Tag: Israeli American Relationship

The text is a critical letter addressed to U.S. President Joe Biden, expressing dissatisfaction with his administration's approach to Israel and Jewish-related issues.
The article discusses the belief in a powerful Israel lobby that influences U.S. aid to Israel.
In this episode, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain discuss the recent approval by Congress to restock Israel's Iron Dome missile system with American aid.
At the Israeli-American Council Summit in December 2019, President Donald Trump criticized American Jews who he felt did not show enough support for Israel, questioning their decisions during the previous administration.
In the book "#IsraeliJudaism: A Portrait of a Cultural Revolution," authors Shmuel Rosner and Camil Fuchs discuss the evolution of Jewish identity in Israel, highlighting a new category they call "Jewsraelis," comprising 55% of the Israeli Jewish population.