Tag: Jewish Israelis

The author reflects on encountering an empty college protest site, highlighting that such demonstrations represent a small fraction of the student body.
The ongoing Israel-Hamas war has led to scrutiny and even punishment of Israel's Arab-Palestinian minority for mourning their kin in Gaza, as discussed by Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and journalist Naomi Zeveloff discuss the Israeli elections, the potential shift of Jewish Israelis towards voting for the Arab-Israeli Joint List, and the efforts of ultra-Orthodox politicians to attract a broader voter base by emphasizing common concerns like healthcare and poverty.
In preparation for upcoming elections, a discussion is held by Don Futterman, Noah Efron, and Judy Maltz from Haaretz about reasons one might vote for parties to the Left of Likud in Israel.
Secular Jewish Israelis in Israel are experiencing what is termed as "Christmas envy," where they enthusiastically partake in the superficial joys of Christmas celebrations despite not being part of the Christian faith.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss significant topics including the Labor Party leadership race, the challenges of coexistence between Palestinians and Israelis, and the IDF's controversial cancellation of a feminist workshop for female officers.
Dr. Uriel Abulof from Tel Aviv University delves into his book "The Mortality and Morality of Nations" during a conversation with host Gilad Halpern, focusing on three case studies: French Canadians, Afrikaners, and Jewish Israelis, who struggle with existential concerns regarding their identity and statehood.