Tag: Ariel Sharon

As Israel and Jewish communities commemorate Yom ha-Zikaron, IDF veterans from the Yom Kippur War in Toronto reflect on their harrowing experiences 50 years ago, with memories of chaos and fear.
The recent intelligence failure in Israel, resulting in a major attack by Hamas, highlights the dangers of relying on core assumptions in intelligence work.
The Israeli government has granted Israeli citizens legal access to the disbanded settlement of Homesh, fulfilling a demand of the settler movement.
The article discusses Benjamin Netanyahu's political career and the challenges he has faced as Israel's prime minister.
The 20th anniversary of the second intifada, marked on September 29th, prompted reflections on its lasting impact.
Senator Elizabeth Warren has expressed support for ending the Israeli occupation when approached by Jewish anti-occupation activists.
Nathan Fendrich's rediscovered collection of photographs from the 1973 Yom Kippur War provides a rare and intimate look at the conflict, capturing moments of joy, anguish, and camaraderie among Israeli soldiers.
Mahmoud Abbas assured Dutch Jews that he does not intend to cancel the Oslo Accords or demand the absorption of millions of Palestinians by Israel.
The article reflects on the 10-year anniversary of the Israeli disengagement from Gaza and the emotional impact it had on different sectors of Israeli society.
The article reflects on Ariel Sharon's life and leadership, highlighting his journey from being a divisive figure to a unifying force in Israel.
Ariel Sharon, a prominent figure in Israeli military and politics, was known for his military exploits as a field commander in the Israel Defense Forces and his controversial political career that included leading military operations and settlements.
In a recent discussion, Allison, Don, Eilon, and Noah reflect on the events following PM Ariel Sharon's proposal for unilateral withdrawal from Gaza ten years ago, including the complexities of Israeli politics and the intense surveillance faced by Israeli workers.
The Tent City Protests that began in Tel Aviv last summer, stirring up to 450,000 protesters throughout Israel in a show of both size and civility, have left a lasting impact on Israeli society, particularly the youth.