Tag: Jewish Intellectual

In his book "Elie Wiesel: Confronting the Silence," Joseph Berger offers the first English-language biography of Elie Wiesel, the renowned Jewish intellectual and Holocaust author.
Joseph Berger, a former New York Times journalist, shares insights from his book "Elie Wiesel: Confronting the Silence," which is the first English-language biography of the renowned Jewish intellectual and Holocaust author, Elie Wiesel.
Bernard-Henri Lévy, a French writer and thinker, is described as a nomad in the literary world.
David N. Myers, a Jewish history professor at UCLA, and Benjamin Ravid, a professor at Brandeis University, shed light on the life and contributions of Simon Rawidowicz, an influential Jewish intellectual of the 20th century.
Professors David N. Myers and Benjamin Ravid reflect on the life and contributions of Simon Rawidowicz, a significant 20th-century Jewish intellectual, often overlooked, in a compilation of his key writings.
Yuval Noah Harari, a Hebrew University professor, has gained worldwide fame for his book "Sapiens," which traces the history of humankind with a focus on cognitive and agricultural revolutions, societal progress, and the impacts of science, politics, and economics on modernity.
Daniel Bell, a prominent figure among the New York intellectuals, emerged from a Jewish immigrant neighborhood with leftist influences.
Isaac Rosenfeld, a mid-century American Jewish intellectual known for his essays, novels, and cultural criticism, is explored in Steven Zipperstein's biography "Rosenfeld's Lives."