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Future of Jewish David or Goliath: The Jews' Typecast Might Surprise You 18 Mar
The text discusses the biblical story of David versus Goliath, highlighting the underdog nature of the seemingly weaker David facing the giant Goliath. It su...
18 Mar
Future of Jewish The New Genocide® 17 Mar
The essay "The New Genocide" addresses the misuse and politicization of the term "genocide" in the context of conflict between Israel and Hamas. The author a...
17 Mar
Future of Jewish What the hell is going on? 17 Mar
In a weekly recap titled "What the hell is going on?", various incidents from the Jewish world were highlighted. Actions such as controversial statements at ...
17 Mar
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 16 Mar
Future of Jewish is a digital publication aiming to educate readers about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, with a focus on providing inspiration and co...
16 Mar
Future of Jewish The Desperate Lies of 'No Peace on Stolen Land' 16 Mar
In a guest essay for Future of Jewish, Nachum Kaplan of Moral Clarity challenges the narrative of "No peace on stolen land," commonly heard at pro-Palestinia...
16 Mar
Future of Jewish Where are all the Jewish gangsters? 15 Mar
The article discusses the historical concept of "Muscular Judaism" promoted by Zionist leader Max Nordau in the 19th century as a response to anti-Semitism, ...
15 Mar
Future of Jewish This is what Jew-haters won’t tell you. 15 Mar
The text discusses the issue of economic-based antisemitism and how individuals can be led down a path of anti-Jewish hate through misleading arguments regar...
15 Mar
Future of Jewish Zionism needs a new spiritual framework. 14 Mar
Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz advocates for a new spiritual framework for Zionism, highlighting the need for a shift towards Musar, the Jewish ethical traditio...
14 Mar
Future of Jewish What's the Deal With Self-Hating Jews 14 Mar
The text discusses the concept of self-hating Jews through the lens of recent events like the Oscars speech by Jewish director Jonathan Glazer, who equated I...
14 Mar
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 13 Mar
Future of Jewish is a digital publication aiming to enhance understanding and knowledge about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, now made free for broade...
13 Mar
Future of Jewish The Major Narratives Shaping Israeli Politics 13 Mar
The text discusses the major narratives shaping Israeli politics, highlighting seven key camps influencing voter decisions in Israel. These include the Chare...
13 Mar
Future of Jewish The Exclusive Luxuries of Being Palestinian 12 Mar
The text discusses various criticisms and double standards faced by Israel in its interactions with Palestinians and the international community. It highligh...
12 Mar
Future of Jewish I want to fight for Israel. Why won’t anyone let me? 12 Mar
Giada Condello, an Italian with Israeli citizenship, expresses frustration at the lack of organized efforts to combat misinformation about Israel in Italy po...
12 Mar
Future of Jewish Judaism that ends in lovelessness cannot be Judaism. 11 Mar
The text discusses the current state of division and polarization within Israeli and Jewish society, emphasizing how political differences have led to a lack...
11 Mar
Future of Jewish No, winning a war is not genocide. 11 Mar
Amidst escalating violence in the Middle East, there is a growing misconception that Israel's defensive actions against Hamas amount to genocide, as criticis...
11 Mar
Future of Jewish The Golden Age for Jews is now. 10 Mar
The text discusses the idea that the perceived "Golden Age" of Judaism has shifted and argues that the current era is the true Golden Age for Jews. The piece...
10 Mar
Future of Jewish What the hell is going on? 10 Mar
The text discusses various events and opinions related to the Jewish world, including the UNRWA's actions in Gaza, political stances on the Israel-Hamas conf...
10 Mar
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 9 Mar
Joshua Hoffman, on behalf of Future of Jewish, a digital publication, is seeking support for their mission to provide accessible information on Judaism, Isra...
9 Mar
Future of Jewish How One Tiny Country Upended the Middle East 9 Mar
The text explores how Israel, once seen as a barren and unremarkable land, transformed from a small settlement in 1909 to a country with significant global i...
9 Mar
Future of Jewish Jewish artists won’t be silenced. 9 Mar
The Future of Jewish newsletter features a guest essay by artist Anna Abramzon discussing the silencing of Jewish artists amid anti-Israel sentiments. Exampl...
9 Mar
Future of Jewish Hamas is Nazi Germany, on a global scale. 8 Mar
The text discusses the pervasive presence of antisemitism and hatred towards Jews among Palestinians and various Arab and Muslim populations, drawing paralle...
8 Mar
Future of Jewish No Jews, No News 7 Mar
The text discusses a double standard in the global spotlight on Israel and Jews, highlighting instances of violence and oppression elsewhere that receive les...
7 Mar
Future of Jewish We are fighting the only war worth fighting. 7 Mar
An editorial in The Jerusalem Post suggests that a new creative solution is needed for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict beyond the traditional two-state or b...
7 Mar
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 6 Mar
Josh Hoffman, representing Future of Jewish, a digital publication focused on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, is seeking support for their mission. Th...
6 Mar
Future of Jewish These two non-Jewish generals paved the way for Israel's creation. 6 Mar
The text discusses how two non-Jewish generals, John Henry Patterson and Edmund Allenby, played significant roles in paving the way for the creation of Israe...
