Tag: Jewish Holiday Cooking

Minina is a traditional Tunisian baked omelette that can be adapted for Pesach with versions featuring butternut squash, salmon, or chicken as the base.
A tutorial video demonstrating how to make a delicious and moist banana bread recipe suitable for Passover, including a list of ingredients and baking instructions.
This article presents ten delicious vegan recipes suitable for Pesach (Passover) to accommodate vegan Seder meals or guests.
This recipe for Kefta-Stuffed Onions with Pomegranate Reduction offers a delicious and sophisticated addition to Pesach meals.
The article discusses a recipe for Orange and Red Soup that would be a great addition to a Rosh Hashanah table or any dinner in September or early October.
This newsletter includes a recipe for Frangipane Cheesecake Spirals, a delicious dessert for Shavuot or springtime.
Honey cake, a traditional staple on Rosh Hashanah tables, is undergoing a modern revival.