Tag: Jewish Leadership Council

Despite deep frustration with the Tories, many Jews in the UK remain wary of Labour but are beginning to consider supporting the party again, with one in three Jewish voters willing to back Labour in the upcoming election.
On October 7, a terrorist attack on Israeli civilians by Hamas revealed extreme brutality against women, including rape, mutilation, and murder.
The Jewish Community Professionals Conference will focus on building emotional resilience and well-being in the face of recent challenges, with various sessions addressing topics such as leadership during difficult times, connecting with others, and measuring impact.
The late Rabbi Dr. Sidney Brichto, a strong advocate for Israel within Progressive Jewish circles, felt that the term Zionism had been so distorted by its opponents that it should be retired, as it had become a target for antisemitism.
The article discusses Jewish leadership in the U.K., focusing on a study conducted by United Jewish Israel Appeal (UJIA) and the Jewish Leadership Council (JLC) to identify and support current and future Jewish leaders.
The letters to the editor cover various topics, with one expressing concern about the power of chants like "From the River to the Sea" to shape perceptions and potentially evoke harmful historical parallels, urging vigilance in addressing antisemitism.
Various letters to the editor discuss different aspects of Jewish communal leadership and events.
The letters to the editor discuss the relevance of the Board of Deputies in 2024 and its role in representing the British Jewish community.
The election for the presidency of the Board of Deputies is approaching, with the main challenge being the organization's relevance in the modern Jewish community.
Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis, in collaboration with the Israeli government, has initiated a comprehensive review of the 32 Jewish schools under his authority in the UK, aiming to enhance the educational system and foster a deeper love and understanding of Judaism among students.
Ort UK has expanded its successful Jump mentoring program to help teenagers prepare for the workforce.
British Jews are uniting in protest against the Labour Party's normalization of anti-Semitism under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership.