Tag: Hinduphobia

The text discusses the intellectual failure to recognize the threat of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs to Jews and Hindus, highlighting how these communities are often considered oppressors due to their success.
The article features Aparna Gopalan, news editor of Jewish Currents, who discusses the rise of Hindu nationalism within Hindu diaspora communities and explores the utilization of the pro-Israel playbook by Hindu nationalists.
Indian ethnonationalists have been learning from Israel advocates in their pursuit of political power in the United States.
The author discusses the use of claims of opposition to bigotry to defend bigotry, highlighting examples from the Supreme Court and an article about Hindu-American groups.
The article discusses the use of the pro-Israel playbook by Hindu American organizations to combat criticism of India.
In this article, the author discusses their personal experience as a trans writer wrestling with the classic movie "Yentl" starring Barbra Streisand.