Tag: Days Of Awe

The author reflects on the meaning of Rosh Hashanah and the rituals associated with it.
The author argues that the upcoming Days of Awe in Israel, between the Jewish New Year and the Day of Atonement, may be disastrous for Israeli democracy.
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is one of the most important holidays on the Jewish calendar.
Vintage Israeli-made Rosh Hashanah cards offer a unique perspective on Israeli history and the changing trends and events of the time.
In this edition, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss Benjamin Netanyahu's promise to fund Haredi schools regardless of their teachings, questioning its wisdom.
In this discussion, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron cover three important topics in Jewish society.
The text discusses the upcoming Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, known as the Days of Awe, with Yom Kippur being a day of fasting for 25 hours and strict observance.
Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain reflect on the connections between Yom Kippur, the 9/11 anniversary, and the impact of the tragedy on American and Israeli societies.
The article discusses the TV series "I May Destroy You" and its relevance to the Jewish High Holidays.
The excerpt discusses Rabbi Akiva's teaching about two types of purification and two types of repentance.
In "The President, the Prime Minister & the General Edition," Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss topics including the actions of Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, the challenges faced by Prime Minister Netanyahu in negotiations, and the strategies of Lt. General Benny Gantz post-election despite having garnered significant votes.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron delve into various Israeli political aspects in their discussion.
In "The Apology Episode: 5779 Edition: Ep. 150" of Unorthodox, the podcast explores the theme of apologizing during the Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
In episode 59 of "The Bottle Episode," the hosts celebrate Rosh Hashanah by sharing personal stories of new beginnings.
In this podcast episode titled "The State of the Spirit (and the Spirit of the State)," Allison, Don, and Noah examine various aspects of religion and spirituality in Israel, including the happiness levels of different Jewish religious groups, the increasing belief in God among secular Jews, and the use of technology by ultra-Orthodox Jews.
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, falls on the first day of the seventh month Tishrei but is significant as a day for reflection, repentance, and judgment by God.