Tag: Jewish Christmas

"The Gospel According to Chaim" is a new Yiddish play by Mikhl Yashinsky that explores the story of a Jewish-born Christian missionary, Chaim Henry Einspruch, who translated the New Testament into Yiddish.
The article presents a list of Jewish-themed activities to do in New York City during the Christmas season.
The author reflects on growing up in a Jewish family in Manchester during the 1950s and the complexities of celebrating Christmas as Jews.
The author reflects on their initial reservations about their daughter's due date being on December 24, worried that her birthday would be overshadowed by Christmas.
Yonit and Jonathan discuss Christmas as observed by Jews worldwide.
In a humorous reflection on being Jewish during Christmas in Texas, the writer explores the contrasts and interactions between Jewish culture and the festive Texas atmosphere, highlighting the feelings of unease and acceptance intertwined in the experience.
In episode 162 of "A Very Jewish Christmas," the hosts feature Bill Adler, the Def Jam alum involved in creating the iconic song "Christmas in Hollis" by Run DMC, which became a holiday favorite.