Tag: Brookings Institution

Tamara Cofman Wittes, a prominent advocate for gender diversity in national security and the U.S. think tank community, has been nominated for a senior post on Middle East affairs by President Joe Biden.
Evan Gottesman discusses the potential consequences of Israeli annexation of West Bank territory with Tamara Cofman Wittes from the Brookings Institution.
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaid declared himself president amid economic turmoil in Venezuela, once one of Latin America's most prosperous countries.
Ilan Goldenberg from the Center for a New American Security and the Brookings Institution released a report titled "Ending Gaza's Perpetual Crisis: A New U.S. Approach," aiming to address stability and reconstruction in Gaza.
The AJC Passport podcast discusses the repercussions of Jamal Khashoggi's murder, with insights from Hady Amr, a former State Department diplomat, and Deidre Berger of AJC Berlin Ramer Institute, focusing on German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to Israel and the growing political extremism in Germany.
The text discusses the historical significance of the Atlantic Charter articulated by Roosevelt and Churchill during World War II, emphasizing values like peace, free trade, human rights, and democracy.
The Trump administration has decided to cut $200 million in aid intended for the Palestinians, following previous reductions in U.S. funding for Palestinian projects.
The article discusses the historical evolution of think tanks from their origins in Europe in the 800s to the formation of independent research groups in the 16th and 17th centuries, particularly focusing on the Dupuy Academy in France.
Allison, Don, and Noah explore the rise of Israel's right-wing news network, likening it to "Fox News for the Jews."
Brookings Institution, in response to accusations by Lee Smith about Martin Indyk and Qatar funding, clarified that the $14.8 million from Qatar was a pledge to support Brookings projects overall, not Indyk personally.
Martin Indyk, a peace negotiator involved in Israeli-Palestinian relations, received a substantial $14.8 million from Qatar while working at the Brookings Institution, raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest as Qatar supports Hamas, a group hostile to Israel and Mahmoud Abbas.