Rationalist Judaism One People, Two Judaisms 23 Jun
The text discusses the dichotomy between two forms of Torah Judaism throughout Jewish history, highlighting the shift from a Judaism for a sovereign nation t...
23 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Dog Food and Disaster 20 Jun
The article discusses a story of a young man in captivity in Moldova after being caught trying to smuggle narcotics disguised as dog food in a desperate atte...
20 Jun
Rationalist Judaism A Difficult Kindness 19 Jun
The text discusses the idea that the charedi community is becoming dependent on donations from philanthropists in the US, particularly for their yeshivos and...
19 Jun
Rationalist Judaism The "Antisemitic" Cartoon 16 Jun
The controversy surrounding an "Antisemitic" cartoon in Mekor Rishon depicts a charedi yeshiva student atop a wounded soldier, highlighting the exemption of ...
16 Jun
Rationalist Judaism America and Israel 14 Jun
The text discusses the author's experiences as a Jewish individual in both America and Israel, highlighting encounters with different attitudes towards Judai...
14 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Two Different Torahs 11 Jun
The author reflects on recent events in Israeli society, including proposed changes to exemption laws for ultra-Orthodox individuals and a disturbing suicide...
11 Jun
Rationalist Judaism "The IDF Doesn't Want Charedim" 7 Jun
The text discusses a report indicating that the IDF has rejected many Charedi enlistment requests due to various reasons, posing challenges in integrating Ch...
7 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Effective Tzedaka 6 Jun
The text discusses ways to support Israel during wartime, highlighting alternative organizations for tzedaka due to new information. It mentions the importan...
6 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Hamas, Haredim, and Hayalim 4 Jun
Rav Dov Landau, a prominent figure in the Ashkenazi Charedi Lithuanian community, called for special prayers due to the challenges faced by the Jewish people...
4 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Charedism on Trial 3 Jun
In Israel, a High Court hearing addressing the issue of charedi (ultra-Orthodox) avoidance of army service and funding for yeshivas took place, revealing the...
3 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Golden Eagles and Goldfinches 2 Jun
In this multi-part series critique, the author challenges the claims made by Irus Braverman about Israel's treatment of wildlife, focusing on golden eagles a...
2 Jun
Rationalist Judaism When Torah is Poison 29 May
The article discusses how Torah, while considered an elixir of life when approached correctly, can become a deadly poison when misinterpreted or misapplied. ...
29 May
Rationalist Judaism Wild Asses and Camel Clashes 27 May
The text discusses the reintroduction of Asiatic wild asses in Israel's Negev desert, where they play a crucial ecological role by dispersing seeds. It highl...
27 May
Rationalist Judaism The Anguish of Kivelevitzism 24 May
The text discusses a podcast episode where Rabbi Avramel Kivelevitz criticizes Natan Slifkin's views, focusing on the charedi community's response to differe...
24 May
Rationalist Judaism What is Traditional Theodicy? 22 May
The discussion delves into the traditional theodicy in Judaism, questioning the belief that bad events occur as a result of sin. The text critiques Rav Aharo...
22 May
Rationalist Judaism A Theodicy of Absurdity 20 May
Rav Aharon Feldman, a prominent figure in Agudas Yisrael of America, offers a theodicy for the Gaza war in a letter suggesting it was a Divine message due to...
20 May
Rationalist Judaism Zooish Conspiracies III: Agent Bambi 19 May
This text criticizes Irus Braverman's claims about Israel's reintroduction of Mesopotamian fallow deer as an act of violent settler colonialism. Braverman ac...
19 May
Rationalist Judaism Zooish Conspiracies II: The Deer Project 16 May
The text discusses the Deer Project in Israel, focusing on the reintroduction of Mesopotamian fallow deer. The project involved capturing deer in Iran and br...
16 May
Rationalist Judaism Coming to America 15 May
The author announces their upcoming scholar-in-residence position at Agudat Achim in Bradley Beach, NJ, for Shavuot, where they will be unavailable for a sub...
15 May
Rationalist Judaism Worthy of Celebration 13 May
Despite facing current challenges such as ongoing wars, global animosity towards Israel, and hostages still in captivity, the significance of celebrating Yom...
13 May
Rationalist Judaism The Objection to Connection 12 May
The text discusses the lack of concern and gratitude for the IDF among the charedi community in Israel. The author emphasizes the importance of acknowledging...
12 May
Rationalist Judaism Zooish Conspiracies I 9 May
The article discusses the trend in academia to delegitimize Israel as a settler-colonial regime, even extending to unconventional areas like zoology and cons...
9 May
Rationalist Judaism The Core of the Conflict 7 May
The Israel/Palestinian conflict has its core in historical events dating back to the early 20th century, when Jewish refugees sought a homeland in Palestine,...
7 May
Rationalist Judaism The Holocaust and Israel 5 May
The text discusses the relationship between the Holocaust and the creation of Israel, emphasizing that while the Holocaust influenced international support f...
5 May
Rationalist Judaism Challah With Keys? Give Me Bagels With Locks. 3 May
The custom of baking "Shlissel Challah" with a key on the Shabbos after Pesach as a segulah for parnassah (sustenance) is debated for its origins, some linki...
