Tag: Football

The video explores how Sam Saltz, a college football player, balances his faith and sports by refraining from playing on Shabbat, leading to a deeper connection with God through his athletic pursuits.
This article is a response to an article by R. Jeffrey Fox, who argued that watching football may be a halakhic prohibition.
Dr. Omer Einav, a historian, explores the relationship between Jews and Arabs in Mandatory Palestine from 1917 to 1948 through the lens of football in his book, "Defending the Goal."
The presence of pro-Palestinian solidarity at the 2022 World Cup has been widely celebrated by Palestinians and seen as a sign that their cause is not forgotten.
The Menschwarmers podcast's third season discusses key Jewish sports stories in 2022, ranging from Olympic sibling snowboarders to LPGA contenders and athletes in tennis, golf, and football, as well as the Winter Olympics in China.
Joel Alperson, a dedicated Nebraska football fan and Jewish observer, has taken unique steps to accommodate both Yom Kippur and football games by bringing in Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin to lead services at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus.