Tag: Anti Israelism

The essay discusses the intersection of antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment in the aftermath of a significant event, noting a distinction between traditional antisemitism and modern anti-Israelism.
The text discusses the complexity of contemporary antisemitism, focusing on the relationship between traditional antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment.
The author reflects on their decades-long experience witnessing anti-Israel sentiment in literary circles and specifically within the National Book Critics Circle (NBCC).
This text is a collection of responses from various individuals reflecting on their beliefs before and after October 7, 2023.
Anti-Israelism is a prejudice against all things Israeli, which should not be confused with hatred of Jews.
The essays by Jonathan Karp and Reviel Netz discuss the rise of anti-Israelism, a new form of bigotry that targets Israel and Israelis rather than Jews and Judaism.
Israeli American novelist Ruby Namdar discusses the novelistic plight of American Jewry and Israeli Jewry in the aftermath of October 7.
Anti-Semitism, though once forced underground post-1945, has resurged in recent years, often disguised and submerged.