6 Mar
Future of Jewish Why the World Tolerates Barbaric Hamas 5 Mar
The essay discusses the tactics of Hamas, highlighting their use of terrorism and tunnels to confront Israel. It raises a comparison between the world's resp...
5 Mar
Future of Jewish The Israeli-Palestinian Battle for People's Minds 5 Mar
The text discusses the battle of information and branding tactics in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, drawing parallels to marketing strategies outlined in ...
5 Mar
Future of Jewish How to Criticize Israel: A Guide 4 Mar
The article "How to Criticize Israel: A Guide" discusses the importance of fair criticism towards Israel while avoiding antisemitism. It emphasizes the need ...
4 Mar
Future of Jewish The Arabs Defying the Arab World 4 Mar
The article discusses the complexity of opinions within the Arab world regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, noting a divergence between official rheto...
4 Mar
Future of Jewish The Real Reasons ‘Palestine’ Does Not Exist 3 Mar
The text discusses the reasons why Palestine does not exist from the perspective of a Jewish publication. It critiques the Palestinian narrative, questioning...
3 Mar
Future of Jewish What the hell is going on? 3 Mar
Future of Jewish's "What the hell is going on?" series delves into recent events in the Jewish world, highlighting a tragic incident of a man setting himself...
3 Mar
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 2 Mar
Future of Jewish is a digital publication aiming to provide insight and education on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world to a broad audience. They have rec...
2 Mar
Future of Jewish A Rant About Israel, the Jews, Idealism, and Cynicism 2 Mar
The text discusses the shift from idealism to cynicism regarding Israel and the Jewish people due to the challenging geopolitical realities they face, contra...
2 Mar
Future of Jewish The End of Conversation 1 Mar
In an essay by Loolwa Khazzoom, the author reflects on a conversation with an anti-Zionist individual, highlighting how closed-mindedness and preconceived no...
1 Mar
Future of Jewish Do as the Israelis do. 1 Mar
The text discusses the Israeli approach to external perceptions and challenges facing the Jewish community, particularly during the Israel-Hamas conflict. It...
1 Mar
Future of Jewish Sex, Rabbis, and the Downfall of Judaism 29 Feb
Alon Goshen-Gottstein, a prominent figure in inter-religious dialogue, delves into the case of Art Green's recent sexual misconduct allegations, highlighting...
29 Feb
Future of Jewish The Pure Stupidity of Shared Humanity 29 Feb
The text discusses the concept of shared humanity in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and broader issues related to Islam and Western liberal ...
29 Feb
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 28 Feb
Future of Jewish, a digital publication, aims to provide education and insight about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world for a global audience. The publica...
28 Feb
Future of Jewish How Arab Regimes Are Infiltrating the West 28 Feb
The text discusses how Arab regimes, particularly Qatar, have been infiltrating the West, including the United States, through financial influence. Qatar, de...
28 Feb
Future of Jewish History is screaming at the Jews. Are we listening? 27 Feb
The text discusses the importance of listening to history as a way to understand and protect the Jewish people. It highlights the significance of the Golani ...
27 Feb
Future of Jewish Why I Became Addicted to Zionism 27 Feb
The article discusses the author's personal journey from not being raised in a Zionist environment to becoming deeply connected to Zionism after living in Is...
27 Feb
Future of Jewish The Palestinians had no choice. 26 Feb
The essay discusses the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, focusing on the argument that the Palestinians had no choice but to resort to violence ...
26 Feb
Future of Jewish I recently discovered that I am not so liberal. 26 Feb
The text discusses a personal reflection on liberalism and its relationship with current issues like the Israel-Hamas conflict. The author, initially a liber...
26 Feb
Future of Jewish Championing Hope in a Time of War 25 Feb
Israeli peace activist Vivian Silver, dedicated to Arab-Jewish partnership and peace, was tragically killed by Hamas terrorists. Her unwavering hope for peac...
25 Feb
Future of Jewish What the hell is going on? 25 Feb
"Future of Jewish" is a newsletter discussing various Jewish and Israel-related topics. In a recent edition titled "What the hell is going on?" various curre...
25 Feb
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 24 Feb
Future of Jewish is a digital publication aiming to educate about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, made accessible to all for free. With support from n...
24 Feb
Future of Jewish Can you hear the runaway trolley in Gaza? 24 Feb
In a thought-provoking piece by Yishai Jusidman in Future of Jewish, the author reflects on a hypothetical scenario drawing parallels between the ongoing Isr...
24 Feb
Future of Jewish What More People Should Know About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 23 Feb
The text discusses several key points about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It highlights the complexity of the situation, emphasizing that both sides have...
23 Feb
Future of Jewish Here's why Biden's Democrats will lose this year's presidential election. 23 Feb
The text focuses on the argument that Joe Biden's Democratic Party may lose the upcoming presidential election due to its perceived failure to uphold America...
23 Feb
Future of Jewish Allowing Evil to Triumph for the Sake of Peace 22 Feb
The text discusses the issue of allowing lies and hatred to spread unchecked, particularly in relation to anti-Semitism targeting Jews, with a focus on the c...
22 Feb