Tag: Jewish History Podcast

The TORCH organization is currently holding a fundraising campaign to support the TORAH 101 Podcast, emphasizing that all donations will be doubled during this matching campaign.
In this podcast, the topic of discussion is the resurrection of the righteous in the Messianic times.
In this podcast, the speaker discusses the question of what will happen in the times of the Messiah.
Josephus Flavius, a significant figure in Jewish history, stands out for his unconventional approach to historiography by not just documenting events but also inserting himself into the narrative.
In this podcast, the nature of the afterlife in Judaism, known as Olam Haba, is explored.
This text discusses the concept of reincarnation in Jewish belief.
In this podcast episode, the topic of divine reward and punishment is explored.
In this TORAH 101 podcast episode, the host explores the subject of Kabbalah, which is the hidden and mystical parts of the Torah.
The Mishnah is a collection of 63 books that codified and canonized the laws of the Oral Torah around 200 CE.
The Seventh Principle of Faith focuses on Moses, revered as the greatest man and prophet in Judaism, surpassing even angels.
The discussion explores the apparent discrepancies between Torah teachings and scientific consensus, particularly regarding the age of the universe, the concept of evolution, and the creation of species.
The text discusses the Third Principle of the Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith, which asserts that God is incorporeal, meaning He has no physical body and does not act in a bodily manner.
The podcast explores the concept of God's singularity as stated in the Second Principle of Jewish Faith, emphasizing that God's oneness is absolute and incomparable.
The podcast discusses the difference between the foundational faith, represented by the Thirteen Principles of Faith, which underpins Judaism, and the everyday faith that is integral to Jewish spiritual life.
The Rambam's Thirteen Principles of Faith are a widely accepted articulation of Jewish beliefs, found in his commentary on Mishnah.
The text discusses the importance of the accurate transmission of the Oral Torah in Jewish law and faith over 1400 years, emphasizing that the Torah given to Moses has been passed down without error.
The text discusses an introduction to the Oral Torah, highlighting the four components of the Oral Torah and the four elements not found in the Written Torah.
In a podcast recorded at the TORCH Centre in Houston, the speaker explores the concept of cognitive dissonance when facing the idea of a God-given Torah, which may challenge individuals' beliefs and behaviors.
In a podcast recorded at the TORCH Centre in Houston, TX, the discussion delves into the fallacies of critics who question the authorship of the Torah.