Tag: Arab Israeli War

The essay explores the Palestinian perspective of the Nakba, the displacement of approximately 750,000 Arabs during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.
In a guest essay by Nachum Kaplan on the Future of Jewish platform, the case for Israel to leave the United Nations (UN) is discussed.
The term "Nakba," meaning catastrophe, was originally coined as criticism towards Arab nations for their failure to prevent the establishment of Israel in 1948, as described by Syrian author Constantin Zurayk.
In a guest essay for Future of Jewish, Nachum Kaplan of Moral Clarity challenges the narrative of "No peace on stolen land," commonly heard at pro-Palestinian rallies.
Hadassa Kingstone, born in pre-State Haifa in 1936 to parents who escaped Hitler's Europe, shares her epic life story that intertwines with the history of the State of Israel.
George Deek, an Israeli diplomat of Palestinian descent, embodies a complex identity bridging his Palestinian heritage with Israeli citizenship.
On May 13, 1948, Arab militiamen and Jordanian Legionnaires carried out a massacre of surrendering Jewish troops in Kibbutz Kfar Etzion, marking one of the biggest Arab massacres of Jews during the first Arab-Israeli War.