Tag: Judicial Overhaul

The ongoing protests against the Israeli government's plan to overhaul the judicial system have exposed deep divisions within Israeli society and shattered the unspoken social contract that has kept the country thriving for over 75 years.
Israel has taken a significant step in its judicial reform, as one crucial measure has passed into law.
Martin Indyk, former US ambassador to Israel, expresses deep concern over the current split in Israel caused by the judicial overhaul.
This video discusses the recent passage of part of the judicial overhaul bill in Israel and offers a perspective on the movement against the Israeli government.
The tensions in Israel over the judicial overhaul proposed by Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition have drawn concern from the Biden administration.
The recent judicial overhaul in Israel has had a profound impact on writers in the country, with many seeing it as a pivotal moment.
The Knesset recently held final votes on legislation for a judicial overhaul, a key part of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government.
Haggai Matar, executive director of 972mag, joins a Zoom call to discuss the ongoing protests against Israel's proposed judicial overhaul.
On the 28th consecutive week of protests against a proposed judicial overhaul in Israel, supporters, including Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain, gathered in Jerusalem to voice their concerns.
This article discusses the ongoing protests in Israel against a proposed judicial overhaul.
Despite significant political turmoil in Israel due to protests over proposed judicial changes, American tourism to Israel has reached record levels, surpassing pre-pandemic numbers.
The Arab community in Israel faces challenges under the current right-wing government and its judicial overhaul plan, sparking uncertainty in the fragile relations between the state and its largest minority.
The Arab community in Israel is facing challenges due to the right-wing government's plan for a judicial overhaul.
Chaim Levinson of Haaretz discusses Yair Netanyahu, the son of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a conversation on the Unholy Podcast.
The annual Celebrate Israel Parade in New York City showcased the divisions within Israel and the Jewish community, as protesters confronted members of Netanyahu's government who were participating in the parade.
The text discusses the recent protests in Israel against government judicial reforms.
The annual Celebrate Israel parade in New York City showcased Israel's judicial strife, as more than 40,000 people marched down Fifth Avenue amidst political upheaval over the government's proposed judicial overhaul.
In a discussion between Walla News Chief Political Correspondent Tal Shalev and journalist Neri Zilber, the current state of Israeli politics is analyzed after the passing of the state budget.
Walla News Chief Political Correspondent Tal Shalev and Israel Policy Forum Policy Advisor Neri Zilber discuss Israeli politics post the state budget passing, focusing on Netanyahu's challenges from protests, coalition hardliners, and upcoming pitfalls.
In this interview, Col. (res.) Dr. Michael Milshtein, a former Israeli military intelligence official, discusses the recent conflict between Israel and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Gaza, dubbed "Operation Shield and Arrow."
Former head of the Palestinian arena in Israeli Military Intelligence, Col. (res.) Dr. Michael Milshtein, and journalist Neri Zilber discuss the recent Israel-Palestinian Islamic Jihad conflict, Operation Shield and Arrow, assessing its implications for Israel's Gaza strategy, the relationship between PIJ and Hamas, Iran's involvement, and the likelihood of future violence.
Israel recently celebrated its 75th birthday amidst internal tensions, highlighted by the unsure status of a judicial overhaul and revisiting Netanyahu's foreign press campaign.
In a discussion on Israel's 75th Independence Day, journalist Neri Zilber hosts Michael Koplow and Shira Efron to reflect on recent events in Israel.
In this episode, Neri Zilber hosts a discussion about Israel's 75th Independence Day.
As Passover approaches, the author reflects on the significance of the holiday in the current state of the world.