Tag: Fashion Industry

Diane Von Furstenberg, known for her iconic wrap dress, shares her story in the documentary "Diane von Furstenberg: Woman in Charge," reflecting on her Jewish heritage and the impact of her mother's survival of Auschwitz on her life.
The documentary "Diane von Furstenberg: Woman in Charge" delves into the fashion icon's legacy intertwined with her mother's Holocaust survival, tracing von Furstenberg's journey from a career slump to her Jewish identity discovery.
The upcoming documentary "Diane von Furstenberg: Woman in Charge" directed by Trish Dalton and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy follows the life of the iconic Jewish designer for two years, exploring her career in fashion, relationships with her first husband and second husband, and her Jewish family history, including her mother, a Holocaust survivor.
In response to rising antisemitism in the fashion industry following the Hamas atrocities, a community of Jewish individuals, including influencer Benji Park and designer Vjera Furman, have faced backlash, lost followers, and received hate messages for openly supporting Israel and wearing Jewish symbols like the kippah and the Magen David.
Louis Vuitton faced backlash over an $820 T-shirt with a logo in colors resembling the Palestinian flag, sparking debates on social media about whether the brand is taking a pro-Palestinian stance amid the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The fashion industry is evolving to cater to environmentally conscious consumers while maintaining style.
The documentary "High and Low" explores the rise and fall of fashion designer John Galliano, focusing on his antisemitic outburst in a Paris bar which led to his downfall.
M&S Schmalberg, a family-owned artificial flower business in Manhattan, has been operating for 107 years.