Tag: Chinuch

A Jewish father reflects on the financial pressures and societal expectations he faces in his Orthodox community, particularly when it came to his daughter's wedding expenses and leasing a car for his family.
The video explores the concept of Chinuch, going beyond conventional education to understand what real education means in Judaism.
Rebbetzin Bruria David, founder of the Beth Jacob Jerusalem seminary, is remembered on the occasion of her first yahrtzeit.
Rabbi Yeshayahu Weber, a seasoned teacher in chinuch with over 50 years of experience, sheds light on the challenges in education today.
A recent event involving the swearing in of a new member of Congress sparked discussion when it was revealed that the member chose to place a rare Superman comic book, along with a copy of the Constitution and family mementos, on the table.
The author of the first text emphasizes the importance of making Torah Judaism relatable and inspiring in order to keep students engaged and prevent them from opting out of the frum community as adults.
The discussion revolves around the importance of instilling a lifelong passion for Yiddishkeit (Judaism) in children.