
David Mamet's book "Everywhere an Oink Oink" offers an embittered and accurate report on his 40 years in Hollywood. Mamet, known as a prolific American playw...
21 Nov 2023
Moment Book Review | Revisiting a 1920s Thrill Kill 21 Nov 2023
Hal Higdon's book, "Leopold and Loeb: The Crime of the Century Centenary Edition," revisits the notorious case of Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold Jr., two in...
21 Nov 2023
Moment Visual Moment | John Singer Sargent: Fashioning Art 21 Nov 2023
The "Fashioned by Sargent" exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston showcases the works of American artist John Singer Sargent and his relationship to...
21 Nov 2023
Moment Issue Blast | November/December 2023 21 Nov 2023
In the November/December 2023 issue of Moment Magazine, the devastating violence between Israel and Hamas takes center stage. The editor explores the attack'...
21 Nov 2023
Moment Ask the Rabbis | What is the Role of the Prophetic Voice in Today’s World? 21 Nov 2023
The role of the prophetic voice in today's world is discussed by various rabbis representing different Jewish perspectives. They emphasize the importance of ...
21 Nov 2023
Moment Opinion | What This Jew is Learning From This War 20 Nov 2023
In this personal opinion piece, the author reflects on their experiences living in Israel and the lessons they have learned from the recent conflict. They hi...
20 Nov 2023
Moment Moment Debate | Do Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Initiatives Harm Jews? 20 Nov 2023
In this Moment Debate interview, David L. Bernstein argues that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives harm Jews because they often empower indiv...
20 Nov 2023
Moment Opinion| Get Off Twitter Already 20 Nov 2023
This opinion piece argues that it is time for people to leave the social media platform Twitter, which is now known as X. The author criticizes X's owner, El...
20 Nov 2023
Moment Opinion | Poland’s Democratic Comeback 20 Nov 2023
Poland has a history of political ups and downs, with the right-wing Law and Justice Party (PiS) ruling for eight years before losing the recent general elec...
20 Nov 2023
Moment A Sign of the Times 17 Nov 2023
In this article, the author explores the concept of dispensationalism in Christian Zionism, which is the belief that the return of Jews to the Holy Land is h...
17 Nov 2023
Moment Vivian Silver: 1949-2023 17 Nov 2023
Vivian Silver, an Israeli-Canadian peace activist, was tragically murdered by Hamas during a massacre in southern Israel. She spent her life dedicated to pea...
17 Nov 2023
Moment Opinion | When Government Leaves a Void 17 Nov 2023
The article discusses the dysfunction and lack of effective leadership within the government of Israel during a war. It highlights the efforts of volunteer o...
17 Nov 2023
Moment Opinion Interview with Dina Porat | Do Israelis Want Revenge? 17 Nov 2023
Dina Porat, a historian at Yad Vashem, discusses the concept of revenge in Israeli society in the aftermath of recent events. She emphasizes that the Israeli...
17 Nov 2023
Moment Interview | The Perilous State of Our World Order 17 Nov 2023
In this interview, Ilan Berman, an expert on regional security in the Middle East, discusses the potential threats to the Western liberal democratic world or...
17 Nov 2023
Moment Essay | The Stolen Beam 17 Nov 2023
The essay explores the author's family history as Jewish homesteaders in South Dakota, highlighting the connection between their success and the displacement...
17 Nov 2023
Moment Moment’s 2023 Benefit & Awards Gala 17 Nov 2023
The Moments 2023 Benefit & Awards Gala was held at the Adas Israel Congregation in Washington DC on November 12th. The event included tributes and awards for...
17 Nov 2023
Moment Jewish Word | The Twisted Path of the Word ‘Genocide’ 16 Nov 2023
The article explores the use and definition of the word "genocide" in relation to the Israel-Hamas conflict. It provides the widely accepted definition of ge...
16 Nov 2023
Moment From the Newsletter | Anne Applebaum, Dorit Beinisch and More! 16 Nov 2023
Moment Magazine hosted its 2023 Awards Dinner and Gala at Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, DC. The event honored various individuals who have made sig...
