Tag: Isolationism

In recent years, the Republican Party has shifted towards isolationist tendencies under the influence of figures like Donald Trump, who has abandoned the party's traditional conservative internationalist approach.
Republican strategist Nachama Soloveichik, a key figure in Nikki Haley's presidential campaign, believes the Republican Party is undergoing a midlife crisis characterized by a shift towards neo-isolationism under Donald Trump's influence.
The author expresses anger and frustration towards a group of ultra-Orthodox Jews who resort to violence to maintain their isolationist lifestyle.
In this article, the author expresses admiration for Jonathan Rosenblum, a prominent spokesperson for the Charedi community.
In this Moment Magazine discussion, historian Craig Nelson and former CBS News correspondent Dan Raviv discuss the issue of antisemitism in the United States during World War II and the role of Franklin D. Roosevelt in addressing it.
Jonathan Schanzer of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies discussed Ron DeSantis characterizing the war in Ukraine as a territorial dispute where the U.S. should not intervene on a podcast.
In this article, the author discusses three major debates in the United States since the end of the Cold War: globalization, foreign policy, and the federal deficit.
In 1934, Senator William E. Borah accused Professor Horace M. Kallen of quoting a fake George Washington saying in support of internationalism.
David Simon, known for his work on shows like "The Wire" and "The Deuce," reflects on his adaptation of Philip Roth's novel "The Plot Against America," which imagines an alternate history where Charles Lindbergh, a hero and anti-Semite, becomes president and pushes isolationist and anti-Semitic policies.