Tag: Campus Protest

At the University of California's Berkeley campus, a diverse group of activists are part of an encampment protest advocating for peace and an end to the Israeli occupation in Gaza.
University of Michigan graduate Benny Shaevsky confronted pro-Hamas activists at his campus by removing an illegal poster criticizing Israel.
Columbia's Rashid Khalidi and UCLA's David Myers will discuss protests and repression on campus, focusing on the crackdown on pro-Palestinian activism.
Lihi Ben Shitrit, a professor of Israel studies at NYU, criticizes the adoption of extreme Israeli and Palestinian political discourses on U.S. campuses following recent events in the region.
The University of California, Berkeley is now facing a federal discrimination investigation following the disruption of an Israeli speaker's appearance on campus by violent anti-Israel protesters.
The author discusses their experience of speaking out against Hamas and student organizations that support it while teaching at Columbia University.
Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside Columbia University in New York to protest the university's suspension of Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has announced that it will suspend a number of students from non-academic activities after they participated in a pro-Palestinian die-in protest.
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is a decentralized organization with autonomous chapters on college campuses, funded by small university grants and known for its protest tactics like erecting apartheid walls and mock eviction notices to raise awareness about the Palestinian cause.