Tag: Btselem

Bassem Eid, a Palestinian Arab born in Jerusalem, had a negative perception of Jews as a child due to his aunt's claim that they ate humans.
An array of left-leaning Israeli human rights groups, including Gisha, Peace Now, BTselem, Yesh Din, Standing Together, and Physicians for Human Rights, have called for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war and the release of all hostages taken by Hamas.
The article discusses the fraudulent case against violent settlers in the West Bank.
American Jews should consider starting a campaign called "Pushkes for Palestinians" to help reimburse and support Palestinian olive farmers who have been targeted and harassed by Israeli settlers in the West Bank.
The article discusses the forced depopulation of Palestinian communities in Area C of the West Bank due to settler attacks.
In this letter to the editor, Mark Lurinsky criticizes Israeli analyst Yossi Klein Halevi for his disparagement of leftist Israeli groups focused on the occupation and human rights violations against Palestinians.
This article discusses the recent anti-government protests in Israel, where hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been demonstrating against proposed changes to weaken the power of Israel's Supreme Court.
The recent report from Amnesty International accusing Israel of committing apartheid against Palestinians has sparked controversy.
Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz has declared six Palestinian human rights organizations as terrorist groups, putting them at severe risk.
The discussion in "The Other F-Word" Edition focuses on three key topics: BTselem's decision to stop reporting IDF crimes due to perceived inaction, the left's increasing use of the word "fascist" to describe the government's direction, and the Ministry of Housing's opposition to municipal affordable housing programs.