Tag: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

The main concern for Jewish voters in the upcoming elections is security, with a focus on combating rising antisemitism and addressing potential Middle East crises.
Iran's upcoming presidential contest on June 28 is best described as a selection rather than an election, orchestrated by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his allies, with the Guardian Council likely disqualifying most candidates.
The upcoming election campaign in Britain once again brings attention to the Jewish community, reflecting on past fears of existential threats during elections.
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, known for his aggressive foreign policies and support for groups like Hamas, passed away alongside his foreign minister in a helicopter crash.
The article discusses how the West can learn from Israel's approach towards Iran in setting red lines.
Iran has shifted its strategy by directly attacking Israel instead of relying on proxies like Hezbollah, following the assassination of an IRGC commander.
Iran launched a significant attack on Israel using drones, missiles, and cruise missiles, prompting Israeli fighter jets to intercept and destroy the majority of the incoming threats.
The text discusses Israel's military actions against Hamas in Gaza, detailing strategic operations, including a significant combatant-to-civilian casualty ratio favoring Israel.
Iran, known for its antisemitic and warmongering regime and recognized as a sponsor of terrorism, has been rewarded with plush United Nations roles.
The Basij force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a paramilitary militia in Iran, has been using violent repression against protesters in response to the nationwide uprising sparked by the killing of Mahsa Amini.
The article discusses the tendency of Washington elites to prioritize narratives over facts, using the example of the recent Lebanese elections to illustrate this phenomenon.
President Joe Biden's envoy, Robert Malley, is seeking to revive a weaker version of Barack Obama's nuclear deal with Iran.
President Joe Biden's administration is taking a tough stance on Iran, refusing to lift the designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization as a condition for renewing the 2015 nuclear agreement.
Arash Aziz's biography of Qassem Soleimani, titled "The Shadow Commander: Soleimani, the U.S., and Iran's Global Ambitions," explores the life of Iran's most celebrated mass killer.
The struggle between Israel and Hezbollah is rooted in Iran's desire to establish itself among the Shiite populations of the region and challenge nation-states.
The article discusses Iran's history of strategic maneuvers and using proxies in activities such as hostage-taking and terrorist activities.
The United States has officially designated Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization, placing sanctions on the military entity deeply embedded within the Iranian regime.