Tag: Interwar Poland

"The King of Warsaw" by Szczepan Twardoch is a crime novel set in interwar Poland that explores the underworld of Jewish gangsters in Warsaw.
Dr. Cecile Kuznitz, director of Jewish Studies at Bard College, discusses the history of the Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO) in her book "YIVO and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture," exploring its evolution from Interwar Poland to Postwar America.
Dr. Cecile Kuznitz discusses the history of the Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO) in her book "YIVO and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture," exploring its evolution from Interwar Poland to Postwar America.
Dr. Aviva Tal, a Yiddish literature professor at Bar-Ilan University, delves into the little-known topic of Jewish criminal activities in Interwar Poland, highlighting its significant role in Jewish society during that era.
Dr. Cecile Kuznitz, director of Jewish Studies at Bard College, discusses the history of the Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO) in her book "YIVO and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture."
The text explores the role of Sabbath Enforcers, known as Shomrei Shabbos, who historically aimed to protect Shabbat observance, particularly during times when urbanization and modern life posed challenges to traditional observance.