Tag: Dead Sea

Despite the ongoing conflicts and signs of war, a recent visit to Israel revealed to the writer that the country remains vibrant and resilient.
The author reflects on their experiences and emotions related to their Jewish identity and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
In Israel, there is an ongoing discussion about the expected release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.
Israel is currently experiencing its largest internal displacement in history due to recent attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah.
Saar Margolis, a resident of the Israeli community Kibbutz Kissufim, was killed by Hamas terrorists.
Four 1,900-year-old Roman swords have been found in a cave near the Dead Sea.
Noam Bedein, the owner of the second boat to sail the Dead Sea in 75 years, is on a mission to save the shrinking sea.
The Israel Museum in Jerusalem is hosting an exhibition of the work of Israeli artist Sigalit Landau, titled "The Burning Sea."
In this article, the author recounts their experience of attempting to walk around the Dead Sea, starting from the Jordanian side and intending to finish on the Israeli side.
In Israel, there is a movement to revive biblical-era plants like frankincense and myrrh, which have not been grown locally for centuries.