Tag: Anti Government Protests

After a long-standing ambivalence towards Israel, a British writer's perspective shifted dramatically following Hamas' deadly actions.
Israeli tourism to Georgia has surged, with some Israelis choosing to settle in Tbilisi and establish businesses, like the Lichts who opened a falafel eatery and art gallery.
Families of hostages held in Gaza have been holding rallies in Israel, including one at Hostages Square, to bring attention to their loved ones' plight and urge for their return.
Protests calling for the resignation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu due to his handling of the government and the ongoing conflict have drawn tens of thousands of demonstrators in Jerusalem, demanding his removal or a change in his approach.
Israeli authorities are investigating the use of force against anti-government protesters in Tel Aviv, where clashes with police led to arrests and injuries.
In the aftermath of a surprise attack by Hamas, Israeli opposition groups and pro-democracy protesters have expressed solidarity and support for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
In February, Palestinian town Hawara experienced a violent attack by Israeli settlers, resulting in the burning of homes, destruction of property, and the death of a Palestinian.
In this episode, Neri Zilber hosts a discussion about Israel's 75th Independence Day.
In a discussion on Israel's 75th Independence Day, journalist Neri Zilber hosts Michael Koplow and Shira Efron to reflect on recent events in Israel.
Amid a deepening judicial and constitutional crisis in Israel, journalist Neri Zilber and political correspondent Tal Schneider discuss recent bills passed in the Knesset, the potential for compromise, Benjamin Netanyahu's intentions, his control over the coalition, the state of the opposition, and the anti-government protest movement.
This article discusses the recent anti-government protests in Israel, where hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been demonstrating against proposed changes to weaken the power of Israel's Supreme Court.
Over 110,000 protestors gathered in Tel Aviv to oppose right-wing Israeli government reforms aimed at changing the judicial system to shift power from courts to the legislature.
The author expresses disappointment in the silence of the American Jewish community regarding the ongoing protests and human rights violations in Iran.