Tag: Idf Reservists

The text discusses the Rivon movement in Israel, aimed at promoting a more cohesive, inclusive, and respectful public discourse to address internal strife within the country.
Israeli local elections are being held amid the backdrop of recent conflict, with some candidates, like Yaron Rosenthal in Gush Etzion and Noa Shalom in Jerusalem, balancing their campaign efforts with reserve duty in the IDF.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing increasing uncertainty about his political future following the security lapses that allowed Hamas to attack southern Israel on October 7.
Two Israeli reserve soldiers discovered a well-preserved Byzantine-era oil lamp while at a military staging area near the Gaza border.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing a crisis within the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) as thousands of air force reservists have stopped reporting for duty in protest of measures that would weaken the independence of the Israeli Supreme Court.
The article discusses the threat to Israeli democracy and how it is not coming from Benjamin Netanyahu's government, but rather from the Supreme Court.