3 May
Rationalist Judaism The Reform of Agudah 2 May
The text criticizes a recent statement by the Moetzes Gedolei Torah of Agudas Yisrael in America, highlighting logical and historical contradictions in their...
2 May
Rationalist Judaism The Irrelevance of Zionism 30 Apr
The discussion on the legitimacy of Zionism, focusing on its historical context and religious perspectives, points out that with over seven million Jews livi...
30 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Rescuing Rambam from Revisionism 25 Apr
The text discusses the misconception that the philosopher and legal scholar Rambam legitimizes the modern charedi kollel system and exemption from army servi...
25 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Just Plain Incoherency 21 Apr
In an article titled "Just Plain Chutzpah" by Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg published in Mishpacha magazine, he criticizes moderate figures in the charedi w...
21 Apr
Rationalist Judaism A Rationalist Pesach 18 Apr
The text discusses various perspectives on Pesach from a rationalist viewpoint, covering topics such as the size of a kezayis, the significance of eating mat...
18 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Ask Your Local Charedi Rabbi 17 Apr
The text discusses the controversy surrounding the issue of yeshiva students being drafted into the IDF, particularly in the perspective of Charedi rabbis wh...
17 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Alien Encounters 15 Apr
The text discusses encountering aliens who appear to be living among humans, particularly in Israel. These aliens, disguised as regular people, come from a d...
15 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Waking Up To A Miracle - Again 14 Apr
The text recounts a recent event in Israel where a potential attack was intercepted, likening the situation to an ancient event involving Sennacherib's siege...
14 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Hamas+Hezbollah+Iran= Vacation! 11 Apr
The Israeli Defense Forces are facing threats from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, leading to the need for careful allocation of forces. Charedi leaders claim th...
11 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Who Has Another Land? 10 Apr
The text discusses the emotional and historical significance of the Israeli slogan "Ein Li Eretz Acheret, I have no other country," highlighting the fact tha...
10 Apr
Rationalist Judaism This Is Not How I Grew Up 8 Apr
The author reflects on the contrast between their own safe upbringing in England and the challenges their children face growing up in Israel, where they are ...
8 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Miracles instead of Effort? 6 Apr
Rabbi Dr. Natan Slifkin responds to an article in Mishpacha Magazine discussing the charedi avoidance of army service, critiquing the interview with Rav Yitz...
6 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Rabbi Kornreich and Octopi-fish 4 Apr
Rabbi Dovid Kornreich clarifies points raised about him in a previous article, emphasizing his departure from Toras Moshe in 2021 to work full-time at Mir, c...
4 Apr
Rationalist Judaism The Bat and the Penguin 4 Apr
In this discussion of animals in the Torah, the focus is on the classification of birds as kosher and non-kosher. The text explores how the Torah's categoriz...
4 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Yes, We Needed Israel 2 Apr
Rabbi Dovid Kornreich, reflecting a minority perspective within the charedi community influenced by anti-Zionist elements, argues against the value of Jewish...
2 Apr
Rationalist Judaism BREAKING: Charedim will leave yeshiva to fight! 2 Apr
The Charedi community is facing a shift as the exemption from army service expires, leading to a realization that they can no longer solely focus on Torah st...
2 Apr
Rationalist Judaism You're Not a Fool 1 Apr
The text discusses a controversial statement made by Rabbi Tzvi Friedman of the Yerushalmi Peleg movement, who expressed a preference for his grandchildren t...
1 Apr
Rationalist Judaism "Anything but the IDF" 1 Apr
In response to the Israeli government's decree to draft yeshiva students into the IDF, certain religious leaders are considering extreme measures to secure e...
1 Apr
Rationalist Judaism A Dose of Unreality 30 Mar
The text discusses the divide between charedim and the rest of Israel regarding military enlistment. It highlights a speech by Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch equati...
30 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Hysteria vs. Hashem 29 Mar
The cancellation of the legal basis for exemption of charedim from the army in Israel has sparked hysteria and anger within the charedi community, with claim...
29 Mar
Rationalist Judaism The Deadline 28 Mar
The Israeli government faces a critical deadline with Cabinet Resolution 682 about Haredi draft exemptions set to expire. There's controversy over Haredi cla...
28 Mar
Rationalist Judaism How Many Yeshiva Students Are Needed? 26 Mar
Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv suggested that in ancient times, one person studying Torah was considered enough spiritual protection for a soldier, while today ...
26 Mar
Rationalist Judaism My IDF Plan, The Netziv 25 Mar
The text discusses the controversy surrounding charedim not serving in the IDF, highlighting the perspectives of those both in favor and against this exempti...
25 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Happy Indigenous Purim! 24 Mar
The text briefly mentions the celebration of Purim while highlighting Rationalist Judaism as a reader-supported publication. It encourages readers to subscri...
24 Mar
Rationalist Judaism A Nation of Superheroes 22 Mar
The text discusses the popularity of the song "Giburei Al" (Superheroes) in Israel and highlights its significance in understanding Israeli identity. It refe...
22 Mar