Tag: Itamar Ben Gvir

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed hesitance towards the ceasefire terms proposed by President Joe Biden to end the Israel-Hamas war, stating that there are gaps between the terms presented and what he is willing to accept.
The US State Department has imposed sanctions on Ben Zion Bentzi Gopstein, a far-right Israeli activist, and two Israeli organizations for their destabilizing activities and fundraising efforts supporting sanctioned settlers in the West Bank.
Interior Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir of the Jewish Power Party proposed severe restrictions on Muslim access to Jerusalems Al Aqsa mosque during Ramadan, despite opposition from Israeli security forces.
In a concerning development for Israel, a split within the war cabinet, exacerbated by the ongoing tensions in Jerusalem, is outlined.
Two Israelis were killed and four others wounded in a terror attack at a bus stop in southern Israel, with the perpetrator from east Jerusalem being shot dead by a civilian on the scene.
In this episode, Miriam Herschlag and Noah Efron discuss Hamas setting out demands for the release of Israeli hostages in Gaza and the implications of negotiating with terrorists.
Itamar Ben-Gvir, a far-right cabinet minister in Israel, openly criticizes President Joe Biden for his support of humanitarian aid to Palestine.
The author criticizes the extreme bias of two Jewish publications, the right-wing Jewish Press and the left-wing Haaretz.
The shooting of an Israeli civilian by an IDF soldier has sparked a debate about vigilante culture in Israel.
In this article, Rabbi Jay Michaelson argues that the far-right members of Benjamin Netanyahu's government, including National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, should be removed from power.
The families of hostages held in Gaza have been fighting to be heard, facing violence and neglect in their efforts to retrieve their loved ones.
Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, right-wing leaders in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government, have expressed support for a broad emergency government to defeat the Hamas terrorist group.
The article discusses the recent attack by Morton A. Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, on Jack Lew, an Orthodox Jew who has been nominated as the next American ambassador to Israel.
The U.S. State Department has condemned Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir for his controversial statement that Jewish rights to freedom of movement in the West Bank are more important than those of Arab residents.
The text discusses the duty of Jews, both in Israel and the diaspora, to speak out against extremism within the Israeli government, exemplified by figures like Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich.
Israeli TikTok has become a platform for far-right content, with politicians like Itamar Ben-Gvir using it to promote Jewish supremacy and extremist settler ideologies.
An Israeli woman was killed and her driver injured in a shooting attack outside Hebron, the latest in a series of deadly attacks in the West Bank.
Israeli protesters traveled to the small village of Neve Ativ, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was staying for vacation, to disrupt his peace and send a message of opposition.
The author reflects on the recent judicial reforms in Israel, expressing concern for the future of Israeli democracy.
This article discusses the growing boldness of settler attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank.
In this episode of Double Feature, special guests Ruth Margalit and Yonatan Green offer conflicting perspectives on Israel's current state.
Avi Issacharoff, the co-creator of the television show 'Fauda', warns of impending violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories, suggesting the possibility of a third Intifada.
The author begins by agreeing with Hillel Halkin's portrayal of the current cultural and political situation in Israel, which is marked by despair and uncertainty.
Israel is currently in a state of political crisis, with a broken political system and repeated elections causing chaos.
Canadian Jewish leaders are expressing concerns about Israel's new government, expected to be led by Benjamin Netanyahu and composed of right-wing politicians with controversial views.