Tag: Israel's Declaration Of Independence

The article discusses the life of Theodor Herzl, a key figure in the Zionist movement.
Constitutional expert Prof. Yaniv Roznai attended a historic hearing at Israel's supreme court regarding the first judicial overhaul law passed by the Netanyahu government.
People of the Pod and Israel Story have partnered to create a podcast series called "Signed, Sealed, Delivered?" that explores the lives of the signatories of Israel's Declaration of Independence and their descendants.
A new podcast called "Signed, Sealed, Delivered?" explores the legacy of the 37 signatories of Israel's Declaration of Independence.
In this podcast episode, Linda Gradstein and Noah Efron discuss two main topics.
Journalists Linda Gradstein and Noah Efron delve into discussing two significant topics: the support for Netanyahu's judicial reforms with a large gathering in Jerusalem, and the debate around making Israel's Declaration of Independence a fundamental law for a potential constitution.
The author discusses the significance of Israel's Declaration of Independence in contemporary Israeli society.
In their new book, "Israel's Declaration of Independence: The History and Political Theory of the Nation's Founding Moment," Neil Rogachevsky and Dov Zigler examine the drafting process of Israel's Declaration of Independence and explore the political theory underlying the document.
The book "Israel's Declaration of Independence: The History and Political Theory of the Nation's Founding Moment" by Neil Rogachevsky and Dov Zigler explores the drafting process of Israel's Declaration of Independence and analyzes its political philosophy.
Israel is gearing up for new elections following the 2013 elections, with concerns about the cost and focus on style over substance.
Born in 1886 in Russian-ruled Poland, David Ben-Gurion played a crucial role in the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, facing numerous challenges including the need to build a nation from scratch amidst Arab hostility and international embargoes.