16 Nov 2023
Moment How to Negotiate with Terrorists and Bring Hostages Home with Ory Slonim and Dan Raviv 16 Nov 2023
Ory Slonim, an expert in negotiating for the release of prisoners and hostages, discusses strategies for bringing home the 230+ hostages taken to Gaza by ter...
16 Nov 2023
Moment Photo Essay | The November 14 Pro-Israel Rally in DC 16 Nov 2023
On November 14, a pro-Israel rally took place in Washington, D.C., drawing tens of thousands of American Jews and others in support of Israel. The rally feat...
16 Nov 2023
Moment From the Editor | A Dangerous Paradigm Shift—for Everyone 14 Nov 2023
The editor reflects on the current state of Israel and the Jewish diaspora, highlighting the pressing dangers and increase in anti-Israel sentiment and antis...
14 Nov 2023
Moment The Spice of Life 14 Nov 2023
Lois and Arden Shenker have a significant collection of 45 spice boxes that they use for Havdalah, the Jewish ceremony marking the end of Shabbat. The collec...
14 Nov 2023
Moment Unprecedented Interest in DC March for Israel 13 Nov 2023
The upcoming March for Israel rally in Washington, DC is expected to be the largest Jewish-American show of force ever, with an estimated attendance of 100,0...
13 Nov 2023
Moment An Inside Look at What’s Happening in the Palestinian Authority Today: A Wide-Ranging Conversation with Ghaith al-Omari and Nadine Epstein 13 Nov 2023
This post announces a pre-recorded conversation between Ghaith al-Omari, a senior fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, and Nadine Epstein...
13 Nov 2023
Moment The Rise of Antisemitism since October 7th with Ira N. Forman and Sarah Breger 10 Nov 2023
Antisemitism has been on the rise both domestically and internationally since the October 7 attack by Hamas in Israel. The United States saw a significant in...
10 Nov 2023
Moment From the Newsletter | GOP Debate & the Beer Hall Putsch Centennial 10 Nov 2023
The GOP presidential primary debate, co-sponsored by the Republican Jewish Coalition, focused on the candidates' support for Israel's campaign against Hamas....
10 Nov 2023
Moment Opinion | The Campus Conundrum 8 Nov 2023
In this article, the author, a Jew in the social justice tradition, reflects on the Palestine/Israel debate in light of recent events. They discuss how the s...
8 Nov 2023
Moment From 1975 | Can Israel Win Another War? 7 Nov 2023
This 1975 article reflects on the mistakes made by Israeli leadership during the Yom Kippur War. It acknowledges that the landscape has changed since then, w...
7 Nov 2023
Moment Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch, an Anti-Jewish Pogrom, and the U.S. State Department 7 Nov 2023
This article discusses the Beer Hall Putsch of November 8, 1923, a failed coup attempt by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi comrades in Munich. It highlights the vio...
7 Nov 2023
Moment The World Order Under Threat: How Russia, Iran and China Benefit from the Israel-Hamas War with Ilan Berman and Nadine Epstein 7 Nov 2023
Ilan Berman, Senior Vice President of the American Foreign Policy Council, and Nadine Epstein, Editor-in-Chief of Moment magazine, discuss how the war betwee...
7 Nov 2023
Moment Laughter in a Time of Mourning with MODI 3 Nov 2023
Israeli-born comedian MODI will explore the healing power of laughter and how it can bring communities together during difficult times, such as the war in Is...
3 Nov 2023
Moment Antisemitism Monitor | Week of December 19, 2022 2 Nov 2023
In this week's Antisemitism Monitor newsletter, several incidents of antisemitism are highlighted. German police believe that Ramin Yektaparast, the founder ...
2 Nov 2023
Moment Interview | Let’s Say Israel Can Destroy Hamas. Then What? 1 Nov 2023
Middle East analyst Aaron David Miller and former NPR host Robert Siegel discuss the possibility of Israel eliminating Hamas and the consequences of such an ...
1 Nov 2023
Moment The Anatomy of a Pogrom 1 Nov 2023
This article discusses the recent events at Makhachkala International Airport in Dagestan, Russia, where a mob targeted Jews and Israelis. The author explain...
