Tag: American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

Amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Jewish federations have nearly exhausted funds raised for humanitarian relief after distributing $96 million over two years.
In the midst of Ukraine's ongoing war, Ukrainian Jews, like 17-year-old Sonia Bunina, continue to show resilience and determination.
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden launched the White House Holocaust Survivor Initiative, a program aimed at addressing the unique needs of Holocaust survivors as they age.
The author reflects on the significance of the prayer Unetaneh Tokef, which catalogs calamities that may befall Jews in the coming year, and its resonance with the Jewish community in Ukraine.
The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) is providing food packages containing traditional holiday items to thousands of impoverished Jews in Ukraine and across the former Soviet Union ahead of the Jewish New Year.
Doron Krakow, President and CEO of JCC Association of North America, responds to an article that praises European Jewish Community Centers (JCCs) for their commitment to nurturing Jewish connections.
The article discusses the transformative power of Jewish summer camps in shaping the Jewish identity of young campers.
The text discusses the story of the Survivors Talmud, also known as the DP Camp Gemara or Sheerit Hapleitah Shas, a Talmud printed for Jewish survivors of the Holocaust to facilitate Torah study in displaced persons camps post-World War II.
Roman Vishniac, a versatile photographer, is the subject of the retrospective "Roman Vishniac Rediscovered" at the International Center of Photography.