Tag: Hungarian Jews

"The Piano Player of Budapest" by Roxanne de Bastion is a touching account of her grandfather Stephen, a Hungarian composer and musician known as the Piano Player of Budapest, who survived the Holocaust.
In her memoir "Daughter of History," Susan Rubin Suleiman reflects on her childhood in Hungary during WWII and her family's survival amidst the Holocaust.
The author recounts losing and finding a precious Magen David, a symbol with deep personal and historical significance tied to the Holocaust experiences of their parents.
The author reflects on the recently discovered hidden treasures of Jews who died in the Holocaust, contrasting them with her own grandmother's embroidered tablecloths.
Rudolf Vrba, a Slovakian Jewish teenager who changed his name from Walter Rosenberg, escaped from Auschwitz in 1944, becoming one of the few to do so.
In this episode of "The Escape Artist," Jonathan Freedland discusses his new book about Rudolf Vrba, one of four Jews to escape Auschwitz, whose report on the atrocities there helped halt deportations of Hungarian Jews and save thousands of lives.
After the communist regime in Hungary restricted the use of rich and fancy ingredients, traditional Jewish recipes like Jewish eggs lost their original flavors and components, becoming a plain dish known as egg spread.
"The Bugs Are Burning" by Sheldon Hersh and Robert Wolf discusses how the dehumanization of Jews in Eastern Europe during the Holocaust allowed many civilians to turn a blind eye or actively collaborate in the atrocities against Jews, even without direct German involvement.