Tag: Exemption

Israel's Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, has ruled to draft all Charedim into the army, causing uproar in the ultra-Orthodox community that views Torah study as paramount.
In Israel, a High Court hearing addressing the issue of charedi (ultra-Orthodox) avoidance of army service and funding for yeshivas took place, revealing the government's backing of charedi exemptions despite conflicting beliefs within the government itself.
The statement by the American Agudah's Moetzes expressing the Charedi position on military service exemption for yeshiva students in Israel has sparked controversy and raised questions.
The Charedi community is facing a shift as the exemption from army service expires, leading to a realization that they can no longer solely focus on Torah study for protection.
A recent survey conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute revealed that 70% of Israeli Jews support ending the blanket exemptions from military service for Haredi men, a significant increase from 2018.
Opposition Leader Yair Lapid recently called for the drafting of Ultra-Orthodox Jews into the Israeli army, challenging the longstanding exemption that has applied to about 15% of the population.
The debate over whether Torah scholars should be exempt from military service in Israel has a long history rooted in Talmudic texts.