Tag: Ark

The traditional depiction of the Luchot (Tablets containing the 10 Commandments) as rounded at the top in most illustrations deviates from the Talmudic description of them as rectangular parallelepipeds, believed to measure 6 tefachim high by 6 tefachim wide by 3 tefachim thick.
The discussion revolves around the story of Noah's Ark and the role of birds, particularly the raven.
The first half of the book of Exodus tells the epic story of the Israelites' freedom from slavery in Egypt and the establishment of a covenant with God.
As Yom Kippur approaches, traditions for getting right with God include tossing bread into water to symbolize sin washing away, abstaining from physical pleasures, swinging a chicken in a ritual of atonement, wearing white to signify purity, making amends with others, and kneeling before the Ark during prayers.