1 Nov 2023
Moment Keeping the Hostages Front and Center 31 Oct 2023
Hamas has released a video of three Israeli women who were taken hostage on October 7. The hostages are part of an estimated 200-240 people being held by Ham...
31 Oct 2023
Moment What Can We Do With Our Anguish? Stay United and Fight 31 Oct 2023
In the face of existential threats to Israel and the resurgence of anti-Semitism, American Jews are called to unity and action. The recent violence against J...
31 Oct 2023
Moment The Israel-Hamas War: Updates and Analysis (Part 2) with Aaron David Miller and Robert Siegel 31 Oct 2023
This post discusses a conversation between Middle East analyst Aaron David Miller and former NPR host Robert Siegel about the Israel-Hamas war. Miller provid...
31 Oct 2023
Moment The GOP’s Pro-Israel Fest 30 Oct 2023
The Republican Jewish Coalition's leadership summit in Las Vegas was dominated by discussions about Hamas' attack on Israel. All Republican presidential cand...
30 Oct 2023
Moment From the Newsletter | New House Speaker, Same George Santos 29 Oct 2023
This article discusses the controversial Republican congressman George Santos and his complex relationship with the media. The author highlights the experien...
29 Oct 2023
Moment Danger on Israel’s Northern Border: An Interview with Hanin Ghaddar About Hezbollah and the Failed State of Lebanon 27 Oct 2023
In this interview, Hanin Ghaddar, an expert on Shia politics in the Middle East, discusses the danger of a two-front war with Hezbollah on Israel's northern ...
27 Oct 2023
Moment Antisemitism Monitor | Week of November 21, 2022 26 Oct 2023
In this week's Antisemitism Monitor, a few significant incidents are highlighted. In Germany, 25 people were arrested for an attempted far-right coup, with t...
26 Oct 2023
Moment From the Newsletter | The Arsenal of Memory 25 Oct 2023
The article discusses various aspects of the recent conflict in Israel and its impact on Jewish communities around the world. It highlights the story of Rach...
25 Oct 2023
Moment From 2006 | Marked For Life 25 Oct 2023
This 2006 article explores the relationship between Jews and tattoos. While Judaism prohibits tattoos based on the biblical command in Leviticus, it has beco...
25 Oct 2023
Moment The Israel-Hamas War Through the Eyes of an Israeli Writer with Fania Oz Salzberger and Amy E. Schwartz 25 Oct 2023
In this discussion, Israeli writer Fania Oz-Salzberger, known for her book "Jews and Words," talks about how she and other Israelis are dealing with the curr...
25 Oct 2023
Moment Opinion | We Israelis Need Moral Clarity—Not Revenge 24 Oct 2023
The author, a Jew and Israeli, expresses their desire for revenge in response to the recent violence between Israel and Palestine. However, they argue that r...
24 Oct 2023
Moment How Theater Transforms the World with Mandy Patinkin, Kathryn Grody and Gail Merrifield Papp 24 Oct 2023
The article discusses the transformative power of theater, particularly focusing on the impact of New York City's Public Theatre and the couple behind its cr...
24 Oct 2023
Moment From the Newsletter | Shana Tova! Let’s See the Fruits! 14 Sep 2023
The author reflects on the meaning of Rosh Hashanah and the rituals associated with it. They describe their attachment to their childhood synagogue, even aft...
14 Sep 2023
Moment Shana Tova in the Mail: A Collector’s Vintage Jewish New Year Cards 14 Sep 2023
Karen Davis, a collector of vintage Jewish New Year cards, has recently published a book featuring her collection of over 200 cards dating back to the 1880s....
14 Sep 2023
Moment The Conversation 14 Sep 2023
The summer 2023 issue of Moment Magazine explores the problems and opportunities surrounding artificial intelligence (AI). Readers provided varied responses ...
14 Sep 2023
Moment From the Editor | A Season of Self-Reflection 14 Sep 2023
Moment Magazine's editor reflects on the excitement of reading submissions for the Moment Magazine-Karma Foundation Short Fiction Contest and highlights the ...
14 Sep 2023