Tag: Evolution

Jewish education has evolved significantly over the past century.
In this episode, David Bashevkin discusses Howard Stern and his evolution over the years.
The "Journal of a Plague" column by Dr. Norman Doidge explores the ongoing pandemic, drawing parallels to historical plagues and discussing how our bodies and brains have evolved to deal with contagions over time.
The discussion explores the apparent discrepancies between Torah teachings and scientific consensus, particularly regarding the age of the universe, the concept of evolution, and the creation of species.
In this discussion, Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman delve into the influence of the Jewish Agency on Israeli politics, the concept of prioritizing Israel's interests over global economic ties, and the controversy surrounding the Jerusalem Museum of Natural History concealing exhibits on evolution for ultra-Orthodox visitors.
Dr. Susan Nashman Fraiman, an art historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, discusses her research on the development of candle-lighting practices, particularly the Shabbat Lamp, among Ashkenazi Jews.
This article discusses various topics including the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah in the Palestinian Authority, the concept of the right to be forgotten on the internet for Israelis, the delayed introduction of evolution in Israeli schools, and music recommendations from Balkan Beat Box.