Tag: Exegesis

In his book "Fragile Finitude: A Jewish Hermeneutical Theology," Michael Fishbane explores the interaction between life and tradition and argues that interpretation is the lifeblood of religious consciousness.
In "Philosophy and Exegesis: Which Leads? A Review of Aaron Kollers Unbinding Isaac," Zvi Grumet discusses Aaron Koller's book, "Unbinding Isaac: The Significance of the Akedah for Modern Jewish Thought."
Rabbinic law's purpose and creativity, distinct from biblical law, are explored through aggadah narratives, like the story of David subduing chaotic waters with the "fifteen Songs of Ascent."
Rashi's well-known commentary on the first verse of the Torah asserts the Jewish people's God-given right to the Land of Israel.
Avivah Zornberg, a Jerusalem-based writer and teacher, presents a unique approach to interpreting the Bible by incorporating postmodern literary criticism, art history, and psychoanalysis alongside classical rabbinic commentary and Hasidic writings.